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The static properties, i.e., existence and stability, as well as the quench-induced dynamics of nonlinear excitations of the vortex-bright type appearing in two-dimensional harmonically confined spin-1 Bose-Einstein condensates are investigated. Line arly stable vortex-bright-vortex and bright-vortex-bright solutions arise in both antiferromagnetic and ferromagnetic spinor gases upon quadratic Zeeman energy shift variations. The precessional motion of such coherent structures is subsequently monitored dynamically. Deformations of the above configurations across the relevant transitions are exposed and discussed in detail. It is further found that stationary states involving highly quantized vortices can be realized in both settings. Spatial elongations, precessional motion and spiraling of the nonlinear excitations when exposed to finite temperatures and upon crossing the distinct phase boundaries, via quenching of the quadratic Zeeman coefficient, are unveiled. Spin-mixing processes triggered by the quench lead, among others, to changes in the waveform of the ensuing configurations. Our findings reveal an interplay between pattern formation and spin-mixing processes being accessible in contemporary cold atom experiments.
Matter-wave interference mechanisms in one-dimensional Bose-Einstein condensates that allow for the controlled generation of dark soliton trains upon choosing suitable box-type initial configurations are described. First, the direct scattering proble m for the defocusing nonlinear Schrodinger equation with nonzero boundary conditions and general box-type initial configurations is discussed, and expressions for the discrete spectrum corresponding to the dark soliton excitations generated by the dynamics are obtained. It is found that the size of the initial box directly affects the number, size and velocity of the solitons, while the initial phase determines the parity of the solutions. The analytical results are compared to those of numerical simulations of the Gross-Pitaevskii equation, both in the absence and in the presence of a harmonic trap. The numerical results bear out the analytical results with excellent agreement.
We present the phase diagram, the underlying stability and magnetic properties as well as the dynamics of nonlinear solitary wave excitations arising in the distinct phases of a harmonically confined spinor $F=1$ Bose-Einstein condensate. Particularl y, it is found that nonlinear excitations in the form of dark-dark-bright solitons exist in the antiferromagnetic and in the easy-axis phase of a spinor gas, being generally unstable in the former while possessing stability intervals in the latter phase. Dark-bright-bright solitons can be realized in the polar and the easy-plane phases as unstable and stable configurations respectively; the latter phase can also feature stable dark-dark-dark solitons. Importantly, the persistence of these types of states upon transitioning, by means of tuning the quadratic Zeeman coefficient from one phase to the other is unravelled. Additionally, the spin-mixing dynamics of stable and unstable matter waves is analyzed, revealing among others the coherent evolution of magnetic dark-bright, nematic dark-bright-bright and dark-dark-dark solitons. Moreover, for the unstable cases unmagnetized or magnetic droplet-like configurations and spin-waves consisting of regular and magnetic solitons are seen to dynamically emerge remaining thereafter robust while propagating for extremely large evolution times. Interestingly, exposing spinorial solitons to finite temperatures, their anti-damping in trap oscillation is showcased. It is found that the latter is suppressed for stronger bright soliton component fillings. Our investigations pave the wave for a systematic production and analysis involving spin transfer processes of such waveforms which have been recently realized in ultracold experiments.
We report on the static and dynamical properties of multiple dark-antidark solitons (DADs) in two-component, repulsively interacting Bose-Einstein condensates. Motivated by experimental observations involving multiple DADs, we present a theoretical s tudy which showcases that bound states consisting of dark (antidark) solitons in the first (second) component of the mixture exist for different values of interspecies interactions. It is found that ensembles of few DADs may exist as stable configurations, while for larger DAD arrays, the relevant windows of stability with respect to the interspecies interaction strength become progressively narrower. Moreover, the dynamical formation of states consisting of alternating DADs in the two components of the mixture is monitored. A complex dynamical evolution of these states is observed, leading either to sorted DADs or to beating dark-dark solitons depending on the strength of the interspecies coupling. This study demonstrates clear avenues for future investigations of DAD configurations.

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