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We provide the first exploration of text-to-text transformers (T5) sentence embeddings. Sentence embeddings are broadly useful for language processing tasks. While T5 achieves impressive performance on language tasks cast as sequence-to-sequence mapp ing problems, it is unclear how to produce sentence embeddings from encoder-decoder models. We investigate three methods for extracting T5 sentence embeddings: two utilize only the T5 encoder and one uses the full T5 encoder-decoder model. Our encoder-only models outperforms BERT-based sentence embeddings on both transfer tasks and semantic textual similarity (STS). Our encoder-decoder method achieves further improvement on STS. Scaling up T5 from millions to billions of parameters is found to produce consistent improvements on downstream tasks. Finally, we introduce a two-stage contrastive learning approach that achieves a new state-of-art on STS using sentence embeddings, outperforming both Sentence BERT and SimCSE.
In this paper we explore the effects of negative sampling in dual encoder models used to retrieve passages for automatic question answering. We explore four negative sampling strategies that complement the straightforward random sampling of negatives , typically used to train dual encoder models. Out of the four strategies, three are based on retrieval and one on heuristics. Our retrieval-based strategies are based on the semantic similarity and the lexical overlap between questions and passages. We train the dual encoder models in two stages: pre-training with synthetic data and fine tuning with domain-specific data. We apply negative sampling to both stages. The approach is evaluated in two passage retrieval tasks. Even though it is not evident that there is one single sampling strategy that works best in all the tasks, it is clear that our strategies contribute to improving the contrast between the response and all the other passages. Furthermore, mixing the negatives from different strategies achieve performance on par with the best performing strategy in all tasks. Our results establish a new state-of-the-art level of performance on two of the open-domain question answering datasets that we evaluated.
In this paper, we present an approach to learn multilingual sentence embeddings using a bi-directional dual-encoder with additive margin softmax. The embeddings are able to achieve state-of-the-art results on the United Nations (UN) parallel corpus r etrieval task. In all the languages tested, the system achieves P@1 of 86% or higher. We use pairs retrieved by our approach to train NMT models that achieve similar performance to models trained on gold pairs. We explore simple document-level embeddings constructed by averaging our sentence embeddings. On the UN document-level retrieval task, document embeddings achieve around 97% on P@1 for all experimented language pairs. Lastly, we evaluate the proposed model on the BUCC mining task. The learned embeddings with raw cosine similarity scores achieve competitive results compared to current state-of-the-art models, and with a second-stage scorer we achieve a new state-of-the-art level on this task.

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