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In this paper, we investigate suffcient and necessary conditions for the comparison theorem of neutral stochastic functional differential equations driven by G-Brownian motion (G-NSFDE). Moreover, the results extend the ones in the linear expectation case [1] and nonlinear expectation framework [8].
In this paper, utilizing Wangs Harnack inequality with power and the Banach fixed point theorem, the weak well-posedness for distribution dependent SDEs with integrable drift is investigated. In addition, using a trick of decoupled method, some regul arity such as relative entropy and Sobolevs estimate of invariant probability measure are proved. Furthermore, by comparing two stationary Fokker-Planck-Kolmogorov equations, the existence and uniqueness of invariant probability measure for McKean-Vlasov SDEs are obtained by log-Sobolevs inequality and Banachs fixed theorem. Finally, some examples are presented.
106 - Xing Huang , Fen-Fen Yang 2020
Sufficient and necessary conditions are presented for the comparison theorem of path dependent $G$-SDEs. Different from the corresponding study in path independent $G$-SDEs, a probability method is applied to prove these results. Moreover, the results extend the ones in the linear expectation case.
90 - Xing Huang , Fen-Fen Yang 2019
In this paper, the existence and uniqueness of the distribution dependent SDEs with H{o}lder continuous drift driven by $alpha$-stable process is investigated. Moreover, by using Zvonkin type transformation, the convergence rate of Euler-Maruyama met hod is also obtained. The results cover the ones in the case of distribution independent SDEs.
135 - Fen-Fen Yang 2019
The Harnack and log Harnack inequalities for stochastic differential equation driven by $G$-Brownian motion with multiplicative noise are derived by means of coupling by change of mesure. All of the above results extend the existing ones in the linea r expectation setting. Moreover, the gradient estimate generalize the nonlinear results appeared in [11].
125 - Panpan Ren , Fen-Fen Yang 2018
The path independence of additive functionals for SDEs driven by the G-Brownian motion is characterized by nonlinear PDEs. The main result generalizes the existing ones for SDEs driven by the standard Brownian motion.

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