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Many modern data sets require inference methods that can estimate the shared and individual-specific components of variability in collections of matrices that change over time. Promising methods have been developed to analyze these types of data in s tatic cases, but very few approaches are available for dynamic settings. To address this gap, we consider novel models and inference methods for pairs of matrices in which the columns correspond to multivariate observations at different time points. In order to characterize common and individual features, we propose a Bayesian dynamic factor modeling framework called Time Aligned Common and Individual Factor Analysis (TACIFA) that includes uncertainty in time alignment through an unknown warping function. We provide theoretical support for the proposed model, showing identifiability and posterior concentration. The structure enables efficient computation through a Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (HMC) algorithm. We show excellent performance in simulations, and illustrate the method through application to a social synchrony experiment.
Although multivariate count data are routinely collected in many application areas, there is surprisingly little work developing flexible models for characterizing their dependence structure. This is particularly true when interest focuses on inferri ng the conditional independence graph. In this article, we propose a new class of pairwise Markov random field-type models for the joint distribution of a multivariate count vector. By employing a novel type of transformation, we avoid restricting to non-negative dependence structures or inducing other restrictions through truncations. Taking a Bayesian approach to inference, we choose a Dirichlet process prior for the distribution of a random effect to induce great flexibility in the specification. An efficient Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm is developed for posterior computation. We prove various theoretical properties, including posterior consistency, and show that our COunt Nonparametric Graphical Analysis (CONGA) approach has good performance relative to competitors in simulation studies. The methods are motivated by an application to neuron spike count data in mice.

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