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How much electromagnetic energy crosses the photosphere in evolving solar active regions? With the advent of high-cadence vector magnetic field observations, addressing this fundamental question has become tractable. In this paper, we apply the PTD-D oppler-FLCT-Ideal (PDFI) electric field inversion technique of Kazachenko et al. (2014) to a 6-day HMI/SDO vector magnetogram and Doppler velocity sequence, to find the electric field and Poynting flux evolution in active region NOAA 11158, which produced an X2.2 flare early on 2011 February 15. We find photospheric electric fields ranging up to $2$ V/cm. The Poynting fluxes range from $[-0.6$ to $2.3]times10^{10}$ ergs$cdot$cm$^{-2}$s$^{-1}$, mostly positive, with the largest contribution to the energy budget in the range of $[10^9$-$10^{10}]$ ergs$cdot$cm$^{-2}$s$^{-1}$. Integrating the instantaneous energy flux over space and time, we find that the total magnetic energy accumulated above the photosphere from the initial emergence to the moment before the X2.2 flare to be $E=10.6times10^{32}$ ergs, which is partitioned as $2.0$ and $8.6times10^{32}$ ergs, respectively, between free and potential energies. Those estimates are consistent with estimates from preflare non-linear force-free field (NLFFF) extrapolations and the Minimum Current Corona estimates (MCC), in spite of our very different approach. This study of photospheric electric fields demonstrates the potential of the PDFI approach for estimating Poynting fluxes and opens the door to more quantitative studies of the solar photosphere and more realistic data-driven simulations of coronal magnetic field evolution.
The minimum-energy configuration for the magnetic field above the solar photosphere is curl-free (hence, by Amperes law, also current-free), so can be represented as the gradient of a scalar potential. Since magnetic fields are divergence free, this scalar potential obeys Laplaces equation, given an appropriate boundary condition (BC). With measurements of the full magnetic vector at the photosphere, it is possible to employ either Neumann or Dirichlet BCs there. Historically, the Neumann BC was used with available line-of-sight magnetic field measurements, which approximate the radial field needed for the Neumann BC. Since each BC fully determines the 3D vector magnetic field, either choice will, in general, be inconsistent with some aspect of the observed field on the boundary, due to the presence of both currents and noise in the observed field. We present a method to combine solutions from both Dirichlet and Neumann BCs to determine a hybrid, least-squares potential field, which minimizes the integrated square of the residual between the potential and actual fields. This has advantages in both not overfitting the radial field used for the Neumann BC, and maximizing consistency with the observations. We demonstrate our methods with SDO/HMI vector magnetic field observations of AR 11158, and find that residual discrepancies between the observed and potential fields are significant, and are consistent with nonzero horizontal photospheric currents. We also analyze potential fields for two other active regions observed with two different vector magnetographs, and find that hybrid potential fields have significantly less energy than the Neumann fields in every case --- by more than 10^(32) erg in some cases. This has major implications for estimates of free magnetic energy in coronal field models, e.g., non-linear force-free field extrapolations.
Photospheric electric fields, estimated from sequences of vector magnetic field and Doppler measurements, can be used to estimate the flux of magnetic energy (the Poynting flux) into the corona and as time-dependent boundary conditions for dynamic mo dels of the coronal magnetic field. We have modified and extended an existing method to estimate photospheric electric fields that combines a poloidal-toroidal (PTD) decomposition of the evolving magnetic field vector with Doppler and horizontal plasma velocities. Our current, more comprehensive method, which we dub the {bf P}TD-{bf D}oppler-{bf F}LCT {bf I}deal (PDFI) technique, can now incorporate Doppler velocities from non-normal viewing angles. It uses the texttt{FISHPACK} software package to solve several two-dimensional Poisson equations, a faster and more robust approach than our previous implementations. Here, we describe systematic, quantitative tests of the accuracy and robustness of the PDFI technique using synthetic data from anelastic MHD (texttt{ANMHD}) simulations, which have been used in similar tests in the past. We find that the PDFI method has less than $1%$ error in the total Poynting flux and a $10%$ error in the helicity flux rate at a normal viewing angle $(theta=0$) and less than $25%$ and $10%$ errors respectively at large viewing angles ($theta<60^circ$). We compare our results with other inversion methods at zero viewing angle, and find that our methods estimates of the fluxes of magnetic energy and helicity are comparable to or more accurate than other methods. We also discuss the limitations of the PDFI method and its uncertainties.
The zero point of measured photospheric Doppler shifts is uncertain for at least two reasons: instrumental variations (from, e.g., thermal drifts), and the convective blueshift, a known correlation between intensity and upflows. Calibrated Doppler ve locities would be useful for (i) improving estimates of the Poynting flux of magnetic energy across the photosphere, and (ii) constraining processes underlying flux cancellation, the mutual apparent loss of magnetic flux in closely spaced, opposite-polarity magnetogram features. We present a method to absolutely calibrate line-of-sight (LOS) velocities in solar active regions (ARs) near disk center using three successive vector magnetograms and one Dopplergram coincident with the central magnetogram. It exploits the fact that Doppler shifts measured along polarity inversion lines (PILs) of the LOS magnetic field determine one component of the velocity perpendicular to the magnetic field, and optimizes consistency between changes in LOS flux near PILs and the transport of transverse magnetic flux by LOS velocities, assuming ideal electric fields govern the magnetic evolution. We apply our method to vector magnetograms of AR 11158, observed by the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) aboard the Solar Dynamics Observatory, and find clear evidence of offsets in the Doppler zero point, in the range of 50 -- 550 m s$^{-1}$. In addition, we note that a simpler calibration can be determined from an LOS magnetogram and Dopplergram pair from the median Doppler velocity among all near-disk-center PIL pixels. We briefly discuss shortcomings in our initial implementation, and suggest ways to address these. In addition, as a step in our data reduction, we discuss use of temporal continuity in the transverse magnetic field direction to correct apparently spurious fluctuations in resolution of the 180$^circ$ ambiguity.
