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261 - D. Nagy , P. Domokos 2015
We show that the critical exponent of a quantum phase transition in a damped-driven open system is determined by the spectral density function of the reservoir. We consider the open-system variant of the Dicke model, where the driven boson mode and a lso the large N-spin couple to independent reservoirs at zero temperature. The critical exponent, which is $1$ if there is no spin-bath coupling, decreases below 1 when the spin couples to a sub-Ohmic reservoir.
374 - G. Konya , G. Szirmai , D. Nagy 2013
We show that the damping rate of elementary excitations of hybrid systems close to a phase transition can undergo a remarkable resonance like enhancement before mode softening takes place. In particular, we consider the friction of a collective densi ty wave in a homogeneous superfluid of weakly interacting bosonic atoms coupled to the electromagnetic field of a single mode optical resonator. Here the Beliaev damping can thus be controlled by an external laser drive and be enhanced by several orders of magnitude.
118 - D. Nagy , G. Szirmai , P. Domokos 2013
The dispersive interaction of a Bose-Einstein condensate with a single mode of a high-finesse optical cavity realizes the radiation pressure coupling Hamiltonian. In this system the role of the mechanical oscillator is played by a single condensate e xcitation mode that is selected by the cavity mode function. We study the effect of atomic s-wave collisions and show that it merely renormalizes parameters of the usual optomechanical interaction. Moreover, we show that even in the case of strong harmonic confinement---which invalidates the use of Bloch states---a single excitation mode of the Bose-Einstein condensate couples significantly to the light field, that is the simplified picture of a single mechanical oscillator mode remains valid.
187 - G. Konya , D. Nagy , G. Szirmai 2012
Laser-driven Bose-Einstein condensate of ultracold atoms loaded into a lossy high-finesse optical resonator exhibits critical behavior and, in the thermodynamic limit, a phase transition between stationary states of different symmetries. The system r ealizes an open-system variant of the celebrated Dicke-model. We study the transition for a finite number of atoms by means of a Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov method adapted to a damped-driven open system. The finite-size scaling exponents are determined and a clear distinction between the non-equilibrium and the equilibrium quantum criticality is found.
102 - D. Nagy , G. Szirmai , P. Domokos 2011
The quantum phase transition of the Dicke-model has been observed recently in a system formed by motional excitations of a laser-driven Bose--Einstein condensate coupled to an optical cavity [1]. The cavity-based system is intrinsically open: photons can leak out of the cavity where they are detected. Even at zero temperature, the continuous weak measurement of the photon number leads to an irreversible dynamics towards a steady-state which exhibits a dynamical quantum phase transition. However, whereas the critical point and the mean field is only slightly modified with respect to the phase transition in the ground state, the entanglement and the critical exponents of the singular quantum correlations are significantly different in the two cases.
108 - G. Szirmai , D. Nagy , P. Domokos 2010
A Bose-Einstein condensate of ultracold atoms inside the field of a laser-driven optical cavity exhibits dispersive optical bistability. We describe this system by using mean-field approximation and by analyzing the correlation functions of the linea rized quantum fluctuations around the mean-field solution. The entanglement and the statistics of the atom-field quadratures are given in the stationary state. It is shown that the mean-field solution, i.e. the Bose-Einstein condensate is robust against entanglement generation for most part of the phase diagram.
169 - D. Nagy , G. Konya , G. Szirmai 2009
We show that the motion of a laser-driven Bose-Einstein condensate in a high-finesse optical cavity realizes the spin-boson Dicke-model. The quantum phase transition of the Dicke-model from the normal to the superradiant phase corresponds to the self -organization of atoms from the homogeneous into a periodically patterned distribution above a critical driving strength. The fragility of the ground state due to photon measurement induced back action is calculated.
116 - G. Szirmai , D. Nagy , P. Domokos 2008
Quantum fluctuations of a cavity field coupled into the motion of ultracold bosons can be strongly amplified by a mechanism analogous to the Petermann excess noise factor in lasers with unstable cavities. For a Bose-Einstein condensate in a stable op tical resonator, the excess noise effect amounts to a significant depletion on long timescales.
225 - D. Nagy , G. Szirmai , P. Domokos 2008
The spatial self-organization of a Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) in a high-finesse linear optical cavity is discussed. The condensate atoms are laser-driven from the side and scatter photons into the cavity. Above a critical pump intensity the homog eneous condensate evolves into a stable pattern bound by the cavity field. The transition point is determined analytically from a mean-field theory. We calculate the lowest lying Bogoliubov excitations of the coupled BEC-cavity system and the quantum depletion due to the atom-field coupling.

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