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Gravitational wave (GW) detection is now commonplace and as the sensitivity of the global network of GW detectors improves, we will observe $mathcal{O}(100)$s of transient GW events per year. The current methods used to estimate their source paramete rs employ optimally sensitive but computationally costly Bayesian inference approaches where typical analyses have taken between 6 hours and 5 days. For binary neutron star and neutron star black hole systems prompt counterpart electromagnetic (EM) signatures are expected on timescales of 1 second -- 1 minute and the current fastest method for alerting EM follow-up observers, can provide estimates in $mathcal{O}(1)$ minute, on a limited range of key source parameters. Here we show that a conditional variational autoencoder pre-trained on binary black hole signals can return Bayesian posterior probability estimates. The training procedure need only be performed once for a given prior parameter space and the resulting trained machine can then generate samples describing the posterior distribution $sim 6$ orders of magnitude faster than existing techniques.
We report on the construction of a deep convolutional neural network that can reproduce the sensitivity of a matched-filtering search for binary black hole gravitational-wave signals. The standard method for the detection of well modeled transient gr avitational-wave signals is matched filtering. However, the computational cost of such searches in low latency will grow dramatically as the low frequency sensitivity of gravitational-wave detectors improves. Convolutional neural networks provide a highly computationally efficient method for signal identification in which the majority of calculations are performed prior to data taking during a training process. We use only whitened time series of measured gravitational-wave strain as an input, and we train and test on simulated binary black hole signals in synthetic Gaussian noise representative of Advanced LIGO sensitivity. We show that our network can classify signal from noise with a performance that emulates that of match filtering applied to the same datasets when considering the sensitivity defined by Reciever-Operator characteristics.

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