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80 - M. H. Cohen 2014
We study the kinematics of ridge lines on the pc-scale jet of the active galactic nucleus BL Lac. We show that the ridge lines display transverse patterns that move superluminally downstream, and that the moving patterns are analogous to waves on a w hip. Their apparent speeds $beta_mathrm{app}$ (units of $c$) range from 3.9 to 13.5, corresponding to $beta_mathrm{wave}^mathrm{gal}= 0.981 - 0.998$ in the galaxy frame. We show that the magnetic field in the jet is well-ordered with a strong transverse component, and assume that it is helical and that the transverse patterns are Alfven waves propagating downstream on the longitudinal component of the magnetic field. The wave-induced transverse speed of the jet is non-relativistic ($beta_mathrm{tr}^mathrm{gal} lesssim 0.09$). In 2010 the wave activity subsided and the jet then displayed a mild wiggle that had a complex oscillatory behaviour. The Alfven waves appear to be excited by changes in the position angle of the recollimation shock, in analogy to exciting a wave on a whip by shaking the handle. A simple model of the system with plasma sound speed $beta_mathrm{s}=0.3$ and apparent speed of a slow MHD wave $beta_mathrm{app,S}=4$ yields Lorentz factor of the beam $Gamma_mathrm{beam} sim 4.5$, pitch angle of the helix (in the beam frame) $alphasim 67^circ$, Alfven speed $beta_mathrm{A}sim 0.64$, and magnetosonic Mach number $M_mathrm{ms}sim 4.7$. This describes a plasma in which the magnetic field is dominant and in a rather tight helix, and Alfven waves are responsible for the moving transverse patterns.
We present a new method for using measured X-ray emission line fluxes from O stars to determine the shock-heating rate due to instabilities in their radiation-driven winds. The high densities of these winds means that their embedded shocks quickly co ol by local radiative emission, while cooling by expansion should be negligible. Ignoring for simplicity any non-radiative mixing or conductive cooling, the method presented here exploits the idea that the cooling post-shock plasma systematically passes through the temperature characteristic of distinct emission lines in the X-ray spectrum. In this way, the observed flux distribution among these X-ray lines can be used to construct the cumulative probability distribution of shock strengths that a typical wind parcel encounters as it advects through the wind. We apply this new method (Gayley 2014) to Chandra grating spectra from five O stars with X-ray emission indicative of embedded wind shocks in effectively single massive stars. Correcting for wind absorption of the X-ray line emission is a crucial component of our analysis, and we use wind optical depth values derived from X-ray line-profile fitting (Cohen et al. 2014) in order to make that correction. The shock-heating rate results we derive for all the stars are quite similar: the average wind mass element passes through roughly one shock that heats it to at least $10^6$ K as it advects through the wind, and the cumulative distribution of shock strengths is a strongly decreasing function of temperature, consistent with a negative power-law of index $n approx 3$, implying a marginal distribution of shock strengths that scales as $T^{-4}$, and with hints of an even steeper decline or cut-off above $10^7$ K.
272 - M. H. Cohen 2014
Parsec-scale VLBA images of BL Lac at 15 GHz show that the jet contains a permanent quasi-stationary emission feature 0.26 mas (0.34 pc projected) from the core, along with numerous moving features. In projection, the tracks of the moving features cl uster around an axis at position angle -166.6 deg that connects the core with the standing feature. The moving features appear to emanate from the standing feature in a manner strikingly similar to the results of numerical 2-D relativistic magneto-hydrodynamic (RMHD) simulations in which moving shocks are generated at a recollimation shock. Because of this, and the close analogy to the jet feature HST-1 in M87, we identify the standing feature in BL Lac as a recollimation shock. We assume that the magnetic field dominates the dynamics in the jet, and that the field is predominantly toroidal. From this we suggest that the moving features are compressions established by slow and fast mode magneto-acoustic MHD waves. We illustrate the situation with a simple model in which the slowest moving feature is a slow-mode wave, and the fastest feature is a fast-mode wave. In the model the beam has Lorentz factor about 3.5 in the frame of the host galaxy, and the fast mode wave has Lorentz factor about 1.6 in the frame of the beam. This gives a maximum apparent speed for the moving features 10c. In this model the Lorentz factor of the pattern in the galaxy frame is approximately 3 times larger than that of the beam itself.
