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Fix integers $ggeq 3$ and $rgeq 2$, with $rgeq 3$ if $g=3$. Given a compact connected Riemann surface $X$ of genus $g$, let $MDH(X)$ denote the corresponding $text{SL}(r, {mathbb C})$ Deligne--Hitchin moduli space. We prove that the complex analytic space $MDH(X)$ determines (up to an isomorphism) the unordered pair ${X, overline{X}}$, where $overline{X}$ is the Riemann surface defined by the opposite almost complex structure on $X$.
Let X be an irreducible smooth complex projective curve of genus g>2, and let x be a fixed point. A framed bundle is a pair (E,phi), where E is a vector bundle over X, of rank r and degree d, and phi:E_xto C^r is a non-zero homomorphism. There is a n otion of (semi)stability for framed bundles depending on a parameter tau>0, which gives rise to the moduli space of tau-semistable framed bundles M^tau. We prove a Torelli theorem for M^tau, for tau>0 small enough, meaning, the isomorphism class of the one-pointed curve (X,x), and also the integer r, are uniquely determined by the isomorphism class of the variety M^tau.

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