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We propose a simple non-perturbative formalism for false vacuum decay using functional methods. We introduce the quasi-stationary effective action, a bounce action that non-perturbatively incorporates radiative corrections and is robust to strong cou plings. The quasi-stationary effective action obeys an exact flow equation in a modified functional renormalization group with a motivated regulator functional. We demonstrate the use of this formalism in a simple toy model and compare our result with that obtained in perturbation theory.
We propose a new out-of-equilibrium production mechanism of light dark matter: resonance scanning. If the dark matter mass evolved in the early Universe, resonant production may have occurred for a wide range of light dark matter masses today. We sho w that the dark matter relic abundance may be produced through the Higgs portal, in a manner consistent with current experimental constraints.
We investigate gravitational microlensing signals produced by a spatially extended object transiting in front of a finite-sized source star. The most interesting features arise for lens and source sizes comparable to the Einstein radius of the setup. Using this information, we obtain constraints from the Subaru-HSC survey of M31 on the dark matter populations of NFW subhalos and boson stars of asteroid to Earth masses. These lens profiles capture the qualitative behavior of a wide range of dark matter substructures. We find that deviations from constraints on point-like lenses (e.g. primordial black holes and MACHOs) become visible for lenses of radius 0.1 $R_odot$ and larger, with the upper bound on lens masses weakening with increasing lens size.
Dark matter may be in the form of non-baryonic structures such as compact subhalos and boson stars. Structures weighing between asteroid and solar masses may be discovered via gravitational microlensing, an astronomical probe that has in the past hel ped constrain the population of primordial black holes and baryonic MACHOs. We investigate the non-trivial effect of the size of and density distribution within these structures on the microlensing signal, and constrain their populations using the EROS-2 and OGLE-IV surveys. Structures larger than a solar radius are generally constrained more weakly than point-like lenses, but stronger constraints may be obtained for structures with mass distributions that give rise to caustic crossings or produce larger magnifications.
We explore a simple model which naturally explains the observed baryon asymmetry of the Universe. In this model the strong coupling is promoted to a dynamical quantity, which evolves through the vacuum expectation value of a singlet scalar field that mixes with the Higgs field. In the resulting cosmic history, QCD confinement and electroweak symmetry breaking initially occur simultaneously close to the weak scale. The early confinement triggers the axion to roll toward its minimum, which creates a chemical potential between baryons and antibaryons through the interactions of the $eta$ meson, resulting in spontaneous baryogenesis. The electroweak sphalerons are sharply switched off after confinement and the baryon asymmetry is frozen in. Subsequently, evolution of the Higgs vacuum expectation value (which is modified in the confined phase) triggers a relaxation to a Standard Model-like vacuum. We identify viable regions of parameter space, and describe various experimental probes, including current and future collider constraints, and gravitational wave phenomenology.
In this white paper, we discuss the prospects for characterizing and identifying dark matter using gravitational waves, covering a wide range of dark matter candidate types and signals. We argue that present and upcoming gravitational wave probes off er unprecedented opportunities for unraveling the nature of dark matter and we identify the most urgent challenges and open problems with the aim of encouraging a strong community effort at the interface between these two exciting fields of research.
We show that neutron star binaries can be ideal laboratories to probe hidden sectors with a long range force. In particular, it is possible for gravitational wave detectors such as LIGO and Virgo to resolve the correction of waveforms from ultralight dark gauge bosons coupled to neutron stars. We observe that the interaction of the hidden sector affects both the gravitational wave frequency and amplitude in a way that cannot be fitted by pure gravity.

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