70 - David H. Cohen 2014
We quantitatively investigate the extent of wind absorption signatures in the X-ray grating spectra of all non-magnetic, effectively single O stars in the Chandra archive via line profile fitting. Under the usual assumption of a spherically symmetric wind with embedded shocks, we confirm previous claims that some objects show little or no wind absorption. However, many other objects do show asymmetric and blue shifted line profiles, indicative of wind absorption. For these stars, we are able to derive wind mass-loss rates from the ensemble of line profiles, and find values lower by an average factor of 3 than those predicted by current theoretical models, and consistent with H-alpha if clumping factors of f_cl ~ 20 are assumed. The same profile fitting indicates an onset radius of X-rays typically at r ~ 1.5 R_star, and terminal velocities for the X-ray emitting wind component that are consistent with that of the bulk wind. We explore the likelihood that the stars in the sample that do not show significant wind absorption signatures in their line profiles have at least some X-ray emission that arises from colliding wind shocks with a close binary companion. The one clear exception is zeta Oph, a weak-wind star that appears to simply have a very low mass-loss rate. We also reanalyse the results from the canonical O supergiant zeta Pup, using a solar-metallicity wind opacity model and find Mdot = 1.8 times 10^{-6} M_sun/yr, consistent with recent multi-wavelength determinations.
We introduce a novel energy functional for ground-state electronic-structure calculations. Its fundamental variables are the natural spin-orbitals of the implied singlet many-body wave function and their joint occupation probabilities. The functional derives from a sequence of controlled approximations to the two-particle density matrix. Algebraic scaling of computational cost with electron number is obtainable in general, and Hartree-Fock scaling in the seniority-zero version of the theory. Results obtained with the latter version for saturated small molecular systems are compared with those of highly-accurate quantum-chemical computations. The numerical results are variational, capturing most of the correlation energy from equilibrium to dissociation. Their accuracy is considerably greater than that obtainable with current density-functional theory approximations and with current functionals of the one-particle density matrix only.
We fit X-ray emission line profiles in high resolution XMM-Newton and Chandra grating spectra of the early O supergiant Zeta Pup with models that include the effects of porosity in the stellar wind. We explore the effects of porosity due to both sphe rical and flattened clumps. We find that porosity models with flattened clumps oriented parallel to the photosphere provide poor fits to observed line shapes. However, porosity models with isotropic clumps can provide acceptable fits to observed line shapes, but only if the porosity effect is moderate. We quantify the degeneracy between porosity effects from isotropic clumps and the mass-loss rate inferred from the X-ray line shapes, and we show that only modest increases in the mass-loss rate (<~ 40%) are allowed if moderate porosity effects (h_infinity <~ R_*) are assumed to be important. Large porosity lengths, and thus strong porosity effects, are ruled out regardless of assumptions about clump shape. Thus, X-ray mass-loss rate estimates are relatively insensitive to both optically thin and optically thick clumping. This supports the use of X-ray spectroscopy as a mass-loss rate calibration for bright, nearby O stars.
X-ray satellites since Einstein have empirically established that the X-ray luminosity from single O-stars scales linearly with bolometric luminosity, Lx ~ 10^{-7} Lbol. But straightforward forms of the most favored model, in which X-rays arise from instability-generated shocks embedded in the stellar wind, predict a steeper scaling, either with mass loss rate Lx ~ Mdot ~ Lbol^{1.7} if the shocks are radiative, or with Lx ~ Mdot^{2} ~ Lbol^{3.4} if they are adiabatic. This paper presents a generalized formalism that bridges these radiative vs. adiabatic limits in terms of the ratio of the shock cooling length to the local radius. Noting that the thin-shell instability of radiative shocks should lead to extensive mixing of hot and cool material, we propose that the associated softening and weakening of the X-ray emission can be parametrized as scaling with the cooling length ratio raised to a power m$, the mixing exponent. For physically reasonable values m ~= 0.4, this leads to an X-ray luminosity Lx ~ Mdot^{0.6} ~ Lbol that matches the empirical scaling. To fit observed X-ray line profiles, we find such radiative-shock-mixing models require the number of shocks to drop sharply above the initial shock onset radius. This in turn implies that the X-ray luminosity should saturate and even decrease for optically thick winds with very high mass-loss rates. In the opposite limit of adiabatic shocks in low-density winds (e.g., from B-stars), the X-ray luminosity should drop steeply with Mdot^2. Future numerical simulation studies will be needed to test the general thin-shell mixing ansatz for X-ray emission.
