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We report on an optical photometric and polarimetric campaign on the accreting millisecond X-ray pulsar (AMXP) SAX J1808.4-3658 during its 2019 outburst. The emergence of a low-frequency excess in the spectral energy distribution in the form of a red excess above the disc spectrum (seen most prominently in z, i and R-bands) is observed as the outburst evolves. This is indicative of optically thin synchrotron emission due to a jet, as seen previously in this source and in other AMXPs during outburst. At the end of the outburst decay, the source entered a reflaring state. The low-frequency excess is still observed during the reflares. Our optical (BVRI) polarimetric campaign shows variable linear polarization (LP) throughout the outburst. We show that this is intrinsic to the source, with low-level but significant detections (0.2-2%) in all bands. The LP spectrum is red during both the main outburst and the reflaring state, favoring a jet origin for this variable polarization over other interpretations, such as Thomson scattering with free electrons from the disc or the propelled matter. During the reflaring state, a few episodes with stronger LP level (1-2 %) are observed. The low-level, variable LP is suggestive of strongly tangled magnetic fields near the base of the jet. These results clearly demonstrate how polarimetry is a powerful tool for probing the magnetic field structure in X-ray binary jets, similar to AGN jets.
X-ray transients, such as accreting neutron stars, periodically undergo outbursts, thought to be caused by a thermal-viscous instability in the accretion disk. Usually outbursts of accreting neutron stars are identified when the accretion disk has un dergone an instability, and the persistent X-ray flux has risen to a threshold detectable by all sky monitors on X-ray space observatories. Here we present the earliest known combined optical, UV, and X-ray monitoring observations of the outburst onset of an accreting neutron star low mass X-ray binary system. We observed a significant, continuing increase in the optical i-band magnitude starting on July 25, 12 days before the first X-ray detection with Swift/XRT and NICER (August 6), during the onset of the 2019 outburst of SAX J1808.4-3658. We also observed a 4 day optical to X-ray rise delay, and a 2 day UV to X-ray delay, at the onset of the outburst. We present the multiwavelength observations that were obtained, discussing the theory of outbursts in X-ray transients, including the disk instability model, and the implications of the delay. This work is an important confirmation of the delay in optical to X-ray emission during the onset of outbursts in low mass X-ray binaries, which has only previously been measured with less sensitive all sky monitors. We find observational evidence that the outburst is triggered by ionisation of hydrogen in the disk.
Recent advancements in the understanding of jet-disc coupling in black hole candidate X-ray binaries (BHXBs) have provided close links between radio jet emission and X-ray spectral and variability behaviour. In soft X-ray states the jets are suppress ed, but the current picture lacks an understanding of the X-ray features associated with the quenching or recovering of these jets. Here we show that a brief, ~4 day infrared (IR) brightening during a predominantly soft X-ray state of the BHXB 4U 1543-47 is contemporaneous with a strong X-ray Type B quasi-periodic oscillation (QPO), a slight spectral hardening and an increase in the rms variability, indicating an excursion to the soft-intermediate state (SIMS). This IR flare has a spectral index consistent with optically thin synchrotron emission and most likely originates from the steady, compact jet. This core jet emitting in the IR is usually only associated with the hard state, and its appearance during the SIMS places the jet line between the SIMS and the soft state in the hardness-intensity diagram for this source. IR emission is produced in a small region of the jets close to where they are launched (~ 0.1 light-seconds), and the timescale of the IR flare in 4U 1543-47 is far too long to be caused by a single, discrete ejection. We also present a summary of the evolution of the jet and X-ray spectral/variability properties throughout the whole outburst, constraining the jet contribution to the X-ray flux during the decay.
Accreting black holes are responsible for producing the fastest, most powerful outflows of matter in the Universe. The formation process of powerful jets close to black holes is poorly understood, and the conditions leading to jet formation are curre ntly hotly debated. In this paper, we report an unambiguous empirical correlation between the properties of the plasma close to the black hole and the particle acceleration properties within jets launched from the central regions of accreting stellar-mass and supermassive black holes. In these sources the emission of the plasma near the black hole is characterized by a power law at X-ray energies during times when the jets are produced. We find that the photon index of this power law, which gives information on the underlying particle distribution, correlates with the characteristic break frequency in the jet spectrum, which is dependent on magnetohydrodynamical processes in the outflow. The observed range in break frequencies varies by five orders of magnitude, in sources that span nine orders of magnitude in black hole mass, revealing a similarity of jet properties over a large range of black hole masses powering these jets. This correlation demonstrates that the internal properties of the jet rely most critically on the conditions of the plasma close to the black hole, rather than other parameters such as the black hole mass or spin, and will provide a benchmark that should be reproduced by the jet formation models.
