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We determine for the first time the magnetic dipole moment of a short-lived nucleus with part-per-million (ppm) accuracy. To achieve this two orders of magnitude improvement over previous studies, we implement a number of innovations into our $beta$- detected Nuclear Magnetic Resonance ($beta$-NMR) setup at ISOLDE/CERN. Using liquid samples as hosts we obtain narrow, sub-kHz linewidth, resonances, while a simultaneous in-situ $^1$H NMR measurement allows us to calibrate and stabilize the magnetic field to ppm precision, thus eliminating the need for additional $beta$-NMR reference measurements. Furthermore, we use ab initio calculations of NMR shielding constants to improve the accuracy of the reference magnetic moment, thus removing a large systematic error. We demonstrate the potential of this combined approach with the 1.1 s half-life radioactive nucleus $^{26}$Na, which is relevant for biochemical studies. Our technique can be readily extended to other isotopic chains, providing accurate magnetic moments for many short-lived nuclei. Furthermore, we discuss how our approach can open the path towards a wide range of applications of the ultra-sensitive $beta$-NMR in physics, chemistry, and biology.
Curated databases have become important sources of information across scientific disciplines, and due to the manual work of experts, often become important reference works. Features such as provenance tracking, archiving, and data citation are widely regarded as important features for curated databases, but implementing such features is challenging, and small database projects often lack the resources to do so. A scientific database application is not just the database itself, but also an ecosystem of web applications to display the data, and applications supporting data curation. Supporting advanced curation features requires changing all of these components, and there is currently no way to provide such capabilities in a reusable way. Cross-tier programming languages have been proposed to simplify the creation of web applications, where developers write an application in a single, uniform language. Consequently, database queries and updates can be written in the same language as the rest of the program, and at least in principle, it should be possible to provide curation features reusably via program transformations. As a first step, it is important to establish that realistic curated databases can be implemented in a cross-tier programming language. In this paper, we describe such a case study: reimplementing the web frontend of a real-world scientific database, the IUPHAR/BPS Guide to Pharmacology (GtoPdb), in the Links programming language. We show how features such as language-integrated query simplify the development process, and rule out common errors. We show that the Links implementation performs fewer database queries, while the time needed to handle the queries is comparable to the Java version. While there is some overhead to using Links because of its comparative immaturity compared to Java, the Links version is viable as a proof-of-concept case study.
53 - W. Gins 2018
A beamline dedicated to the production of laser-polarized radioactive beams has been constructed at ISOLDE, CERN. We present here different simulations leading to the design and construction of the setup, as well as technical details of the full setu p and examples of the achieved polarizations for several radioisotopes. Beamline simulations show a good transmission through the entire line, in agreement with observations. Simulations of the induced nuclear spin-polarization as a function of atom-laser interaction length are presented for $^{26,28}$Na, [1] and for $^{35}$Ar, which is studied in this work. Adiabatic spin rotation of the spin-polarized ensemble of atoms, and how this influences the observed nuclear ensemble polarization, are also performed for the same nuclei. For $^{35}$Ar, we show that multiple-frequency pumping enhances the ensemble polarization by a factor 1.85, in agreement with predictions from a rate equations model. [1] J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys./1744084005
Minimum Riesz energy problems in the presence of an external field are analyzed for a condenser with touching plates. We obtain sufficient and/or necessary conditions for the solvability of these problems in both the unconstrained and the constrained settings, investigate the properties of minimizers, and prove their uniqueness. Furthermore, characterization theorems in terms of variational inequalities for the weighted potentials are established. The results obtained are illustrated by several examples.

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