We analyze the spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of Lyman break galaxies (LBGs) at z=1-3 selected using the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3) UVIS channel filters. These HST/WFC3 observations cover about 50 sq. arcmin in the GOODS-South field as a part of the WFC3 Early Release Science program. These LBGs at z=1-3 are selected using dropout selection criteria similar to high redshift LBGs. The deep multi-band photometry in this field is used to identify best-fit SED models, from which we infer the following results: (1) the photometric redshift estimate of these dropout selected LBGs is accurate to within few percent; (2) the UV spectral slope (beta) is redder than at high redshift (z>3), where LBGs are less dusty; (3) on average, LBGs at z=1-3 are massive, dustier and more highly star-forming, compared to LBGs at higher redshifts with similar luminosities (0.1L*<~L<~2.5L*), though their median values are similar within 1-sigma uncertainties. This could imply that identical dropout selection technique, at all redshifts, find physically similar galaxies; and (4) stellar masses of these LBGs are directly proportional to their UV luminosities with a logarithmic slope of ~0.46, and star-formation rates are proportional to their stellar masses with a logarithmic slope of ~0.90. These relations hold true --- within luminosities probed in this study --- for LBGs from z~1.5 to 5. The star-forming galaxies selected using other color-based techniques show similar correlations at z~2, but to avoid any selection biases, and for direct comparison with LBGs at z>3, a true Lyman break selection at z~2 is essential. The future HST UV surveys, both wider and deeper, covering a large luminosity range are important to better understand LBG properties, and their evolution.
In the first of a series of forthcoming publications, we present a panchromatic catalog of 102 visually-selected early-type galaxies (ETGs) from observations in the Early Release Science (ERS) program with the Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3) on the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) of the Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey-South (GOODS-S) field. Our ETGs span a large redshift range, 0.35 < z < 1.5, with each redshift spectroscopically-confirmed by previous published surveys of the ERS field. We combine our measured WFC3 ERS and ACS GOODS-S photometry to gain continuous sensitivity from the rest-frame far-UV to near-IR emission for each ETG. The superior spatial resolution of the HST over this panchromatic baseline allows us to classify the ETGs by their small-scale internal structures, as well as their local environment. By fitting stellar population spectral templates to the broad-band photometry of the ETGs, we determine that the average masses of the ETGs are comparable to the characteristic stellar mass of massive galaxies, 11< log(M [Solar]) < 12. By transforming the observed photometry into the GALEX FUV and NUV, Johnson V, and SDSS g and r bandpasses we identify a noteworthy diversity in the rest-frame UV-optical colors and find the mean rest-frame (FUV-V)=3.5 and (NUV-V)=3.3, with 1$sigma$ standard deviations approximately equal to 1.0. The blue rest-frame UV-optical colors observed for most of the ETGs are evidence for star-formation during the preceding gigayear, but no systems exhibit UV-optical photometry consistent with major recent (<~50 Myr) starbursts. Future publications which address the diversity of stellar populations likely to be present in these ETGs, and the potential mechanisms by which recent star-formation episodes are activated, are discussed.
We present analysis of both the resolved X-ray emission line profiles and the broadband X-ray spectrum of the O2 If* star HD 93129A, measured with the Chandra HETGS. This star is among the earliest and most massive stars in the Galaxy, and provides a test of the embedded wind shock scenario in a very dense and powerful wind. A major new result is that continuum absorption by the dense wind is the primary cause of the hardness of the observed X-ray spectrum, while intrinsically hard emission from colliding wind shocks contributes less than 10% of the X-ray flux. We find results consistent with the predictions of numerical simulations of the line-driving instability, including line broadening indicating an onset radius of X-ray emission of several tenths Rstar. Helium-like forbidden-to-intercombination line ratios are consistent with this onset radius, and inconsistent with being formed in a wind-collision interface with the stars closest visual companion at a distance of ~100 AU. The broadband X-ray spectrum is fit with a dominant emission temperature of just kT = 0.6 keV along with significant wind absorption. The broadband wind absorption and the line profiles provide two independent measurements of the wind mass-loss rate: Mdot = 5.2_{-1.5}^{+1.8} times 10^{-6} Msun/yr and Mdot = 6.8_{-2.2}^{+2.8} times 10^{-6} Msun/yr, respectively. This is the first consistent modeling of the X-ray line profile shapes and broadband X-ray spectral energy distribution in a massive star, and represents a reduction of a factor of 3 to 4 compared to the standard H-alpha mass-loss rate that assumes a smooth wind.

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