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Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) and Deep Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning (MARL) have achieved significant success across a wide range of domains, such as game AI, autonomous vehicles, robotics and finance. However, DRL and deep MARL agents are w idely known to be sample-inefficient and millions of interactions are usually needed even for relatively simple game settings, thus preventing the wide application in real-industry scenarios. One bottleneck challenge behind is the well-known exploration problem, i.e., how to efficiently explore the unknown environments and collect informative experiences that could benefit the policy learning most. In this paper, we conduct a comprehensive survey on existing exploration methods in DRL and deep MARL for the purpose of providing understandings and insights on the critical problems and solutions. We first identify several key challenges to achieve efficient exploration, which most of the exploration methods aim at addressing. Then we provide a systematic survey of existing approaches by classifying them into two major categories: uncertainty-oriented exploration and intrinsic motivation-oriented exploration. The essence of uncertainty-oriented exploration is to leverage the quantification of the epistemic and aleatoric uncertainty to derive efficient exploration. By contrast, intrinsic motivation-oriented exploration methods usually incorporate different reward agnostic information for intrinsic exploration guidance. Beyond the above two main branches, we also conclude other exploration methods which adopt sophisticated techniques but are difficult to be classified into the above two categories. In addition, we provide a comprehensive empirical comparison of exploration methods for DRL on a set of commonly used benchmarks. Finally, we summarize the open problems of exploration in DRL and deep MARL and point out a few future directions.
Discrete-continuous hybrid action space is a natural setting in many practical problems, such as robot control and game AI. However, most previous Reinforcement Learning (RL) works only demonstrate the success in controlling with either discrete or c ontinuous action space, while seldom take into account the hybrid action space. One naive way to address hybrid action RL is to convert the hybrid action space into a unified homogeneous action space by discretization or continualization, so that conventional RL algorithms can be applied. However, this ignores the underlying structure of hybrid action space and also induces the scalability issue and additional approximation difficulties, thus leading to degenerated results. In this paper, we propose Hybrid Action Representation (HyAR) to learn a compact and decodable latent representation space for the original hybrid action space. HyAR constructs the latent space and embeds the dependence between discrete action and continuous parameter via an embedding table and conditional Variantional Auto-Encoder (VAE). To further improve the effectiveness, the action representation is trained to be semantically smooth through unsupervised environmental dynamics prediction. Finally, the agent then learns its policy with conventional DRL algorithms in the learned representation space and interacts with the environment by decoding the hybrid action embeddings to the original action space. We evaluate HyAR in a variety of environments with discrete-continuous action space. The results demonstrate the superiority of HyAR when compared with previous baselines, especially for high-dimensional action spaces.
Deep reinforcement learning (DRL) algorithms have been demonstrated to be effective in a wide range of challenging decision making and control tasks. However, these methods typically suffer from severe action oscillations in particular in discrete ac tion setting, which means that agents select different actions within consecutive steps even though states only slightly differ. This issue is often neglected since the policy is usually evaluated by its cumulative rewards only. Action oscillation strongly affects the user experience and can even cause serious potential security menace especially in real-world domains with the main concern of safety, such as autonomous driving. To this end, we introduce Policy Inertia Controller (PIC) which serves as a generic plug-in framework to off-the-shelf DRL algorithms, to enables adaptive trade-off between the optimality and smoothness of the learned policy in a formal way. We propose Nested Policy Iteration as a general training algorithm for PIC-augmented policy which ensures monotonically non-decreasing updates under some mild conditions. Further, we derive a practical DRL algorithm, namely Nested Soft Actor-Critic. Experiments on a collection of autonomous driving tasks and several Atari games suggest that our approach demonstrates substantial oscillation reduction in comparison to a range of commonly adopted baselines with almost no performance degradation.
Value function is the central notion of Reinforcement Learning (RL). Value estimation, especially with function approximation, can be challenging since it involves the stochasticity of environmental dynamics and reward signals that can be sparse and delayed in some cases. A typical model-free RL algorithm usually estimates the values of a policy by Temporal Difference (TD) or Monte Carlo (MC) algorithms directly from rewards, without explicitly taking dynamics into consideration. In this paper, we propose Value Decomposition with Future Prediction (VDFP), providing an explicit two-step understanding of the value estimation process: 1) first foresee the latent future, 2) and then evaluate it. We analytically decompose the value function into a latent future dynamics part and a policy-independent trajectory return part, inducing a way to model latent dynamics and returns separately in value estimation. Further, we derive a practical deep RL algorithm, consisting of a convolutional model to learn compact trajectory representation from past experiences, a conditional variational auto-encoder to predict the latent future dynamics and a convex return model that evaluates trajectory representation. In experiments, we empirically demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach for both off-policy and on-policy RL in several OpenAI Gym continuous control tasks as well as a few challenging variants with delayed reward.
