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GdNi is a ferrimagnetic material with a Curie temperature Tc = 69 K which exhibits a large magnetocaloric effect, making it useful for magnetic refrigerator applications. We investigate the electronic structure of GdNi by carrying out x-ray absorptio n spectroscopy (XAS) and x-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD) at T = 25 K in the ferrimagnetic phase. We analyze the Gd M$_{4,5}$-edge ($3d$ - $4f$) and Ni L$_{2,3}$-edge ($2p$ - $3d$) spectra using atomic multiplet and cluster model calculations, respectively. The atomic multiplet calculation for Gd M$_{4,5}$-edge XAS indicates that Gd is trivalent in GdNi, consistent with localized $4f$ states. On the other hand, a model cluster calculation for Ni L$_{2,3}$-edge XAS shows that Ni is effectively divalent in GdNi and strongly hybridized with nearest neighbour Gd states, resulting in a $d$-electron count of 8.57. The Gd M$_{4,5}$-edge XMCD spectrum is consistent with a ground state configuration of S = 7/2 and L=0. The Ni L$_{2,3}$-edge XMCD results indicate that the antiferromagnetically aligned Ni moments exhibit a small but finite magnetic moment ( $m_{tot}$ $sim$ 0.12 $mu_B$ ) with the ratio $m_{o}/m_{s}$ $sim$ 0.11. Valence band hard x-ray photoemission spectroscopy shows Ni $3d$ features at the Fermi level, confirming a partially filled $3d$ band, while the Gd $4f$ states are at high binding energies away from the Fermi level. The results indicate that the Ni $3d$ band is not fully occupied and contradicts the charge-transfer model for rare-earth based alloys. The obtained electronic parameters indicate that GdNi is a strongly correlated charge transfer metal with the Ni on-site Coulomb energy being much larger than the effective charge-transfer energy between the Ni $3d$ and Gd $4f$ states.
We report on a Ni L$_{2,3}$ edges x-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) study in $R$NiO$_3$ perovskites. These compounds exhibit a metal to insulator ($MI$) transition as temperature decreases. The L$_{3}$ edge presents a clear splitting in the insulat ing state, associated to a less hybridized ground state. Using charge transfer multiplet calculations, we establish the importance of the crystal field and 3d spin-orbit coupling to create a mixed-spin ground state. We explain the $MI$ transition in $R$NiO$_3$ perovskites in terms of modifications in the Ni$^{3+}$ crystal field splitting that induces a spin transition from an essentially low-spin (LS) to a mixed-spin state.

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