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We compute the topological entanglement entropy for a large set of lattice models in $d$-dimensions. It is well known that many such quantum systems can be constructed out of lattice gauge models. For dimensionality higher than two, there are general izations going beyond gauge theories, which are called higher gauge theories and rely on higher-order generalizations of groups. Our main concern is a large class of $d$-dimensional quantum systems derived from Abelian higher gauge theories. In this paper, we derive a general formula for the bipartition entanglement entropy for this class of models, and from it we extract both the area law and the sub-leading terms, which explicitly depend on the topology of the entangling surface. We show that the entanglement entropy $S_A$ in a sub-region $A$ is proportional to $log(GSD_{tilde{A}})$, where (GSD_{tilde{A}}) is the ground state degeneracy of a particular restriction of the full model to (A). The quantity $GSD_{tilde{A}}$ can be further divided into a contribution that scales with the size of the boundary $partial A$ and a term which depends on the topology of $partial A$. There is also a topological contribution coming from $A$ itself, that may be non-zero when $A$ has a non-trivial homology. We present some examples and discuss how the topology of $A$ affects the topological entropy. Our formalism allows us to do most of the calculation for arbitrary dimension $d$. The result is in agreement with entanglement calculations for known topological models.
In recent years, attempts to generalize lattice gauge theories to model topological order have been carried out through the so called $2$-gauge theories. These have opened the door to interesting new models and new topological phases which are not de scribed by previous schemes of classification. In this paper we show that we can go beyond the $2$-gauge construction when considering chain complexes of abelian groups. Based on elements of homological algebra we are able to greatly simplify already known constructions for abelian theories under a single all encompassing framework. Furthermore, this formalism allows us to systematize the computation of the corresponding topological degeneracies of the ground states and establishes a connection between them and a known cohomology, which conveniently characterizes them with a suitable set of quantum numbers.

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