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100 - Gal Shavit , Erez Berg , Ady Stern 2021
We introduce and analyze a model that sheds light on the interplay between correlated insulating states, superconductivity, and flavor-symmetry breaking in magic angle twisted bilayer graphene. Using a variational mean-field theory, we determine the normal-state phase diagram of our model as a function of the band filling. The model features robust insulators at even integer fillings, occasional weaker insulators at odd integer fillings, and a pattern of flavor-symmetry breaking at non-integer fillings. Adding a phonon-mediated inter-valley retarded attractive interaction, we obtain strong-coupling superconducting domes, whose structure is in qualitative agreement with experiments. Our model elucidates how the intricate form of the interactions and the particle-hole asymmetry of the electronic structure determine the phase diagram. It also explains how subtle differences between devices may lead to the different behaviors observed experimentally. A similar model can be applied with minor modifications to other moir{e} systems, such as twisted trilayer graphene.
63 - Gal Shavit , Yuval Oreg 2020
We present a scheme comprised of a one-dimensional system with repulsive interactions, in which the formation of bound pairs can take place in an easily tunable fashion.By capacitively coupling a primary electronic quantum wire of interest to a secon dary strongly-correlated fermionic system, the intrinsic electron-electron repulsion may be overcome, promoting the formation of bound electron pairs in the primary wire. The intrinsic repulsive interactions tend to favor the formation of charge density waves of these pairs, yet we find that superconducting correlations are dominant in a limited parameter regime. Our analysis show that the paired phase is stabilized in an intermediate region of phase space, encompassed by two additional phases: a decoupled phase, where the primary wire remains gapless, and a trion phase, where a primary electron pair binds a charge carrier from the secondary system. Tuning the strength of the primary-secondary interaction, as well as the chemical potential of the secondary system, one can control the different phase transitions. Our approach takes into account the interactions among the secondary degrees of freedom, and strongly relies on their highly correlated nature. Extension of our proposal to two dimensions is discussed, and the conditions for a long-range superconducting order from repulsion only are found. Our physical description, given by a simple model with a minimal amount of ingredients, may help to shed some light on pairing mechanism in various low-dimensional strongly correlated materials.
334 - Gal Shavit , Yuval Oreg 2020
Recent transport experiments in spatially modulated quasi-1D structures created on top of LaAlO$_3$/SrTiO$_3$ interfaces have revealed some interesting features, including phenomena conspicuously absent without the modulation. In this work, we focus on two of these remarkable features and provide theoretical analysis allowing their interpretation. The first one is the appearance of two-terminal conductance plateaus at rational fractions of $e^2/h$. We explain how this phenomenon, previously believed to be possible only in systems with strong repulsive interactions, can be stabilized in a system with attraction in the presence of the modulation. Using our theoretical framework we find the plateau amplitude and shape, and characterize the correlated phase which develops in the system due to the partial gap, namely a Luttinger liquid of electronic trions. The second observation is a sharp conductance dip below a conductance of $1times e^2/h$, which changes its value over a wide range when tuning the system. We theorize that it is due to resonant backscattering caused by a periodic spin-orbit field. The behavior of this dip can be reliably accounted for by considering the finite length of the electronic waveguides, as well as the interactions therein. The phenomena discussed in this work exemplify the intricate interplay of strong interactions and spatial modulations, and reveal the potential for novel strongly correlated phases of matter in systems which prominently feature both.
The problem of a driven quantum system coupled to a bath and coherently driven is usually treated using either of two approaches: Employing the common secular approximation in the lab frame (as usually done in the context of atomic physics) or in the rotating frame (prevailing in, e.g., the treatment of solid-state qubits). These approaches are applicable in different parts of the parameter space and yield different results. We show how to bridge between these two approaches by working in the rotating frame without employing the secular approximation with respect to the driving amplitude. This allows us to uncover novel behaviors in regimes which were previously inaccessible or inaccurately treated. New features such as the qualitative different evolution of the coherence, population inversion at a lower driving amplitude, and novel structure in the resonance fluorescence spectrum of the system are found. We argue that this generalized approach is essential for analyzing hybrid systems, with components that come from distinctly different regimes which can now be treated simultaneously, giving specific examples from recent experiments on quantum dots coupled to optical cavities, and single-spin electron paramagnetic resonance.
Topological phases of matter are the center of much current interest, with promising potential applications in, e.g., topologically-protected transport and quantum computing. Traditionally such states are prepared by tuning the system Hamiltonian whi le coupling it to a generic bath at very low temperatures; This approach is often ineffective, especially in cold-atom systems. It was recently shown that topological phases can emerge much more efficiently even in the absence of a Hamiltonian, by properly engineering the interaction of the system with its environment, to directly drive the system into the desired state. Here we concentrate on dissipatively-induced 2D Chern insulator (lattice quantum Hall) states. We employ open quantum systems tools to explore their transport properties, such as persistent currents and the conductance in the steady state, in the presence of various Hamiltonians. We find that, in contrast with equilibrium systems, the usual relation between the Chern topological number and the Hall conductance is broken. We explore the intriguing edge behaviors and elucidate under which conditions the Hall conductance is quantized.
78 - Gal Shavit , Yuval Oreg 2019
We study one dimensional clean systems with few channels and strong electron-electron interactions. We find that in several circumstances, even when time reversal symmetry holds, they may lead to two terminal fractional quantized conductance and frac tional shot noise. The condition on the commensurability of the Fermi momenta of the different channels and the strength of interactions resulting in such remarkable phenomena are explored using abelian bosonization. Finite temperature and length effects are accounted for by a generalization of the Luther-Emery re-fermionization at specific values of the interaction strength. We discuss the connection of our model to recent experiments in confined 2DEG, featuring possible fractional conductance plateaus. One of the most dominant observed fractions, with two terminal conductance equals to $frac{2}{5}frac{e^{2}}{h}$, is found in several scenarios of our model. Finally, we discuss how at very small energy scales the conductance returns to an integer value and the role of disorder.
A recent experimental breakthrough allowed to probe electronic parametric resonance of a single magnetic atom in an STM setup. The results present intriguing features, such as an asymmetric lineshape and unusually large ratio of the decoherence and d ecay rates, which defy standard approaches using the conventional Bloch equations. To address these issues we employ novel generalized Bloch equations, together with proper microscopic modeling of the magnetic adatom, and show how all the experimental features can naturally be accounted for. The proposed approach may also be useful in treating any future similar experiments, as well as next generation hybrid quantum devices.

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