[Abridged] We report on deep, coordinated radio and X-ray observations of the black hole X-ray binary XTE J1118+480 in quiescence. The source was observed with the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array for a total of 17.5 hrs at 5.3 GHz, yielding a 4.8 pm 1.4 microJy radio source at a position consistent with the binary system. At a distance of 1.7 kpc, this corresponds to an integrated radio luminosity between 4-8E+25 erg/s, depending on the spectral index. This is the lowest radio luminosity measured for any accreting black hole to date. Simultaneous observations with the Chandra X-ray Telescope detected XTE J1118+480 at 1.2E-14 erg/s/cm^2 (1-10 keV), corresponding to an Eddington ratio of ~4E-9 for a 7.5 solar mass black hole. Combining these new measurements with data from the 2005 and 2000 outbursts available in the literature, we find evidence for a relationship of the form ellr=alpha+beta*ellx (where ell denotes logarithmic luminosities), with beta=0.72pm0.09. XTE J1118+480 is thus the third system, together with GX339-4 and V404 Cyg, for which a tight, non-linear radio/X-ray correlation has been reported over more than 5 dex in ellx. We then perform a clustering and linear regression analysis on what is arguably the most up-to-date collection of coordinated radio and X-ray luminosity measurements from quiescent and hard state black hole X-ray binaries, including 24 systems. At variance with previous results, a two-cluster description is statistically preferred only for random errors <=0.3 dex in both ellr and ellx, a level which we argue can be easily reached when the known spectral shape/distance uncertainties and intrinsic variability are accounted for. A linear regression analysis performed on the whole data set returns a best-fitting slope beta=0.61pm0.03 and intrinsic scatter sigma_0=0.31pm 0.03 dex.
We report striking changes in the broadband spectrum of the compact jet of the black hole transient MAXI J1836-194 over state transitions during its discovery outburst in 2011. A fading of the optical-infrared (IR) flux occurred as the source entered the hard-intermediate state, followed by a brightening as it returned to the hard state. The optical-IR spectrum was consistent with a power law from optically thin synchrotron emission, except when the X-ray spectrum was softest. By fitting the radio to optical spectra with a broken power law, we constrain the frequency and flux of the optically thick/thin break in the jet synchrotron spectrum. The break gradually shifted to higher frequencies as the source hardened at X-ray energies, from ~ 10^11 to ~ 4 x 10^13 Hz. The radiative jet luminosity integrated over the spectrum appeared to be greatest when the source entered the hard state during the outburst decay (although this is dependent on the high energy cooling break, which is not seen directly), even though the radio flux was fading at the time. The physical process responsible for suppressing and reactivating the jet (neither of which are instantaneous but occur on timescales of weeks) is uncertain, but could arise from the varying inner accretion disk radius regulating the fraction of accreting matter that is channeled into the jet. This provides an unprecedented insight into the connection between inflow and outflow, and has implications for the conditions required for jets to be produced, and hence their launching process.
83 - D. M. Russell 2013
We revisit the paradigm of the dependency of jet power on black hole spin in accreting black hole systems. In a previous paper we showed that the luminosity of compact jets continuously launched due to accretion onto black holes in X-ray binaries (an alogous to those that dominate the kinetic feedback from AGN) do not appear to correlate with reported black hole spin measurements. It is therefore unclear whether extraction of the black hole spin energy is the main driver powering compact jets from accreting black holes. Occasionally, black hole X-ray binaries produce discrete, transient (ballistic) jets for a brief time over accretion state changes. Here, we quantify the dependence of the power of these transient jets (adopting two methods to infer the jet power) on black hole spin, making use of all the available data in the current literature, which includes 12 BHs with both measured spin parameters and radio flares over the state transition. In several sources, regular, well-sampled radio monitoring has shown that the peak radio flux differs dramatically depending on the outburst (up to a factor of 1000) whereas the total power required to energise the flare may only differ by a factor ~< 4 between outbursts. The peak flux is determined by the total energy in the flare and the time over which it is radiated (which can vary considerably between outbursts). Using a Bayesian fitting routine we rule out a statistically significant positive correlation between transient jet power measured using these methods, and current estimates of black hole spin. Even when selecting subsamples of the data that disregard some methods of black hole spin measurement or jet power measurement, no correlation is found in all cases.
