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Scalar wavelets have been used extensively in the analysis of Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) temperature maps. Spin needlets are a new form of (spin) wavelets which were introduced in the mathematical literature by Geller and Marinucci (2008) as a tool for the analysis of spin random fields. Here we adopt the spin needlet approach for the analysis of CMB polarization measurements. The outcome of experiments measuring the polarization of the CMB are maps of the Stokes Q and U parameters which are spin 2 quantities. Here we discuss how to transform these spin 2 maps into spin 2 needlet coefficients and outline briefly how these coefficients can be used in the analysis of CMB polarization data. We review the most important properties of spin needlets, such as localization in pixel and harmonic space and asymptotic uncorrelation. We discuss several statistical applications, including the relation of angular power spectra to the needlet coefficients, testing for non-Gaussianity on polarization data, and reconstruction of the E and B scalar maps.
The forthcoming Planck experiment will provide high sensitivity polarization measurements that will allow us to further tighten the f_NL bounds from the temperature data. Monte Carlo simulations of non-Gaussian CMB maps have been used as a fundamenta l tool to characterize non-Gaussian signatures in the data, as they allow us to calibrate any statistical estimators and understand the effect of systematics, foregrounds and other contaminants. We describe an algorithm to generate high-angular resolution simulations of non-Gaussian CMB maps in temperature and polarization. We consider non-Gaussianities of the local type, for which the level of non-Gaussianity is defined by the dimensionless parameter, f_NL. We then apply the temperature and polarization fast cubic statistics recently developed by Yadav et al. to a set of non-Gaussian temperature and polarization simulations. We compare our results to theoretical expectations based on a Fisher matrix analysis, test the unbiasedness of the estimator, and study the dependence of the error bars on f_NL. All our results are in very good agreement with theoretical predictions, thus confirming the reliability of both the simulation algorithm and the fast cubic temperature and polarization estimator.

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