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We describe the simulation of dihedral gauge theories on digital quantum computers. The nonabelian discrete gauge group $D_N$ -- the dihedral group -- serves as an approximation to $U(1)timesmathbb{Z}_2$ lattice gauge theory. In order to carry out su ch a lattice simulation, we detail the construction of efficient quantum circuits to realize basic primitives including the nonabelian Fourier transform over $D_N$, the trace operation, and the group multiplication and inversion operations. For each case the required quantum resources scale linearly or as low-degree polynomials in $n=log N$. We experimentally benchmark our gates on the Rigetti Aspen-9 quantum processor for the case of $D_4$. The fidelity of all $D_4$ gates was found to exceed $80%$.
With advances in quantum computing, new opportunities arise to tackle challenging calculations in quantum field theory. We show that trotterized time-evolution operators can be related by analytic continuation to the Euclidean transfer matrix on an a nisotropic lattice. In turn, trotterization entails renormalization of the temporal and spatial lattice spacings. Based on the tools of Euclidean lattice field theory, we propose two schemes to determine Minkowski lattice spacings, using Euclidean data and thereby overcoming the demands on quantum resources for scale setting. In addition, we advocate using a fixed-anisotropy approach to the continuum to reduce both circuit depth and number of independent simulations. We demonstrate these methods with Qiskit noiseless simulators for a $2+1$D discrete non-Abelian $D_4$ gauge theory with two spatial plaquettes.
In the future, ab initio quantum simulations of heavy ion collisions may become possible with large-scale fault-tolerant quantum computers. We propose a quantum algorithm for studying these collisions by looking at a class of observables requiring dr amatically smaller volumes: transport coefficients. These form nonperturbative inputs into theoretical models of heavy ions; thus, their calculation reduces theoretical uncertainties without the need for a full-scale simulation of the collision. We derive the necessary lattice operators in the Hamiltonian formulation and describe how to obtain them on quantum computers. Additionally, we discuss ways to efficiently prepare the relevant thermal state of a gauge theory.
Path integral contour deformations have been shown to mitigate sign and signal-to-noise problems associated with phase fluctuations in lattice field theories. We define a family of contour deformations applicable to $SU(N)$ lattice gauge theory that can reduce sign and signal-to-noise problems associated with complex actions and complex observables. For observables, these contours can be used to define deformed observables with identical expectation value but different variance. As a proof-of-principle, we apply machine learning techniques to optimize the deformed observables associated with Wilson loops in two dimensional $SU(2)$ and $SU(3)$ gauge theory. We study loops consisting of up to 64 plaquettes and achieve variance reduction of up to 4 orders of magnitude.

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