We report our multiwavelength study of the 2011 outburst evolution of the newly discovered black hole candidate X-ray binary Swift J1357.2-0933. We analysed the Swift X-ray telescope and Ultraviolet/Optical telescope (UVOT) data taken during the ~7 m onths duration of the outburst. It displayed a 2-10 keV X-ray peak luminosity of ~1E35(D/1.5 kpc)^2 erg s-1 which classifies the source as a very faint X-ray transient. We found that the X-ray spectrum at the peak was consistent with the source being in the hard state, but it softened with decreasing luminosity, a common behaviour of black holes at low luminosities or returning to quiescence from the hard state. The correlations between the simultaneous X-ray and ultraviolet/optical data suggest a system with a black hole accreting from a viscous disc that is not irradiated. The UVOT filters provide the opportunity to study these correlations up to ultraviolet wavelengths a regime so far unexplored. If the black hole nature is confirmed, Swift J1357.2-0933 would be one of the very few established black hole very-faint X-ray transients.
250 - D. M. Russell 2010
[abridged] The black hole X-ray binary XTE J1550-564 was monitored extensively at X-ray, optical and infrared wavelengths throughout its outburst in 2000. We show that it is possible to separate the optical/near-infrared (OIR) jet emission from the O IR disc emission. Focussing on the jet component, we find that as the source fades in the X-ray hard state, the OIR jet emission has a spectral index consistent with optically thin synchrotron emission (alpha ~ -0.6 to -0.7, where F_nu propto nu^alpha). This jet emission is tightly and linearly correlated with the X-ray flux; L_OIR,jet propto L_X^(0.98 +- 0.08) suggesting a common origin. This is supported by the OIR, X-ray and OIR to X-ray spectral indices being consistent with a single power law (alpha = -0.73). Ostensibly the compact, synchrotron jet could therefore account for ~ 100 % of the X-ray flux at low luminosities in the hard state. At the same time, (i) an excess is seen over the power law decay of the X-ray flux at the point in which the jet would start to dominate, (ii) the X-ray spectrum slightly softens, which seems to be due to a high energy cut-off or break shifting to a lower energy, and (iii) the X-ray rms variability increases. This may be the strongest evidence to date of synchrotron emission from the compact, steady jet dominating the X-ray flux of an X-ray binary. For XTE J1550-564, this is likely to occur within the luminosity range ~ (2 e-4 - 2 e-3) L_Edd on the hard state decline of this outburst. However, on the hard state rise of the outburst and initially on the hard state decline, the synchrotron jet can only provide a small fraction (~ a few per cent) of the X-ray flux. Both thermal Comptonization and the synchrotron jet can therefore produce the hard X-ray power law in accreting black holes.
103 - D. M. Russell 2010
A common consequence of accretion onto black holes is the formation of powerful, relativistic jets that escape the system. In the case of supermassive black holes at the centres of galaxies this has been known for decades, but for stellar-mass black holes residing within galaxies like our own, it has taken recent advances to arrive at this conclusion. Here, a review is given of the evidence that supports the existence of jets from accreting stellar-mass black holes, from observations made at optical and infrared wavelengths. In particular it is found that on occasion, jets can dominate the emission of these systems at these wavelengths. In addition, the interactions between the jets and the surrounding matter produce optical and infrared emission on large scales via thermal and non-thermal processes. The evidence, implications and applications in the context of jet physics are discussed. It is shown that many properties of the jets can be constrained from these studies, including the total kinetic power they contain. The main conclusion is that like the supermassive black holes, the jet kinetic power of accreting stellar-mass black holes is sometimes comparable to their bolometric radiative luminosity. Future studies can test ubiquities in jet properties between objects, and attempt to unify the properties of jets from all observable accreting black holes, i.e. of all masses.

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