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With the increased availability of rich tactile sensors, there is an equally proportional need for open-source and integrated software capable of efficiently and effectively processing raw touch measurements into high-level signals that can be used f or control and decision-making. In this paper, we present PyTouch -- the first machine learning library dedicated to the processing of touch sensing signals. PyTouch, is designed to be modular, easy-to-use and provides state-of-the-art touch processing capabilities as a service with the goal of unifying the tactile sensing community by providing a library for building scalable, proven, and performance-validated modules over which applications and research can be built upon. We evaluate PyTouch on real-world data from several tactile sensors on touch processing tasks such as touch detection, slip and object pose estimations. PyTouch is open-sourced at https://github.com/facebookresearch/pytouch .
49 - Yunfei Li , Yilin Wu , Huazhe Xu 2021
We propose a novel learning paradigm, Self-Imitation via Reduction (SIR), for solving compositional reinforcement learning problems. SIR is based on two core ideas: task reduction and self-imitation. Task reduction tackles a hard-to-solve task by act ively reducing it to an easier task whose solution is known by the RL agent. Once the original hard task is successfully solved by task reduction, the agent naturally obtains a self-generated solution trajectory to imitate. By continuously collecting and imitating such demonstrations, the agent is able to progressively expand the solved subspace in the entire task space. Experiment results show that SIR can significantly accelerate and improve learning on a variety of challenging sparse-reward continuous-control problems with compositional structures. Code and videos are available at https://sites.google.com/view/sir-compositional.
Efficient exploration under sparse rewards remains a key challenge in deep reinforcement learning. To guide exploration, previous work makes extensive use of intrinsic reward (IR). There are many heuristics for IR, including visitation counts, curios ity, and state-difference. In this paper, we analyze the pros and cons of each method and propose the regulated difference of inverse visitation counts as a simple but effective criterion for IR. The criterion helps the agent explore Beyond the Boundary of explored regions and mitigates common issues in count-based methods, such as short-sightedness and detachment. The resulting method, BeBold, solves the 12 most challenging procedurally-generated tasks in MiniGrid with just 120M environment steps, without any curriculum learning. In comparison, the previous SoTA only solves 50% of the tasks. BeBold also achieves SoTA on multiple tasks in NetHack, a popular rogue-like game that contains more challenging procedurally-generated environments.
Synthesizing 3D human motion plays an important role in many graphics applications as well as understanding human activity. While many efforts have been made on generating realistic and natural human motion, most approaches neglect the importance of modeling human-scene interactions and affordance. On the other hand, affordance reasoning (e.g., standing on the floor or sitting on the chair) has mainly been studied with static human pose and gestures, and it has rarely been addressed with human motion. In this paper, we propose to bridge human motion synthesis and scene affordance reasoning. We present a hierarchical generative framework to synthesize long-term 3D human motion conditioning on the 3D scene structure. Building on this framework, we further enforce multiple geometry constraints between the human mesh and scene point clouds via optimization to improve realistic synthesis. Our experiments show significant improvements over previous approaches on generating natural and physically plausible human motion in a scene.
Recent advances in multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) have achieved super-human performance in games like Quake 3 and Dota 2. Unfortunately, these techniques require orders-of-magnitude more training rounds than humans and dont generalize to n ew agent configurations even on the same game. In this work, we propose Collaborative Q-learning (CollaQ) that achieves state-of-the-art performance in the StarCraft multi-agent challenge and supports ad hoc team play. We first formulate multi-agent collaboration as a joint optimization on reward assignment and show that each agent has an approximately optimal policy that decomposes into two parts: one part that only relies on the agents own state, and the other part that is related to states of nearby agents. Following this novel finding, CollaQ decomposes the Q-function of each agent into a self term and an interactive term, with a Multi-Agent Reward Attribution (MARA) loss that regularizes the training. CollaQ is evaluated on various StarCraft maps and shows that it outperforms existing state-of-the-art techniques (i.e., QMIX, QTRAN, and VDN) by improving the win rate by 40% with the same number of samples. In the more challenging ad hoc team play setting (i.e., reweight/add/remove units without re-training or finetuning), CollaQ outperforms previous SoTA by over 30%.
477 - Ruihan Yang , Huazhe Xu , Yi Wu 2020
Multi-task learning is a very challenging problem in reinforcement learning. While training multiple tasks jointly allow the policies to share parameters across different tasks, the optimization problem becomes non-trivial: It remains unclear what pa rameters in the network should be reused across tasks, and how the gradients from different tasks may interfere with each other. Thus, instead of naively sharing parameters across tasks, we introduce an explicit modularization technique on policy representation to alleviate this optimization issue. Given a base policy network, we design a routing network which estimates different routing strategies to reconfigure the base network for each task. Instead of directly selecting routes for each task, our task-specific policy uses a method called soft modularization to softly combine all the possible routes, which makes it suitable for sequential tasks. We experiment with various robotics manipulation tasks in simulation and show our method improves both sample efficiency and performance over strong baselines by a large margin.
It is a long-standing challenge to enable an intelligent agent to learn in one environment and generalize to an unseen environment without further data collection and finetuning. In this paper, we consider a zero shot generalization problem setup tha t complies with biological intelligent agents learning and generalization processes. The agent is first presented with previous experiences in the training environment, along with task description in the form of trajectory-level sparse rewards. Later when it is placed in the new testing environment, it is asked to perform the task without any interaction with the testing environment. We find this setting natural for biological creatures and at the same time, challenging for previous methods. Behavior cloning, state-of-art RL along with other zero-shot learning methods perform poorly on this benchmark. Given a set of experiences in the training environment, our method learns a neural function that decomposes the sparse reward into particular regions in a contingency-aware observation as a per step reward. Based on such decomposed rewards, we further learn a dynamics model and use Model Predictive Control (MPC) to obtain a policy. Since the rewards are decomposed to finer-granularity observations, they are naturally generalizable to new environments that are composed of similar basic elements. We demonstrate our method on a wide range of environments, including a classic video game -- Super Mario Bros, as well as a robotic continuous control task. Please refer to the project page for more visualized results.

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