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We present the results of two tests where a sample of human participants were asked to make judgements about the conceptual combinations {it The Animal Acts} and {it The Animal eats the Food}. Both tests significantly violate the Clauser-Horne-Shimon y-Holt version of Bell inequalities (`CHSH inequality), thus exhibiting manifestly non-classical behaviour due to the meaning connection between the individual concepts that are combined. We then apply a quantum-theoretic framework which we developed for any Bell-type situation and represent empirical data in complex Hilbert space. We show that the observed violations of the CHSH inequality can be explained as a consequence of a strong form of `quantum entanglement between the component conceptual entities in which both the state and measurements are entangled. We finally observe that a quantum model in Hilbert space can be elaborated in these Bell-type situations even when the CHSH violation exceeds the known `Cirelson bound, in contrast to a widespread belief. These findings confirm and strengthen the results we recently obtained in a variety of cognitive tests and document and image retrieval operations on the same conceptual combinations.
We present a mathematical framework (referred to as Context-driven Actualization of Potential, or CAP) for describing how entities change over time under the influence of a context. The approach facilitates comparison of change of state of entities s tudied in different disciplines. Processes are seen to differ according to the degree of nondeterminism, and the degree to which they are sensitive to, internalize, and depend upon a particular context. Our analysis suggests that the dynamical evolution of a quantum entity described by the Schrodinger equation is not fundamentally different from change provoked by a measurement often referred to as collapse, but a limiting case, with only one way to collapse. The biological transition to coded replication is seen as a means of preserving structure in the fact of context-driven change, and sextual replication as a means of increasing potentiality thus enhancing diversity through interaction with context. The framework sheds light on concepts like selection and fitness, reveals how exceptional Darwinian evolution is as a means of change of state, and clarifies in what sense culture, and the creative process underlying it, are Darwinian.

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