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We introduce a simple and effective method for learning VAEs with controllable inductive biases by using an intermediary set of latent variables. This allows us to overcome the limitations of the standard Gaussian prior assumption. In particular, it allows us to impose desired properties like sparsity or clustering on learned representations, and incorporate prior information into the learned model. Our approach, which we refer to as the Intermediary Latent Space VAE (InteL-VAE), is based around controlling the stochasticity of the encoding process with the intermediary latent variables, before deterministically mapping them forward to our target latent representation, from which reconstruction is performed. This allows us to maintain all the advantages of the traditional VAE framework, while incorporating desired prior information, inductive biases, and even topological information through the latent mapping. We show that this, in turn, allows InteL-VAEs to learn both better generative models and representations.
Learning representations of stochastic processes is an emerging problem in machine learning with applications from meta-learning to physical object models to time series. Typical methods rely on exact reconstruction of observations, but this approach breaks down as observations become high-dimensional or noise distributions become complex. To address this, we propose a unifying framework for learning contrastive representations of stochastic processes (CRESP) that does away with exact reconstruction. We dissect potential use cases for stochastic process representations, and propose methods that accommodate each. Empirically, we show that our methods are effective for learning representations of periodic functions, 3D objects and dynamical processes. Our methods tolerate noisy high-dimensional observations better than traditional approaches, and the learned representations transfer to a range of downstream tasks.
Normalizing flows have shown great promise for modelling flexible probability distributions in a computationally tractable way. However, whilst data is often naturally described on Riemannian manifolds such as spheres, torii, and hyperbolic spaces, m ost normalizing flows implicitly assume a flat geometry, making them either misspecified or ill-suited in these situations. To overcome this problem, we introduce Riemannian continuous normalizing flows, a model which admits the parametrization of flexible probability measures on smooth manifolds by defining flows as the solution to ordinary differential equations. We show that this approach can lead to substantial improvements on both synthetic and real-world data when compared to standard flows or previously introduced projected flows.
The variational auto-encoder (VAE) is a popular method for learning a generative model and embeddings of the data. Many real datasets are hierarchically structured. However, traditional VAEs map data in a Euclidean latent space which cannot efficient ly embed tree-like structures. Hyperbolic spaces with negative curvature can. We therefore endow VAEs with a Poincare ball model of hyperbolic geometry as a latent space and rigorously derive the necessary methods to work with two main Gaussian generalisations on that space. We empirically show better generalisation to unseen data than the Euclidean counterpart, and can qualitatively and quantitatively better recover hierarchical structures.
We develop a generalisation of disentanglement in VAEs---decomposition of the latent representation---characterising it as the fulfilment of two factors: a) the latent encodings of the data having an appropriate level of overlap, and b) the aggregate encoding of the data conforming to a desired structure, represented through the prior. Decomposition permits disentanglement, i.e. explicit independence between latents, as a special case, but also allows for a much richer class of properties to be imposed on the learnt representation, such as sparsity, clustering, independent subspaces, or even intricate hierarchical dependency relationships. We show that the $beta$-VAE varies from the standard VAE predominantly in its control of latent overlap and that for the standard choice of an isotropic Gaussian prior, its objective is invariant to rotations of the latent representation. Viewed from the decomposition perspective, breaking this invariance with simple manipulations of the prior can yield better disentanglement with little or no detriment to reconstructions. We further demonstrate how other choices of prior can assist in producing different decompositions and introduce an alternative training objective that allows the control of both decomposition factors in a principled manner.
Empirical evidence suggests that heavy-tailed degree distributions occurring in many real networks are well-approximated by power laws with exponents $eta$ that may take values either less than and greater than two. Models based on various forms of e xchangeability are able to capture power laws with $eta < 2$, and admit tractable inference algorithms; we draw on previous results to show that $eta > 2$ cannot be generated by the forms of exchangeability used in existing random graph models. Preferential attachment models generate power law exponents greater than two, but have been of limited use as statistical models due to the inherent difficulty of performing inference in non-exchangeable models. Motivated by this gap, we design and implement inference algorithms for a recently proposed class of models that generates $eta$ of all possible values. We show that although they are not exchangeable, these models have probabilistic structure amenable to inference. Our methods make a large class of previously intractable models useful for statistical inference.

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