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(Abridged) Context. Core condensation is a critical step in the star-formation process, but is still poorly characterized observationally. Aims. We have studied the 10 pc-long L1495/B213 complex in Taurus to investigate how dense cores have condensed out of the lower-density cloud material. Results. From the N$_2$H$^+$ emission, we identify 19 dense cores, some starless and some protostellar. They are not distributed uniformly, but tend to cluster with relative separations on the order of 0.25 pc. From the C$^{18}$O emission, we identify multiple velocity components in the gas. We have characterized them by fitting gaussians to the spectra, and by studying the distribution of the fits in position-position-velocity space. In this space, the C$^{18}$O components appear as velocity-coherent structures, and we have identified them automatically using a dedicated algorithm (FIVe: Friends In Velocity). Using this algorithm, we have identified 35 filamentary components with typical lengths of 0.5 pc, sonic internal velocity dispersions, and mass-per-unit-length close to the stability threshold of isothermal cylinders at 10 K. Core formation seems to have occurred inside the filamentary components via fragmentation, with a small number of fertile components with larger mass-per-unit-length being responsible for most cores in the cloud. At large scales, the filamentary components appear grouped into families, which we refer to as bundles. Conclusions. Core formation in L1495/B213 has proceeded by hierarchical fragmentation. The cloud fragmented first into several pc-scale regions. Each of these regions later fragmented into velocity-coherent filaments of about 0.5 pc in length. Finally, a small number of these filaments fragmented quasi-statically and produced the individual dense cores we see today.
139 - J. Kauffmann 2011
We report the detection of a compact (of order 5 arcsec; about 1800 AU projected size) CO outflow from L1148-IRS. This confirms that this Spitzer source is physically associated with the nearby (about 325 pc) L1148 dense core. Radiative transfer mode ling suggests an internal luminosity of 0.08 to 0.13 L_sun. This validates L1148-IRS as a Very Low Luminosity Object (VeLLO; L < 0.1 L_sun). The L1148 dense core has unusually low densities and column densities for a star-forming core. It is difficult to understand how L1148-IRS might have formed under these conditions. Independent of the exact final mass of this VeLLO (which is likely < 0.24 M_sun), L1148-IRS and similar VeLLOs might hold some clues about the isolated formation of brown dwarfs.
We present a new high-resolution study of pre-protocluster regions in tracers exclusively probing the coldest and dense gas (NH_2D). The data are used to constrain the chemical, thermal, kinematic, and physical conditions (i.e., densities) in G29.96e and G35.20w. NH_3, NH_2D, and continuum emission were mapped using the VLA, and PdBI. In particular, NH_2D is a unique tracer of cold, precluster gas at high densities, while NH_3 traces both the cold and warm gas of modest-to-high densities. In G29.96e, Spitzer images reveal two massive filaments, one of them in extinction (infrared dark cloud). We observe very low line widths in NH_3 (FWHM <1km/s). These multi-wavelength, high-resolution observations of high-mass pre-protocluster regions show that the target regions are characterized by (i) turbulent Jeans fragmentation of massive clumps into cores (from a Jeans analysis); (ii) cores and clumps that are over-bound/subvirial, i.e. turbulence is too weak to support them against collapse, meaning that (iii) some models of monolithic cloud collapse are quantitatively inconsistent with data; (iv) accretion from the core onto a massive star, which can (for observed core sizes and velocities) be sustained by accretion of envelope material onto the core, suggesting that (similar to competitive accretion scenarios) the mass reservoir for star formation is not necessarily limited to the natal core; (v) high deuteration ratios ([NH_2D/NH_3]>6%), which make the above discoveries possible; (vi) and the destruction of NH_2D toward embedded stars. [abridged]

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