We study Policy-extended Value Function Approximator (PeVFA) in Reinforcement Learning (RL), which extends conventional value function approximator (VFA) to take as input not only the state (and action) but also an explicit policy representation. Suc h an extension enables PeVFA to preserve values of multiple policies at the same time and brings an appealing characteristic, i.e., emph{value generalization among policies}. We formally analyze the value generalization under Generalized Policy Iteration (GPI). From theoretical and empirical lens, we show that generalized value estimates offered by PeVFA may have lower initial approximation error to true values of successive policies, which is expected to improve consecutive value approximation during GPI. Based on above clues, we introduce a new form of GPI with PeVFA which leverages the value generalization along policy improvement path. Moreover, we propose a representation learning framework for RL policy, providing several approaches to learn effective policy embeddings from policy network parameters or state-action pairs. In our experiments, we evaluate the efficacy of value generalization offered by PeVFA and policy representation learning in several OpenAI Gym continuous control tasks. For a representative instance of algorithm implementation, Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) re-implemented under the paradigm of GPI with PeVFA achieves about 40% performance improvement on its vanilla counterpart in most environments.
Context, the embedding of previous collected trajectories, is a powerful construct for Meta-Reinforcement Learning (Meta-RL) algorithms. By conditioning on an effective context, Meta-RL policies can easily generalize to new tasks within a few adaptat ion steps. We argue that improving the quality of context involves answering two questions: 1. How to train a compact and sufficient encoder that can embed the task-specific information contained in prior trajectories? 2. How to collect informative trajectories of which the corresponding context reflects the specification of tasks? To this end, we propose a novel Meta-RL framework called CCM (Contrastive learning augmented Context-based Meta-RL). We first focus on the contrastive nature behind different tasks and leverage it to train a compact and sufficient context encoder. Further, we train a separate exploration policy and theoretically derive a new information-gain-based objective which aims to collect informative trajectories in a few steps. Empirically, we evaluate our approaches on common benchmarks as well as several complex sparse-reward environments. The experimental results show that CCM outperforms state-of-the-art algorithms by addressing previously mentioned problems respectively.
Transfer Learning has shown great potential to enhance the single-agent Reinforcement Learning (RL) efficiency. Similarly, Multiagent RL (MARL) can also be accelerated if agents can share knowledge with each other. However, it remains a problem of ho w an agent should learn from other agents. In this paper, we propose a novel Multiagent Option-based Policy Transfer (MAOPT) framework to improve MARL efficiency. MAOPT learns what advice to provide and when to terminate it for each agent by modeling multiagent policy transfer as the option learning problem. Our framework provides two kinds of option learning methods in terms of what experience is used during training. One is the global option advisor, which uses the global experience for the update. The other is the local option advisor, which uses each agents local experience when only each agents local experiences can be obtained due to partial observability. While in this setting, each agents experience may be inconsistent with each other, which may cause the inaccuracy and oscillation of the option-values estimation. Therefore, we propose the successor representation option learning to solve it by decoupling the environment dynamics from rewards and learning the option-value under each agents preference. MAOPT can be easily combined with existing deep RL and MARL approaches, and experimental results show it significantly boosts the performance of existing methods in both discrete and continuous state spaces.
Multiagent reinforcement learning (MARL) is commonly considered to suffer from non-stationary environments and exponentially increasing policy space. It would be even more challenging when rewards are sparse and delayed over long trajectories. In thi s paper, we study hierarchical deep MARL in cooperative multiagent problems with sparse and delayed reward. With temporal abstraction, we decompose the problem into a hierarchy of different time scales and investigate how agents can learn high-level coordination based on the independent skills learned at the low level. Three hierarchical deep MARL architectures are proposed to learn hierarchical policies under different MARL paradigms. Besides, we propose a new experience replay mechanism to alleviate the issue of the sparse transitions at the high level of abstraction and the non-stationarity of multiagent learning. We empirically demonstrate the effectiveness of our approaches in two domains with extremely sparse feedback: (1) a variety of Multiagent Trash Collection tasks, and (2) a challenging online mobile game, i.e., Fever Basketball Defense.

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