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90 - P. Liu , G. R. Jin 2018
Photon counting measurement has been regarded as the optimal measurement scheme for phase estimation in the squeezed-state interferometry, since the classical Fisher information equals to the quantum Fisher information and scales as $bar{n}^2$ for gi ven input number of photons $bar{n}$. However, it requires photon-number-resolving detectors with a large enough resolution threshold. Here we show that a collection of $N$-photon detection events for $N$ up to the resolution threshold $sim bar{n}$ can result in the ultimate estimation precision beyond the shot-noise limit. An analytical formula has been derived to obtain the best scaling of the Fisher information.
79 - Y. C. Liu , Z. F. Xu , G. R. Jin 2011
Squeezed spin states possess unique quantum correlation or entanglement that are of significant promises for advancing quantum information processing and quantum metrology. In recent back to back publications [C. Gross textit{et al, Nature} textbf{46 4}, 1165 (2010) and Max F. Riedel textit{et al, Nature} textbf{464}, 1170 (2010)], reduced spin fluctuations are observed leading to spin squeezing at -8.2dB and -2.5dB respectively in two-component atomic condensates exhibiting one-axis-twisting interactions (OAT). The noise reduction limit for the OAT interaction scales as $propto 1/{N^{2/3}}$, which for a condensate with $Nsim 10^3$ atoms, is about 100 times below standard quantum limit. We present a scheme using repeated Rabi pulses capable of transforming the OAT spin squeezing into the two-axis-twisting type, leading to Heisenberg limited noise reduction $propto 1/N$, or an extra 10-fold improvement for $Nsim 10^3$.
82 - Y. C. Liu , G. R. Jin , 2010
Including collisional decoherence explicitly, phase sensitivity for estimating effective scattering strength $chi$ of a two-component Bose-Einstein condensate is derived analytically. With a measurement of spin operator $hat{J}_{x}$, we find that the optimal sensitivity depends on initial coherent spin state. It degrades by a factor of $(2gamma)^{1/3}$ below super-Heisenberg limit $propto 1/N^{3/2}$ for particle number $N$ and the dephasing rate $1<!<gamma<N^{3/4}$. With a $hat{J}_y$ measurement, our analytical results confirm that the phase $phi=chi tsim 0$ can be detected at the limit even in the presence of the dephasing.
171 - G. R. Jin , S. Luo , Y. C. Liu 2010
Based upon standard angular momentum theory, we develop a framework to investigate polarization squeezing and multipartite entanglement of a quantum light field. Both mean polarization and variances of the Stokes parameters are obtained analytically, with which we study recent observation of triphoton states [L. K. Shalm {it et al}, Nature textbf{457}, 67 (2009)]. Our results show that the appearance of maximally entangled NOON states accompanies with a flip of mean polarization and can be well understood in terms of quantum Fisher information.
445 - G. R. Jin , C. K. Law 2009
We investigate spin squeezing of a two-mode boson system with a Josephson coupling. An exact relation between the squeezing and the single-particle coherence at the maximal-squeezing time is discovered, which provides a more direct way to measure the squeezing by readout the coherence in atomic interference experiments. We prove explicitly that the strongest squeezing is along the $J_z$ axis, indicating the appearance of atom number-squeezed state. Power laws of the strongest squeezing and the optimal coupling with particle number $N$ are obtained based upon a wide range of numerical simulations.

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