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The far-infrared (FIR) regime is one of the few wavelength ranges where no astronomical data with sub-arcsecond spatial resolution exist. Neither of the medium-term satellite projects like SPICA, Millimetron nor O.S.T. will resolve this malady. For m any research areas, however, information at high spatial and spectral resolution in the FIR, taken from atomic fine-structure lines, from highly excited carbon monoxide (CO), light hydrids, and especially from water lines would open the door for transformative science. A main theme will be to trace the role of water in proto-planetary disks, to observationally advance our understanding of the planet formation process and, intimately related to that, the pathways to habitable planets and the emergence of life. Furthermore, key observations will zoom into the physics and chemistry of the star-formation process in our own Galaxy, as well as in external galaxies. The FIR provides unique tools to investigate in particular the energetics of heating, cooling and shocks. The velocity-resolved data in these tracers will reveal the detailed dynamics engrained in these processes in a spatially resolved fashion, and will deliver the perfect synergy with ground-based molecular line data for the colder dense gas.
In the disk-mediated accretion scenario for the formation of the most massive stars, gravitational instabilities in the disk can force it to fragment. We investigate the effects of inclination and spatial resolution on observable kinematics and stabi lity of disks in high-mass star formation. We study a high-resolution 3D radiation-hydrodynamic simulation that leads to the fragmentation of a massive disk. Using RADMC-3D we produce 1.3 mm continuum and CH3CN line cubes at different inclinations. The model is set to different distances and synthetic observations are created for ALMA at ~80 mas resolution and NOEMA at ~0.3. The synthetic ALMA observations resolve all fragments and their kinematics well. The synthetic NOEMA observations at 800 pc (~300 au resolution) are able to resolve the fragments, while at 2000 pc (~800 au resolution) only a single slightly elongated structure is observed. The position-velocity (PV) plots show the differential rotation of material best in the edge-on views. As the observations become less resolved, the inner high-velocity components of the disk become blended with the envelope and the PV plots resemble rigid-body-like rotation. Protostellar mass estimates from PV plots of poorly resolved observations are therefore overestimated. We fit the emission of CH3CN lines and produce maps of gas temperature with values in the range of 100-300 K. Studying the Toomre stability of the disks in the resolved observations, we find Q values below the critical value for stability against gravitational collapse at the positions of the fragments and the arms connecting the fragments. For the poorly resolved observations we find low Q values in the outskirts of the disk. Therefore we are able to predict that the disk is unstable and fragmenting even in poorly resolved observations. This conclusion is true regardless of knowledge about the inclination of the disk.
The past two decades have seen extensive surveys of the far-infrared to submillimeter continuum emission in the plane of our Galaxy. We line out prospects for the coming decade for corresponding molecular and atomic line surveys which are needed to f ully understand the formation of the dense structures that give birth to clusters and stars out of the diffuse interstellar medium. We propose to work towards Galaxy wide surveys in mid-J CO lines to trace shocks from colliding clouds, Galaxy-wide surveys for atomic Carbon lines in order to get a detailed understanding of the relation of atomic and molecular gas in clouds, and to perform extensive surveys of the structure of the dense parts of molecular clouds to understand the importance of filaments/fibers over the full range of Galactic environments and to study how dense cloud cores are formed from the filaments. This work will require a large (50m) Single Dish submillimeter telescope equipped with massively multipixel spectrometer arrays, such as envisaged by the AtLAST project.
The Survey of Water and Ammonia in the Galactic Center (SWAG) covers the Central Molecular Zone (CMZ) of the Milky Way at frequencies between 21.2 and 25.4 GHz obtained at the Australia Telescope Compact Array at $sim 0.9$ pc spatial and $sim 2.0$ km s$^{-1}$ spectral resolution. In this paper, we present data on the inner $sim 250$ pc ($1.4^circ$) between Sgr C and Sgr B2. We focus on the hyperfine structure of the metastable ammonia inversion lines (J,K) = (1,1) - (6,6) to derive column density, kinematics, opacity and kinetic gas temperature. In the CMZ molecular clouds, we find typical line widths of $8-16$ km s$^{-1}$ and extended regions of optically thick ($tau > 1$) emission. Two components in kinetic temperature are detected at $25-50$ K and $60-100$ K, both being significantly hotter than dust temperatures throughout the CMZ. We discuss the physical state of the CMZ gas as traced by ammonia in the context of the orbital model by Kruijssen et al. (2015) that interprets the observed distribution as a stream of molecular clouds following an open eccentric orbit. This allows us to statistically investigate the time dependencies of gas temperature, column density and line width. We find heating rates between $sim 50$ and $sim 100$ K Myr$^{-1}$ along the stream orbit. No strong signs of time dependence are found for column density or line width. These quantities are likely dominated by cloud-to-cloud variations. Our results qualitatively match the predictions of the current model of tidal triggering of cloud collapse, orbital kinematics and the observation of an evolutionary sequence of increasing star formation activity with orbital phase.
