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We present a new learning-based method for identifying safe and navigable regions in off-road terrains and unstructured environments from RGB images. Our approach consists of classifying groups of terrains based on their navigability levels using coa rse-grained semantic segmentation. We propose a bottleneck transformer-based deep neural network architecture that uses a novel group-wise attention mechanism to distinguish between navigability levels of different terrains. Our group-wise attention heads enable the network to explicitly focus on the different groups and improve the accuracy. We show through extensive evaluations on the RUGD and RELLIS-3D datasets that our learning algorithm improves visual perception accuracy in off-road terrains for navigation. We compare our approach with prior work on these datasets and achieve an improvement over the state-of-the-art mIoU by 6.74-39.1% on RUGD and 3.82-10.64% on RELLIS-3D. In addition, we deploy our method on a Clearpath Jackal robot. Our approach improves the performance of the navigation algorithm in terms of average progress towards the goal by 54.73% and the false positives in terms of forbidden region by 29.96%.
We present a novel approach for unsupervised road segmentation in adverse weather conditions such as rain or fog. This includes a new algorithm for source-free domain adaptation (SFDA) using self-supervised learning. Moreover, our approach uses sever al techniques to address various challenges in SFDA and improve performance, including online generation of pseudo-labels and self-attention as well as use of curriculum learning, entropy minimization and model distillation. We have evaluated the performance on $6$ datasets corresponding to real and synthetic adverse weather conditions. Our method outperforms all prior works on unsupervised road segmentation and SFDA by at least 10.26%, and improves the training time by 18-180x. Moreover, our self-supervised algorithm exhibits similar accuracy performance in terms of mIOU score as compared to prior supervised methods.
Practical autonomous driving systems face two crucial challenges: memory constraints and domain gap issues. In this paper, we present a novel approach to learn domain adaptive knowledge in models with limited memory, thus bestowing the model with the ability to deal with these issues in a comprehensive manner. We term this as Domain Adaptive Knowledge Distillation and address the same in the context of unsupervised domain-adaptive semantic segmentation by proposing a multi-level distillation strategy to effectively distil knowledge at different levels. Further, we introduce a novel cross entropy loss that leverages pseudo labels from the teacher. These pseudo teacher labels play a multifaceted role towards: (i) knowledge distillation from the teacher network to the student network & (ii) serving as a proxy for the ground truth for target domain images, where the problem is completely unsupervised. We introduce four paradigms for distilling domain adaptive knowledge and carry out extensive experiments and ablation studies on real-to-real as well as synthetic-to-real scenarios. Our experiments demonstrate the profound success of our proposed method.
We present an unsupervised adaptation approach for visual scene understanding in unstructured traffic environments. Our method is designed for unstructured real-world scenarios with dense and heterogeneous traffic consisting of cars, trucks, two-and three-wheelers, and pedestrians. We describe a new semantic segmentation technique based on unsupervised domain adaptation (DA), that can identify the class or category of each region in RGB images or videos. We also present a novel self-training algorithm (Alt-Inc) for multi-source DA that improves the accuracy. Our overall approach is a deep learning-based technique and consists of an unsupervised neural network that achieves 87.18% accuracy on the challenging India Driving Dataset. Our method works well on roads that may not be well-marked or may include dirt, unidentifiable debris, potholes, etc. A key aspect of our approach is that it can also identify objects that are encountered by the model for the fist time during the testing phase. We compare our method against the state-of-the-art methods and show an improvement of 5.17% - 42.9%. Furthermore, we also conduct user studies that qualitatively validate the improvements in visual scene understanding of unstructured driving environments.
Under Display Cameras present a promising opportunity for phone manufacturers to achieve bezel-free displays by positioning the camera behind semi-transparent OLED screens. Unfortunately, such imaging systems suffer from severe image degradation due to light attenuation and diffraction effects. In this work, we present Deep Atrous Guided Filter (DAGF), a two-stage, end-to-end approach for image restoration in UDC systems. A Low-Resolution Network first restores image quality at low-resolution, which is subsequently used by the Guided Filter Network as a filtering input to produce a high-resolution output. Besides the initial downsampling, our low-resolution network uses multiple, parallel atrous convolutions to preserve spatial resolution and emulates multi-scale processing. Our approachs ability to directly train on megapixel images results in significant performance improvement. We additionally propose a simple simulation scheme to pre-train our model and boost performance. Our overall framework ranks 2nd and 5th in the RLQ-TOD20 UDC Challenge for POLED and TOLED displays, respectively.

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