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Remarkable progress has been made in 3D reconstruction of rigid structures from a video or a collection of images. However, it is still challenging to reconstruct nonrigid structures from RGB inputs, due to its under-constrained nature. While templat e-based approaches, such as parametric shape models, have achieved great success in modeling the closed world of known object categories, they cannot well handle the open-world of novel object categories or outlier shapes. In this work, we introduce a template-free approach to learn 3D shapes from a single video. It adopts an analysis-by-synthesis strategy that forward-renders object silhouette, optical flow, and pixel values to compare with video observations, which generates gradients to adjust the camera, shape and motion parameters. Without using a category-specific shape template, our method faithfully reconstructs nonrigid 3D structures from videos of human, animals, and objects of unknown classes. Code will be available at lasr-google.github.io .
Appearance-based detectors achieve remarkable performance on common scenes, but tend to fail for scenarios lack of training data. Geometric motion segmentation algorithms, however, generalize to novel scenes, but have yet to achieve comparable perfor mance to appearance-based ones, due to noisy motion estimations and degenerate motion configurations. To combine the best of both worlds, we propose a modular network, whose architecture is motivated by a geometric analysis of what independent object motions can be recovered from an egomotion field. It takes two consecutive frames as input and predicts segmentation masks for the background and multiple rigidly moving objects, which are then parameterized by 3D rigid transformations. Our method achieves state-of-the-art performance for rigid motion segmentation on KITTI and Sintel. The inferred rigid motions lead to a significant improvement for depth and scene flow estimation. At the time of submission, our method ranked 1st on KITTI scene flow leaderboard, out-performing the best published method (scene flow error: 4.89% vs 6.31%).
When building a geometric scene understanding system for autonomous vehicles, it is crucial to know when the system might fail. Most contemporary approaches cast the problem as depth regression, whose output is a depth value for each pixel. Such appr oaches cannot diagnose when failures might occur. One attractive alternative is a deep Bayesian network, which captures uncertainty in both model parameters and ambiguous sensor measurements. However, estimating uncertainties is often slow and the distributions are often limited to be uni-modal. In this paper, we recast the continuous problem of depth regression as discrete binary classification, whose output is an un-normalized distribution over possible depths for each pixel. Such output allows one to reliably and efficiently capture multi-modal depth distributions in ambiguous cases, such as depth discontinuities and reflective surfaces. Results on standard benchmarks show that our method produces accurate depth predictions and significantly better uncertainty estimations than prior art while running near real-time. Finally, by making use of uncertainties of the predicted distribution, we significantly reduce streak-like artifacts and improves accuracy as well as memory efficiency in 3D map reconstruction.

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