We present a series of numerical simulations of the quiet Sun plasma threaded by magnetic fields that extend from the upper convection zone into the low corona. We discuss an efficient, simplified approximation to the physics of optically thick radia tive transport through the surface layers, and investigate the effects of convective turbulence on the magnetic structure of the Suns atmosphere in an initially unipolar (open field) region. We find that the net Poynting flux below the surface is on average directed toward the interior, while in the photosphere and chromosphere the net flow of electromagnetic energy is outward into the solar corona. Overturning convective motions between these layers driven by rapid radiative cooling appears to be the source of energy for the oppositely directed fluxes of electromagnetic energy.
The availability of vector magnetogram sequences with sufficient accuracy and cadence to estimate the time derivative of the magnetic field allows us to use Faradays law to find an approximate solution for the electric field in the photosphere, using a Poloidal-Toroidal Decomposition (PTD) of the magnetic field and its partial time derivative. Without additional information, however, the electric field found from this technique is under-determined -- Faradays law provides no information about the electric field that can be derived the gradient of a scalar potential. Here, we show how additional information in the form of line-of-sight Doppler flow measurements, and motions transverse to the line-of-sight determined with ad-hoc methods such as local correlation tracking, can be combined with the PTD solutions to provide much more accurate solutions for the solar electric field, and therefore the Poynting flux of electromagnetic energy in the solar photosphere. Reliable, accurate maps of the Poynting flux are essential for quantitative studies of the buildup of magnetic energy before flares and coronal mass ejections.
We compute the change in the Lorentz force integrated over the outer solar atmosphere implied by observed changes in vector magnetograms that occur during large, eruptive solar flares. This force perturbation should be balanced by an equal and opposi te force perturbation acting on the solar photosphere and solar interior. The resulting expression for the estimated force change in the solar interior generalizes the earlier expression presented by Hudson, Fisher and Welsch (CS-383, ASP, 221, 2008), providing horizontal as well as vertical force components, and provides a more accurate result for the vertical component of the perturbed force. We show that magnetic eruptions should result in the magnetic field at the photosphere becoming more horizontal, and hence should result in a downward (towards the solar interior) force change acting on the photosphere and solar interior, as recently argued from an analysis of magnetogram data by Wang and Liu (Astrophys. J. Lett. 716, L195, 2010). We suggest the existence of an observational relationship between the force change computed from changes in the vector magnetograms, the outward momentum carried by the ejecta from the flare, and the properties of the helioseismic disturbance driven by the downward force change. We use the impulse driven by the Lorentz-force change in the outer solar atmosphere to derive an upper limit to the mass of erupting plasma that can escape from the Sun. Finally, we compare the expected Lorentz-force change at the photosphere with simple estimates from flare-driven gasdynamic disturbances and from an estimate of the perturbed pressure from radiative backwarming of the photosphere in flaring conditions.
We introduce two new methods that are designed to improve the realism and utility of large, active region-scale 3D MHD models of the solar atmosphere. We apply these methods to RADMHD, a code capable of modeling the Suns upper convection zone, photos phere, chromosphere, transition region, and corona within a single computational volume. We first present a way to approximate the physics of optically-thick radiative transfer without having to take the computationally expensive step of solving the radiative transfer equation in detail. We then briefly describe a rudimentary assimilative technique that allows a time series of vector magnetograms to be directly incorporated into the MHD system.
Where does solar flare energy come from? More specifically, assuming that the ultimate source of flare energy is mechanical energy in the convection zone, how is this translated into energy dissipated or stored in the corona? This question appears to have been given relatively little thought, as attention has been focussed predominantly on mechanisms for the rapid dissipation of coronal magnetic energy by way of MHD instabilities and plasma micro instabilities. We consider three types of flare theory: the steady state photospheric dynamo model in which flare power represents coronal dissipation of currents generated simultaneously by sub-photospheric flows; the magnetic energy storage model where sub-photospheric flows again induce coronal currents but which in this case are built up over a longer period before being released suddenly; and emerging flux models, in which new magnetic flux rising to the photosphere already contains free energy, and does not require subsequent stressing by photospheric motions. We conclude that photospheric dynamos can power only very minor flares; that coronal energy storage can in principle meet the requirements of a major flare, although perhaps not the very largest flares, but that difficulties in coupling efficiently to the energy source may limit this mechanism to moderate sized flares; and that emerging magnetic flux tubes, generated in the solar interior, can carry sufficient free energy to power even the largest flares ever observed.

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