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This work concerns Ising quasiholes in Moore-Read type lattice wave functions derived from conformal field theory. We commence with constructing Moore-Read type lattice states and then add quasiholes to them. By use of Metropolis Monte Carlo simulati ons, we analyze the features of the quasiholes, such as their size, shape, charge, and braiding properties. The braiding properties, which turn out to be the same as in the continuum Moore-Read state, demonstrate the topological attributes of the Moore-Read lattice states in a direct way. We also derive parent Hamiltonians for which the states with quasiholes included are ground states. One advantage of these Hamiltonians lies therein that we can now braid the quasiholes just by changing the coupling strengths in the Hamiltonian since the Hamiltonian is a function of the positions of the quasiholes. The methodology exploited in this article can also be used to construct other kinds of lattice fractional quantum Hall models containing quasiholes, for example investigation of Fibonacci quasiholes in lattice Read-Rezayi states.
We study lattice wave functions obtained from the SU(2)$_1$ Wess-Zumino-Witten conformal field theory. Following Moore and Reads construction, the Kalmeyer-Laughlin fractional quantum Hall state is defined as a correlation function of primary fields. By an additional insertion of Kac-Moody currents, we associate a wave function to each state of the conformal field theory. These wave functions span the complete Hilbert space of the lattice system. On the cylinder, we study global properties of the lattice states analytically and correlation functions numerically using a Metropolis Monte Carlo method. By comparing short-range bulk correlations, numerical evidence is provided that the states with one current operator represent edge states in the thermodynamic limit. We show that the edge states with one Kac-Moody current of lowest order have a good overlap with low-energy excited states of a local Hamiltonian, for which the Kalmeyer-Laughlin state approximates the ground state. For some states, exact parent Hamiltonians are derived on the cylinder. These Hamiltonians are SU(2) invariant and nonlocal with up to four-body interactions.
We applied the Recurrent Variational Approach to the two-leg Hubbard ladder. At half-filling, our variational Ansatz was a generalization of the resonating valence bond state. At finite doping, hole pairs were allowed to move in the resonating valenc e bond background. The results obtained by the Recurrent Variational Approach were compared with results from Density Matrix Renormalization Group.

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