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83 - Huiquan Li 2021
We show that the equation of motion from the Dirac-Born-Infeld effective action of a general scalar field with some specific potentials admits exact solutions after appropriate field redefinitions. Based on the exact solutions and their energy-moment um tensors, we find that massive scalars and massless scalars of oscillating modes in the DBI effective theory are not pressureless generically for any possible momenta, which implies that the pressureless tachyon matter forming at late time of the tachyon condensation process should not really be some massive matter. It is more likely that the tachyon field at late time behaves as a massless scalar of zero modes. At kinks, the tachyon can be viewed as a massless scalar of a translational zero mode describing a stable and static D-brane with one dimension lower. Near the vacuum, the tachyon in regions without the caustic singularities can be viewed as a massless scalar that has the same zero mode solution as a fundamental string moving with a critical velocity. We find supporting evidences to this conclusion by considering a DBI theory with modified tachyon potential, in which the development of caustics near the vacuum may be avoided.
Starquakes probably occur in rapidly spinning or ultra high field neutron stars. In this short article, we argue that highly compressed gas containing electron-positron pairs could evaporate and erupt from inside the neutron star when a crack forms a nd then heals during a starquake. Under the influence of the existing oscillation modes of the star, the crack may have sufficiently large size and long lifetime. An appropriate amount of gas can erupt into the magnetosphere with relativistic and nearly uniform velocity, producing various transient and bursting phenomena.
We show that energy should be dissipated or extracted in the current sheet (CS) of a split magnetosphere deviating from the Michel split monopole, with the CS heating up or cooling down. But the electromagnetic energy remains unchanged everywhere. Ba sed on the de-centered monopole solution generated by symmetry in flat spacetime, we construct two generalized split monopole configurations, in which the field lines intersect with the CS at arbitrary angles. One configuration resembles the outer geometry of the so-called ``new pulsar magnetosphere model, for which up to $47%$ of the spin down energy is transferred to the Joule heating process in the CS. In the other configuration, we observe that negative energy is dissipated in the CS, which is usually observed in magnetospheres on rotating black holes. This means that energy is extracted simultaneously from the central star and the CS to power the output Poynting flux at infinity. We interpret the extraction of energy from the CS as that thermal energy of charged particles in the CS is transferred to the ordered kinetic energy of these particles drifting in the force-free (FF) electromagnetic fields. Hence, the CS is like an ``air conditioner in the sky, which can heat up or cool down, depending on the configurations.
263 - Huiquan Li , Jiancheng Wang 2020
We discuss the merger process of binary black holes with Hawking radiation taken into account. Besides the redshifted radiation to infinity, binary black holes can exchange radiation between themselves, which is first redshifted and then blueshifted when it propagates from one hole to the other. The exchange rate should be large when the temperature-divergent horizons are penetrating each other to form a single horizon with unique temperature. This will cause non-negligible mass and angular momentum transfer between the black holes during the merging process of the horizons. We further argue in the large mass ratio limit that the light hole whose local evaporation is enhanced by the competing redshift-blueshift effects will probably evaporate or decay completely before reaching the the horizon of the heavy one. We also discuss the possibility of testing Hawking radiation and even exploring the information loss puzzle in gravitational wave observations.
133 - Huiquan Li , Jiancheng Wang 2019
We study the force-free electrodynamics on rotating black holes in the Born-Infeld (BI) effective theory. The stream equation describing a steady and axisymmetric magnetosphere is derived. From its near-horizon behavior, we obtain the modified Znajek regularity condition, with which we find that the horizon resistivity in the BI theory is generally not a constant. As expected, the outer boundary condition far away from the hole remains unchanged. In terms of the conditions at both boundaries, we derive the perturbative solution of split monopole in the slow rotation limit. It is interesting to realise that the correction to the solution relies not only on the parameter in the BI theory, but also on the radius (or the mass) of the hole. We also show that the quantum effects can undermine the energy extraction process of the magnetosphere in the non-linear theory and the extraction rate gets the maximum in the Maxwell theory.
Quantum electrodynamics (QED) effects may be included in physical processes of magnetar and pulsar magnetospheres with strong magnetic fields. Involving the quantum corrections, the Maxwell electrodynamics is modified to non-linear electrodynamics. I n this work, we study the force-free magnetosphere in non-linear electrodynamics in a general framework. The pulsar equation describing a steady and axisymmetric magnetosphere is derived, which now admits solutions with corrections. We derive the first-order non-linear corrections to the near-zone dipole magnetosphere in some popular non-linear effective theories. The field lines of the corrected dipole tend to converge on the rotational axis so that the fields in the polar region are stronger compared to the pure dipole case.
In this work, we consider the possibility of energy release in pulsar magnetospheres deformed by gravitational waves from nearby sources. The strong electromagnetic fields in the magnetospheres may release non-negligible energy despite the weakness o f the gravitational wave. When the background spacetime is perturbed due to the passage of a gravitational wave, the original force-free state of the inner magnetosphere will be slightly violated. The plasma-filled magnetosphere tends to evolve into new force-free states as the spacetime varies with time. During this process, a small portion of the electromagnetic energy stored in the magnetosphere will be released to the acceleration of charged particles along the magnetic field lines. When the pulsar is close enough to the gravitational wave source (e.g., $sim10^{-2}$ pc to the gravitational wave sources observed recently), the resulting energy loss rate is comparable with the radio luminosity of the pulsar. It is also noticed that, under very stringent conditions (for magnetars with much shorter distance to the sources), the released energy can reach the typical energy observed from fast radio bursts (FRBs).
131 - Huiquan Li , Jiancheng Wang 2017
In this work, expanded solutions of force-free magnetospheres on general Kerr black holes are derived through a radial distance expansion method. From the regular conditions both at the horizon and at spatial infinity, two previously known asymptotic al solutions (one of them is actually an exact solution) are identified as the only solutions that satisfy the same conditions at the two boundaries. Taking them as initial conditions at the boundaries, expanded solutions up to the first few orders are derived by solving the stream equation order by order. It is shown that our extension of the exact solution can (partially) cure the problems of the solution: it leads to magnetic domination and a mostly timelike current for restricted parameters.
46 - Huiquan Li , J. X. Lu 2015
In this work, we present a few pieces of evidence in support of a possible connection of the gravitational theory in dS space to the worldvolume theory of unstable D-branes. We show that the action describing the geodesic motion of a massive particle (or point-like object) in static dS space turns out to be the same as that of the tachyon field theory for an unstable particle. The motion along the radial direction from the origin, a locally Minkowski spacetime, to the horizon, a locally Rindler space times a sphere, represents just the tachyon condensation process, therefore providing a geometric picture of tachyon condensation. We further study a scalar in global or flat dS and the tachyon fluctuations in a homogeneous tachyon background, representing either the full or half S-brane, on unstable D-branes and find that certain dynamics of the dS universe corresponds to that of the homogeneous full or half S-brane. The thermal temperature of tachyon radiation is found to agree with that felt by any timelike observer in dS space. In string theory context, this temperature is just the Hagedorn one, signaling a phase transition to closed strings. An understanding of this transition in the bulk dS space is also given.
We study force-free magnetospheres in the Blandford-Znajek process from rapidly rotating black holes by adopting the near-horizon geometry of near-extreme Kerr black holes (near-NHEK). It is shown that the Znajek regularity condition on the horizon c an be directly derived from the resulting stream equation. In terms of the condition, we split the full stream equation into two separate equations. Approximate solutions around the rotation axis are derived. They are found to be consistent with previous solutions obtained in the asymptotic region. The solutions indicate energy and angular-momentum extraction from the hole.

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