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The synthesis and characterization of vanadium-based kagome metals YV$_6$Sn$_6$ and GdV$_6$Sn$_6$ are presented. X-ray diffraction, magnetization, magnetotransport, and heat capacity measurements reveal an ideal kagome network of V-ions coordinated b y Sn and separated by triangular lattice planes of rare-earth ions. The onset of low-temperature, likely noncollinear, magnetic order of Gd spins is detected in GdV$_6$Sn$_6$, while V-ions in both compounds remain nonmagnetic. Density functional theory calculations are presented modeling the band structures of both compounds, which can be classified as $mathbb{Z}_2$ topological metals in the paramagnetic state. Both compounds exhibit high mobility, multiband transport and present an interesting platform for controlling the interplay between magnetic order associated with the $R$-site sublattice and nontrivial band topology associated with the V-based kagome network. Our results invite future exploration of other $R$V$_6$Sn$_6$ ($R$=rare earth) variants where this interplay can be tuned via $R$-site substitution.
Polar materials can host a variety of topologically significant magnetic phases, which often emerge from a modulated magnetic ground state. Relatively few noncentrosymmetric tetragonal materials have been shown to host topological spin textures and n ew candidate materials are necessary to expand the current theoretical models. This manuscript reports on the anisotropic magnetism in the polar, tetragonal material NdCoGe$_3$ via thermodynamic and neutron diffraction measurements. The previously reported $H$-$T$ phase diagram is updated to include several additional phases, which exist for both $H$ = 0 and with an applied field H$perp$ c. Neutron diffraction data reveal that the magnetic structures below $T_{N1}$ = 3.70 K and $T_{N2}$ = 3.50 K are incommensurate, with a ground state magnetic order that is incommensurate in all directions with the propagation vector $vec{k}$ = (0.494, 0.0044, 0.385) at 1.8 K. A unique magnetic structure solution is not achievable, but the possible single and multi-$vec{k}$ spin models are discussed. These results demonstrate that NdCoGe3 hosts complicated magnetic order derived from modulated magnetic moments.
We present a comprehensive neutron scattering study of the breathing pyrochlore magnet LiGaCr4S8. We observe an unconventional magnetic excitation spectrum with a separation of high and low-energy spin dynamics in the correlated paramagnetic regime a bove a spin-freezing transition at 12(2) K. By fitting to magnetic diffuse-scattering data, we parameterize the spin Hamiltonian. We find that interactions are ferromagnetic within the large and small tetrahedra of the breathing pyrochlore lattice, but antiferromagnetic further-neighbor interactions are also essential to explain our data, in qualitative agreement with density-functional theory predictions [Ghoshet al.,npj Quantum Mater.4, 63 (2019)]. We explain the origin of geometrical frustration in LiGaCr4S8 interms of net antiferromagnetic coupling between emergent tetrahedral spin clusters that occupy a face-centered lattice. Our results provide insight into the emergence of frustration in the presence of strong further-neighbor couplings, and a blueprint for the determination of magnetic interactions in classical spin liquids.

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