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Gravitational wave detectors (GWDs), which have brought about a new era in astronomy, have reached such a level of maturity that further improvement necessitates quantum-noise-evading techniques. Numerous proposals to this end have been discussed in the literature, e.g., invoking frequency-dependent squeezing or replacing the current Michelson interferometer topology by that of the quantum speedmeter. Recently, a proposal based on the linking of a standard interferometer to a negative-mass spin system via entangled light has offered an unintrusive and small-scale new approach to quantum noise evasion in GWDs [Phys. Rev. Lett. $mathbf{121}$, 031101 (2018)]. The solution proposed therein does not require modifications to the highly refined core optics of the present GWD design and, when compared to previous proposals, is less prone to losses and imperfections of the interferometer. In the present article, we refine this scheme to an extent that the requirements on the auxiliary spin system are feasible with state-of-the-art implementations. This is accomplished by matching the effective (rather than intrinsic) susceptibilities of the interferometer and spin system using the virtual rigidity concept, which, in terms of implementation, requires only suitable choices of the various homodyne, probe, and squeezing phases.
Quantum back action (QBA) of a measurement limits the precision of observation of the motion of a free mass. This profound effect dabbed the Heisenberg microscope in the early days of quantum mechanics, leads to the standard quantum limit (SQL) stemm ing from the balance between the measurement sensitivity and the QBA. Here we consider the measurement of motion of a free mass performed in a quantum reference frame with an effective negative mass which is not limited by QBA. As a result, the disturbance on the motion of a free mass can be measured beyond SQL. QBA-limited detection of motion for a free mass is extremely challenging, but there are devices where this effect is expected to play an essential role, namely, gravitational wave detectors (GWD) such as LIGO and VIRGO. Recent reports on observation of gravitational waves have opened new horizons in cosmology and astrophysics. Here we present a general idea and a detailed numerical analysis for QBA-evading measurement of the gravitational wave effect on the GWD mirrors which can be considered free masses under relevant conditions. The measurement is performed by two entangled beams of light probing the GWD and an auxiliary atomic spin ensemble, respectively. The latter plays a role of a free negative mass. We show that under realistic conditions the sensitivity of the GWD can be significantly increased over the entire frequency band of interest.
In the production of tapered optical fibers, it is important to control the fiber shape according to application-dependent requirements and to ensure adiabatic tapers. Especially in the transition regions, the fiber shape depends on the heater proper ties. The axial viscosity profile of the fiber within the heater can, however, be hard to access and is therefore often approximated by assuming a uniform temperature distribution. We present a method for easy experimental calibration of the viscosity profile within the heater. This allows the determination of the resultant fiber shape for arbitrary pulling procedures, using only an additional camera and the fiber drawing setup itself. We find very good agreement between the modeled and measured fiber shape.
Most protocols for Quantum Information Processing consist of a series of quantum gates, which are applied sequentially. In contrast, interactions, for example between matter and fields, as well as measurements such as homodyne detection of light, are typically continuous in time. We show how the ability to perform quantum operations continuously and deterministically can be leveraged for inducing non-local dynamics between two separate parties. We introduce a scheme for the engineering of an interaction between two remote systems and present a protocol which induces a dynamics in one of the parties, which is controlled by the other one. Both schemes apply to continuous variable systems, run continuously in time and are based on real-time feedback.
We propose a hybrid (continuous-discrete variable) quantum repeater protocol for distribution of entanglement over long distances. Starting from entangled states created by means of single-photon detection, we show how entangled coherent state superp ositions, also known as `Schrodinger cat states, can be generated by means of homodyne detection of light. We show that near-deterministic entanglement swapping with such states is possible using only linear optics and homodyne detectors, and we evaluate the performance of our protocol combining these elements.

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