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Catastrophic forgetting describes the fact that machine learning models will likely forget the knowledge of previously learned tasks after the learning process of a new one. It is a vital problem in the continual learning scenario and recently has at tracted tremendous concern across different communities. In this paper, we explore the catastrophic forgetting phenomena in the context of quantum machine learning. We find that, similar to those classical learning models based on neural networks, quantum learning systems likewise suffer from such forgetting problem in classification tasks emerging from various application scenes. We show that based on the local geometrical information in the loss function landscape of the trained model, a uniform strategy can be adapted to overcome the forgetting problem in the incremental learning setting. Our results uncover the catastrophic forgetting phenomena in quantum machine learning and offer a practical method to overcome this problem, which opens a new avenue for exploring potential quantum advantages towards continual learning.
Neuroevolution, a field that draws inspiration from the evolution of brains in nature, harnesses evolutionary algorithms to construct artificial neural networks. It bears a number of intriguing capabilities that are typically inaccessible to gradient -based approaches, including optimizing neural-network architectures, hyperparameters, and even learning the training rules. In this paper, we introduce a quantum neuroevolution algorithm that autonomously finds near-optimal quantum neural networks for different machine learning tasks. In particular, we establish a one-to-one mapping between quantum circuits and directed graphs, and reduce the problem of finding the appropriate gate sequences to a task of searching suitable paths in the corresponding graph as a Markovian process. We benchmark the effectiveness of the introduced algorithm through concrete examples including classifications of real-life images and symmetry-protected topological states. Our results showcase the vast potential of neuroevolution algorithms in quantum machine learning, which would boost the exploration towards quantum learning supremacy with noisy intermediate-scale quantum devices.
140 - Li-Wei Yu , Dong-Ling Deng 2020
Non-Hermitian topological phases bear a number of exotic properties, such as the non-Hermitian skin effect and the breakdown of conventional bulk-boundary correspondence. In this paper, we introduce an unsupervised machine learning approach to classi fy non-Hermitian topological phases based on diffusion maps, which are widely used in manifold learning. We find that the non-Hermitian skin effect will pose a notable obstacle, rendering the straightforward extension of unsupervised learning approaches to topological phases for Hermitian systems ineffective in clustering non-Hermitian topological phases. Through theoretical analysis and numerical simulations of two prototypical models, we show that this difficulty can be circumvented by choosing the on-site elements of the projective matrix as the input data. Our results provide a valuable guidance for future studies on learning non-Hermitian topological phases in an unsupervised fashion, both in theory and experiment.
Deep quantum neural networks may provide a promising way to achieve quantum learning advantage with noisy intermediate scale quantum devices. Here, we use deep quantum feedforward neural networks capable of universal quantum computation to represent the mixed states for open quantum many-body systems and introduce a variational method with quantum derivatives to solve the master equation for dynamics and stationary states. Owning to the special structure of the quantum networks, this approach enjoys a number of notable features, including the absence of barren plateaus, efficient quantum analogue of the backpropagation algorithm, resource-saving reuse of hidden qubits, general applicability independent of dimensionality and entanglement properties, as well as the convenient implementation of symmetries. As proof-of-principle demonstrations, we apply this approach to both one-dimensional transverse field Ising and two-dimensional $J_1-J_2$ models with dissipation, and show that it can efficiently capture their dynamics and stationary states with a desired accuracy.
We study the non-equilibrium dynamics of Abelian anyons in a one-dimensional system. We find that the interplay of anyonic statistics and interactions gives rise to spatially asymmetric particle transport together with a novel dynamical symmetry that depends on the anyonic statistical angle and the sign of interactions. Moreover, we show that anyonic statistics induces asymmetric spreading of quantum information, characterized by asymmetric light cones of out-of-time-ordered correlators. Such asymmetric dynamics is in sharp contrast with the dynamics of conventional fermions or bosons, where both the transport and information dynamics are spatially symmetric. We further discuss experiments with cold atoms where the predicted phenomena can be observed using state-of-the-art technologies. Our results pave the way toward experimentally probing anyonic statistics through non-equilibrium dynamics.
The breaking of ergodicity in isolated quantum systems with a single-particle mobility edge is an intriguing subject that has not yet been fully understood. In particular, whether a nonergodic but metallic phase exists or not in the presence of a one -dimensional quasiperiodic potential is currently under active debate. In this Letter, we develop a neural-network-based approach to investigate the existence of this nonergodic metallic phase in a prototype model using many-body entanglement spectra as the sole diagnostic. We find that such a method identifies with high confidence the existence of a nonergodic metallic phase in the midspectrum at an intermediate quasiperiodic potential strength. Our neural-network based approach shows how supervised machine learning can be applied not only in locating phase boundaries but also in providing a way to definitively examine the existence or not of a novel phase.
