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Deep neural networks (DNNs) exhibit great success on many tasks with the help of large-scale well annotated datasets. However, labeling large-scale data can be very costly and error-prone so that it is difficult to guarantee the annotation quality (i .e., having noisy labels). Training on these noisy labeled datasets may adversely deteriorate their generalization performance. Existing methods either rely on complex training stage division or bring too much computation for marginal performance improvement. In this paper, we propose a Temporal Calibrated Regularization (TCR), in which we utilize the original labels and the predictions in the previous epoch together to make DNN inherit the simple pattern it has learned with little overhead. We conduct extensive experiments on various neural network architectures and datasets, and find that it consistently enhances the robustness of DNNs to label noise.
The study on improving the robustness of deep neural networks against adversarial examples grows rapidly in recent years. Among them, adversarial training is the most promising one, which flattens the input loss landscape (loss change with respect to input) via training on adversarially perturbed examples. However, how the widely used weight loss landscape (loss change with respect to weight) performs in adversarial training is rarely explored. In this paper, we investigate the weight loss landscape from a new perspective, and identify a clear correlation between the flatness of weight loss landscape and robust generalization gap. Several well-recognized adversarial training improvements, such as early stopping, designing new objective functions, or leveraging unlabeled data, all implicitly flatten the weight loss landscape. Based on these observations, we propose a simple yet effective Adversarial Weight Perturbation (AWP) to explicitly regularize the flatness of weight loss landscape, forming a double-perturbation mechanism in the adversarial training framework that adversarially perturbs both inputs and weights. Extensive experiments demonstrate that AWP indeed brings flatter weight loss landscape and can be easily incorporated into various existing adversarial training methods to further boost their adversarial robustness.
Training deep neural networks (DNNs) in the presence of noisy labels is an important and challenging task. Probabilistic modeling, which consists of a classifier and a transition matrix, depicts the transformation from true labels to noisy labels and is a promising approach. However, recent probabilistic methods directly apply transition matrix to DNN, neglect DNNs susceptibility to overfitting, and achieve unsatisfactory performance, especially under the uniform noise. In this paper, inspired by label smoothing, we proposed a novel method, in which a smoothed transition matrix is used for updating DNN, to restrict the overfitting of DNN in probabilistic modeling. Our method is termed Matrix Smoothing. We also empirically demonstrate that our method not only improves the robustness of probabilistic modeling significantly, but also even obtains a better estimation of the transition matrix.
Skip connections are an essential component of current state-of-the-art deep neural networks (DNNs) such as ResNet, WideResNet, DenseNet, and ResNeXt. Despite their huge success in building deeper and more powerful DNNs, we identify a surprising secu rity weakness of skip connections in this paper. Use of skip connections allows easier generation of highly transferable adversarial examples. Specifically, in ResNet-like (with skip connections) neural networks, gradients can backpropagate through either skip connections or residual modules. We find that using more gradients from the skip connections rather than the residual modules according to a decay factor, allows one to craft adversarial examples with high transferability. Our method is termed Skip Gradient Method(SGM). We conduct comprehensive transfer attacks against state-of-the-art DNNs including ResNets, DenseNets, Inceptions, Inception-ResNet, Squeeze-and-Excitation Network (SENet) and robustly trained DNNs. We show that employing SGM on the gradient flow can greatly improve the transferability of crafted attacks in almost all cases. Furthermore, SGM can be easily combined with existing black-box attack techniques, and obtain high improvements over state-of-the-art transferability methods. Our findings not only motivate new research into the architectural vulnerability of DNNs, but also open up further challenges for the design of secure DNN architectures.

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