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Scene flow depicts the dynamics of a 3D scene, which is critical for various applications such as autonomous driving, robot navigation, AR/VR, etc. Conventionally, scene flow is estimated from dense/regular RGB video frames. With the development of d epth-sensing technologies, precise 3D measurements are available via point clouds which have sparked new research in 3D scene flow. Nevertheless, it remains challenging to extract scene flow from point clouds due to the sparsity and irregularity in typical point cloud sampling patterns. One major issue related to irregular sampling is identified as the randomness during point set abstraction/feature extraction -- an elementary process in many flow estimation scenarios. A novel Spatial Abstraction with Attention (SA^2) layer is accordingly proposed to alleviate the unstable abstraction problem. Moreover, a Temporal Abstraction with Attention (TA^2) layer is proposed to rectify attention in temporal domain, leading to benefits with motions scaled in a larger range. Extensive analysis and experiments verified the motivation and significant performance gains of our method, dubbed as Flow Estimation via Spatial-Temporal Attention (FESTA), when compared to several state-of-the-art benchmarks of scene flow estimation.
For humans learning to categorize and distinguish parts of the world, the set of assumptions (overhypotheses) they hold about potential category structures is directly related to their learning process. In this work we examine the effects of two over hypotheses for category learning: 1) the bias introduced by the presence of linguistic labels for objects; 2) the conceptual domain biases inherent in the learner about which features are most indicative of category structure. These two biases work in tandem to impose priors on the learning process; and we model and detail their interaction and effects. This paper entails an adaptation and expansion of prior experimental work that addressed label bias effects but did not fully explore conceptual domain biases. Our results highlight the importance of both the domain and label biases in facilitating or hindering category learning.
With human social behaviors influence, some boyciana-fish reaction-diffusion system coupled with elliptic human distribution equation is considered. Firstly, under homogeneous Neumann boundary conditions and ratio-dependent functional response the sy stem can be described as a nonlinear partial differential algebraic equations (PDAEs) and the corresponding linearized system is discussed with singular system theorem. In what follows we discuss the elliptic subsystem and show that the three kinds of nonnegative are corresponded to three different human interference conditions: human free, overdevelopment and regular human activity. Next we examine the system persistence properties: absorbtion region and the stability of positive steady states of three systems. And the diffusion-driven unstable property is also discussed. Moreover, we propose some energy estimation discussion to reveal the dynamic property among the boyciana-fish-human interaction systems.Finally, using the realistic data collected in the past fourteen years, by PDAEs model parameter optimization, we carry out some predicted results about wetland boyciana population. The applicability of the proposed approaches are confirmed analytically and are evaluated in numerical simulations.

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