We theoretically study transport properties in one-dimensional interacting quasiperiodic systems at infinite temperature. We compare and contrast the dynamical transport properties across the many-body localization (MBL) transition in quasiperiodic a nd random models. Using exact diagonalization we compute the optical conductivity $sigma(omega)$ and the return probability $R(tau)$ and study their average low-frequency and long-time power-law behavior, respectively. We show that the low-energy transport dynamics is markedly distinct in both the thermal and MBL phases in quasiperiodic and random models and find that the diffusive and MBL regimes of the quasiperiodic model are more robust than those in the random system. Using the distribution of the DC conductivity, we quantify the contribution of sample-to-sample and state-to-state fluctuations of $sigma(omega)$ across the MBL transition. We find that the activated dynamical scaling ansatz works poorly in the quasiperiodic model but holds in the random model with an estimated activation exponent $psiapprox 0.9$. We argue that near the MBL transition in quasiperiodic systems, critical eigenstates give rise to a subdiffusive crossover regime on finite-size systems.
We review the physics of many-body localization in models with incommensurate potentials. In particular, we consider one-dimensional quasiperiodic models with single-particle mobility edges. Although a conventional perspective suggests that delocaliz ed states act as a thermalizing bath for the localized states in the presence of of interactions, there is evidence that such systems can display non-ergodicity. This is in part due to the fact that the delocalized states do not have any kind of protection due to symmetry or topology and are thus susceptible to localization. A study of non-interacting incommensurate models shows that they admit extended, partially extended, and fully localized many-body states. These models cannot thermalize dynamically and remain localized upon the introduction of interactions. In particular, for a certain range of energy, the system can host a non-ergodic extended (i.e. metallic) phase in which the energy eigenstates violate the eigenstate thermalization hypothesis (ETH) but the entanglement entropy obeys volume-law scaling. The level statistics and entanglement growth also indicate the lack of ergodicity in these models. The phenomenon of localization and non-ergodicity in a system with interactions despite the presence of single-particle delocalized states is closely related to the so-called many-body proximity effect and can also be observed in models with disorder coupled to systems with delocalized degrees of freedom. Many-body localization in systems with incommensurate potentials (without single-particle mobility edges) have been realized experimentally, and we show how this can be modified to study the the effects of such mobility edges. Demonstrating the failure of thermalization in the presence of a single-particle mobility edge in the thermodynamic limit would indicate a more robust violation of the ETH.
We theoretically study the response of a many-body localized system to a local quench from a quantum information perspective. We find that the local quench triggers entanglement growth throughout the whole system, giving rise to a logarithmic lightco ne. This saturates the modified Lieb-Robinson bound for quantum information propagation in many-body localized systems previously conjectured based on the existence of local integrals of motion. In addition, near the localization-delocalization transition, we find that the final states after the local quench exhibit volume-law entanglement. We also show that the local quench induces a deterministic orthogonality catastrophe for highly excited eigenstates, where the typical wave-function overlap between the pre- and post-quench eigenstates decays {it exponentially} with the system size.
We study the many-body localization aspects of single-particle mobility edges in fermionic systems. We investigate incommensurate lattices and random disorder Anderson models. Many-body localization and quantum nonergodic properties are studied by co mparing entanglement and thermal entropy, and by calculating the scaling of subsystem particle number fluctuations, respectively. We establish a nonergodic extended phase as a generic intermediate phase (between purely ergodic extended and nonergodic localized phases) for the many-body localization transition of non-interacting fermions where the entanglement entropy manifests a volume law (`extended), but there are large fluctuations in the subsystem particle numbers (`nonergodic). We argue such an intermediate phase scenario may continue holding even for the many-body localization in the presence of interactions as well. We find for many-body states in non-interacting 1d Aubry-Andre and 3d Anderson models that the entanglement entropy density and the normalized particle-number fluctuation have discontinuous jumps at the localization transition where the entanglement entropy is sub-thermal but obeys the volume law. In the vicinity of the localization transition we find that both the entanglement entropy and the particle number fluctuations obey a single parameter scaling. We argue using numerical and theoretical results that such a critical scaling behavior should persist for the interacting many-body localization problem with important consequences. Our work provides persuasive evidence in favor of there being two transitions in many-body systems with single-particle mobility edges, the first one indicating a transition from the purely localized nonergodic many-body localized phase to a nonergodic extended many-body metallic phase, and the second one being a transition eventually to the usual ergodic many-body extended phase.

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