The process of atomic-to-molecular (HI-to-H$_2$) gas conversion is fundamental for molecular-cloud formation and star formation. 21 cm observations of the star-forming region W43 revealed extremely high HI column densities, of 120-180 M$_{odot}$ pc$^ {-2}$, a factor of 10-20 larger than predicted by HI-to-H$_2$ transition theories. We analyze the observed HI with an HI-to-H$_2$ transition theoretical model, and show that the theory-observation discrepancy cannot be explained by the intense radiation in W43, nor by variations of the assumed volume density or H$_2$ formation-rate coefficient. We show that the large observed HI columns are naturally explained by several ($9-22$) HI-to-H$_2$ transition layers, superimposed along the sightlines of W43. We discuss other possible interpretations such as a non-steady-state scenario, and inefficient dust absorption. The case of W43 suggests that HI thresholds reported in extra-galactic observations are probably not associated with a single HI-to-H$_2$ transition, but are rather a result of several transition layers (clouds) along the sightlines, beam-diluted with diffuse inter-cloud gas.
We report on observations of the hydroxyl radical (OH) within The H{sc I}, OH Recombination line survey (THOR) pilot region. The region is bounded approximately between Galactic coordinates l=29.2 to 31.5$^circ$ and b=-1.0 to +1.0$^circ$ and includes the high-mass star forming region W43. We identify 103 maser sites, including 72 with 1612,MHz masers, 42 showing masers in either of the main line transitions at 1665 and 1667,MHz and four showing 1720,MHz masers. Most maser sites with either main-line or 1720,MHz emission are associated with star formation, whereas most of the 1612,MHz masers are associated with evolved stars. We find that nearly all of the main-line maser sites are co-spatial with an infrared source, detected by GLIMPSE. We also find diffuse OH emission, as well as OH in absorption towards selected unresolved or partially resolved sites. Extended OH absorption is found towards the well known star forming complex W43 Main.
We present Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) line and continuum observations at 1.2mm with ~0.3 resolution that uncover a Keplerian-like disk around the forming O-type star AFGL 4176. The continuum emission from the disk at 1.21 mm (source mm1) has a deconvolved size of 870+/-110 AU x 330+/-300 AU and arises from a structure ~8 M_sun in mass, calculated assuming a dust temperature of 190 K. The first-moment maps, pixel-to-pixel line modeling, assuming local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE), and position-velocity diagrams of the CH3CN J=13-12 K-line emission all show a velocity gradient along the major axis of the source, coupled with an increase in velocity at small radii, consistent with Keplerian-like rotation. The LTE line modeling shows that where CH3CN J=13-12 is excited, the temperatures in the disk range from ~70 to at least 300 K and that the H2 column density peaks at 2.8x10^24 cm^-2. In addition, we present Atacama Pathfinder Experiment (APEX) 12CO observations which show a large-scale outflow from AFGL 4176 perpendicular to the major axis of mm1, supporting the disk interpretation. Finally, we present a radiative transfer model of a Keplerian disk surrounding an O7 star, with a disk mass and radius of 12 M_sun and 2000 AU, that reproduces the line and continuum data, further supporting our conclusion that our observations have uncovered a Keplerian disk around an O-type star.
The bandwith, sensitivity and sheer survey speed of the SKA offers unique potential for deep spectroscopic surveys of the Milky Way. Within the frequency bands available to the SKA lie many transitions that trace the ionised, radical and molecular co mponents of the interstellar medium and which will revolutionise our understanding of many physical processes. In this chapter we describe the impact on our understanding of the Milky Way that can be achieved by spectroscopic SKA surveys, including out of the box early science with radio recombination lines, Phase 1 surveys of the molecular ISM using anomalous formaldehyde absorption, and full SKA surveys of ammonia inversion lines.
We observed three high-mass star-forming regions in the W3 high-mass star formation complex with the Submillimeter Array and IRAM 30 m telescope. These regions, i.e. W3 SMS1 (W3 IRS5), SMS2 (W3 IRS4) and SMS3, are in different evolutionary stages and are located within the same large-scale environment, which allows us to study rotation and outflows as well as chemical properties in an evolutionary sense. While we find multiple mm continuum sources toward all regions, these three sub-regions exhibit different dynamical and chemical properties, which indicates that they are in different evolutionary stages. Even within each subregion, massive cores of different ages are found, e.g. in SMS2, sub-sources from the most evolved UCHII region to potential starless cores exist within 30 000 AU of each other. Outflows and rotational structures are found in SMS1 and SMS2. Evidence for interactions between the molecular cloud and the HII regions is found in the 13CO channel maps, which may indicate triggered star formation.
We combine multifrequency observations from the millimeter to near infrared wavelengths that demonstrate the spatial distributions of H2, CO, and NH3 emission, which are all manifestations of various shocks driven by outflows of deeply embedded sourc es in NGC6334I. In addition to the well-known northeast-southwest outflow we detect at least one more outflow in the region by combining observations from APEX, ATCA, SMA, Spitzer and VLT/ISAAC. Potential driving sources will be discussed. NGC6334I exhibits several signs of active star formation and will be a major target for future observatories such as Herschel and ALMA.

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