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Measurements of mass-angle distributions (MADs) for Cr + W reactions, providing a wide range in the neutron-to-proton ratio of the compound system, (N/Z)CN, have allowed for the dependence of quasifission on the (N/Z)CN to be determined in a model-in dependent way. Previous experimental and theoretical studies had produced conflicting conclusions. The experimental MADs reveal an increase in contact time and mass evolution of the quasifission fragments with increasing (N/Z)CN, which is indicative of an increase in the fusion probability. The experimental results are in agreement with microscopic time-dependent Hartree-Fock calculations of the quasifission process. The experimental and theoretical results favor the use of the most neutron-rich projectiles and targets for the production of heavy and superheavy nuclei.
Fusion cross-sections are computed for the $^{40}$Ca$+^{40}$Ca system over a wide energy range with two microscopic approaches where the only phenomenological input is the Skyrme energy density functional. The first method is based on the coupled-cha nnels formalism, using the bare nucleus-nucleus potential calculated with the frozen Hartree-Fock technique and the deformation parameters of vibrational states computed with the time-dependent Hartree-Fock (TDHF) approach. The second method is based on the density-constrained TDHF method to generate nucleus-nucleus potentials from TDHF evolution. Both approaches incorporate the effect of couplings to internal degrees of freedoms in different ways. The predictions are in relatively good agreement with experimental data.
Background: Near-barrier fusion can be strongly affected by the coupling between relative motion and internal degrees of freedom of the collision partners. The time-dependent Hartree-Fock (TDHF) theory and the coupled-channels (CC) method are standar d approaches to investigate this aspect of fusion dynamics. However, both approaches present limitations, such as a lack of tunnelling of the many-body wave function in the former and a need for external parameters to describe the nucleus-nucleus potential and the couplings in the latter. Method: A method combining both approaches is proposed to overcome these limitations. CC calculations are performed using two types of inputs from Hartree-Fock (HF) theory: the nucleus-nucleus potential calculated with the frozen HF method, and the properties of low-lying vibrational states and giant resonances computed from the TDHF linear response. Results: The effect of the couplings to vibrational modes is studied in the $^{40}$Ca$+^{40}$Ca and $^{56}$Ni$+^{56}$Ni systems. This work demonstrates that the main effect of these couplings is a lowering of the barrier, in good agreement with the fusion thresholds predicted by TDHF calculations. Conclusions: As the only phenomenological inputs are the choice of the internal states of the nuclei and the parameters of the energy density functional used in the HF and TDHF calculations, the method presented in this work has a broad range of possible applications, including studies of alternative couplings or reactions involving exotic nuclei.
Quantum many-body nuclear dynamics is treated at the mean-field level with the time-dependent Hartree-Fock (TDHF) theory. Low-lying and high-lying nuclear vibrations are studied using the linear response theory. The fusion mechanism is also described for light and heavy systems. The latter exhibit fusion hindrance due to quasi-fission. Typical characteristics of quasi-fission, such as contact time and partial symmetrisation of the fragments mass in the exit channel, are reproduced by TDHF calculations. The (multi-)nucleon transfer at sub-barrier energies is also discussed.

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