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We consider the process of catastrophic expansion of a spacelike wormhole after a violation of its equilibrium state. The dynamics of deformation of the comoving reference frame is investigated. We show that the deformation has a very specific anisot ropic feature. The statement made earlier by other authors, that in the process of expanding the wormhole connecting two universes these universes ultimately unite into one universe, is not correct. We show that the transverse size of the wormhole (its throat) increases and the length of the corridor decreases which does not correspond to the de Sitter model.
We consider the Stokes parameters frequency spectral distortions arising due to Compton scattering of the anisotropic cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation, the Sunyaev-Zel dovich effect (SZ), towards clusters of galaxies. We single out a very special type of such distortions and find simple analytical formulas for them. We show that this kind of distortion has a very distinctive spectral shape and can be separated from other kinds of contaminants. We demonstrate that this effect gives us an opportunity for an independent estimation of the low-multipole angular CMB anisotropies, such as the dipole, the quadrupole, and the octupole. We also show that, using distorted signals from nearby and distant clusters, one can distinguish between the Sachs-Wolfe and the integrated Sachs-Wolfe effects. The detection of such distortions can be feasible with high-angular resolution and high-sensitivity space missions, such as the upcoming Millimetron Space Observatory experiment.
Turbulence in tokamaks generates radially sheared zonal flows. Their oscillatory counterparts, geodesic acoustic modes (GAMs), appear due to the action of the magnetic field curvature. The GAMs can be driven unstable by an anisotropic energetic parti cle (EP) population leading to the formation of global radial structures, called EGAMs. The EGAMs can redistribute EP energy to the bulk plasma through collisionless wave-particle interaction. In such a way, the EGAMs might contribute to the plasma heating. Thus, investigation of EGAM properties, especially in the velocity space, is necessary for precise understanding of the transport phenomena in tokamak plasmas. In this work, the nonlinear dynamics of EGAMs without considering the mode interaction with the turbulence is investigated with the help of a Mode-Particle-Resonance (MPR) diagnostic implemented in the global gyrokinetic particle-in-cell code ORB5. An ASDEX Upgrade discharge is chosen as a reference case for this investigation due to its rich EP nonlinear dynamics. An experimentally relevant magnetic field configuration, thermal species profiles and an EP density profile are taken for EGAM chirping modelling and its comparison with available empirical data. The same magnetic configuration is used to explore energy transfer by the mode from the energetic particles to the thermal plasma including kinetic electron effects. For a given EGAM level the plasma heating by the mode can be significantly enhanced by varying the EP parameters. Electron dynamics decreases the EGAM saturation amplitude and consequently reduces the plasma heating, even though the mode transfers its energy to thermal ions much more than to electrons.
We consider the effect of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) frequency spectral distortions arising due to the Compton scattering of the anisotropic radiation on Sunyaev-Zeldovich (SZ) clusters. We derive the correction to the thermal SZ effect du e to the presence of multipoles with $ell=1,2,3$ in the anisotropy of the CMB radiation. We show that this effect gives us an opportunity for an independent evaluation of the CMB dipole, quadrupole and octupole angular anisotropy in our location using distorted signal from the nearby galaxy clusters and to distinguish between the Sachs-Wolfe (SW) and the Integrated Sachs-Wolfe (ISW) effects by combining such signals from distant and nearby clusters. The future space mission Millimetron will have unprecedented sensitivity, which will make it possible to observe the spectral distortion we are considering.
In the framework of the Theory of General Relativity, models of stars with an unusual equation of state $rho c^2<0$, $P>0$ where $rho$ is the mass density and $P$ is the pressure, are constructed. These objects create outside themselves the forces of gravitational repulsion. The equilibrium of such stars is ensured by a non-standard balance of forces. Negative mass density, acting gravitationally on itself, creates an acceleration of the negative mass, directed from the center. Therefore in the absence of pressure such an object tends to expand. At the same time, the positive pressure, which falls just like in ordinary stars from the center to the surface, creates a force directed from the center. This force acts on the negative mass density, which causes acceleration directed the opposite of the acting force, that is to the center of the star. This acceleration balances the gravitational repulsion produced by the negative mass. Thus, in our models gravity and pressure change roles: the negative mass tends to create a gravitational repulsion, while the gradient of the pressure acting on the negative mass tends to compress the star. In this paper, we construct several models of such a star with various equations of state.
Geodesic acoustic modes (GAMs) are studied by means of the gyrokinetic global particle-in-cell code ORB5. Linear electromagnetic simulations in the low electron beta limit have been performed, in order to separate acoustic and Alfvenic time scales an d obtain more accurate measurements. The dependence of the frequency and damping rate on several parameters such as the safety factor, the GAM radial wavenumber and the plasma elongation is studied. All simulations have been performed with kinetic electrons with realistic electron/ion mass ratio. Interpolating formulae for the GAM frequency and damping rate, based on the results of the gyrokinetic simulations, have been derived. Using these expressions, the influence of the temperature gradient on the damping rate is also investigated. Finally, the results are applied to the study of a real discharge of the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak.
In this paper we construct a precise mathematical model of the Multiverse, consisted of the universes, that are connected with each other by dynamical wormholes. We consider spherically symmetric free of matter wormholes. At the same time separate un iverses in this model are not necessary spherically symmetric and can significantly differ from one another. We also analyze a possibility of the information exchange between different universes.
The stability of one type of the static Ellis-Bronnikov-Morris-Thorne wormholes is considered. These wormholes filled with radial magnetic field and phantom dust with a negative energy density.
We demonstrate the possibility of dynamic imaging of magnetic fields using electromagnetically induced transparency in an atomic gas. As an experimental demonstration we employ an atomic Rb gas confined in a glass cell to image the transverse magneti c field created by a long straight wire. In this arrangement, which clearly reveals the essential effect, the field of view is about 2 x 2 mm^2 and the field detection uncertainty is 0.14 mG per 10 um x 10 um image pixel.
We analyze analytically and numerically the origin of the singularity in the course of the collapse of a wormhole with the exotic scalar field Psi with negative energy density, and with this field Psi together with the ordered magnetic field H. We do this under the simplifying assumptions of the spherical symmetry and that in the vicinity of the singularity the solution of the Einstein equations depends only on one coordinate (the homogeneous approximation). In the framework of these assumptions we found the principal difference between the case of the collapse of the ordinary scalar field Phi with the positive energy density together with an ordered magnetic field H and the collapse of the exotic scalar field Psi together with the magnetic field H. The later case is important for the possible astrophysical manifestation of the wormholes.

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