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We present a compact formula in Mellin space for the four-point tree-level holographic correlators of chiral primary operators of arbitrary conformal weights in $(2,0)$ supergravity on $AdS_3 times S^3$, with two operators in tensor multiplet and the other two in gravity multiplet. This is achieved by solving the recursion relation arising from a hidden six-dimensional conformal symmetry. We note the compact expression is obtained after carefully analysing the analytic structures of the correlators. Various limits of the correlators are studied, including the maximally R-symmetry violating limit and flat-space limit.
We present a novel expression for an integrated correlation function of four superconformal primaries in $SU(N)$ $mathcal{N}=4$ SYM. This integrated correlator, which is based on supersymmetric localisation, has been the subject of several recent dev elopments. The correlator is re-expressed as a sum over a two dimensional lattice that is valid for all $N$ and all values of the complex Yang-Mills coupling $tau$. In this form it is manifestly invariant under $SL(2,mathbb{Z})$ Montonen-Olive duality. Furthermore, it satisfies a remarkable Laplace-difference equation that relates the $SU(N)$ to the $SU(N+1)$ and $SU(N-1)$ correlators. For any fixed value of $N$ the correlator is an infinite series of non-holomorphic Eisenstein series, $E(s;tau,bartau)$ with $sin mathbb{Z}$, and rational coefficients. The perturbative expansion of the integrated correlator is asymptotic and the $n$-loop coefficient is a rational multiple of $zeta(2n+1)$. The $n=1$ and $n=2$ terms agree precisely with results determined directly by integrating the expressions in one- and two-loop perturbative SYM. Likewise, the charge-$k$ instanton contributions have an asymptotic, but Borel summable, series of perturbative corrections. The large-$N$ expansion of the correlator with fixed $tau$ is a series in powers of $N^{1/2-ell}$ ($ellin mathbb{Z}$) with coefficients that are rational sums of $E_s$ with $sin mathbb{Z}+1/2$. This gives an all orders derivation of the form of the recently conjectured expansion. We further consider t Hooft large-$N$ Yang-Mills theory. The coefficient of each order can be expanded as a convergent series in $lambda$. For large $lambda$ this becomes an asymptotic series with coefficients that are again rational multiples of odd zeta values. The large-$lambda$ series is not Borel summable, and its resurgent non-perturbative completion is $O(exp(-2sqrt{lambda}))$.
An integrated correlator of four superconformal stress-tensor primaries of $mathcal{N}=4$ supersymmetric $SU(N)$ Yang-Mills theory (SYM), originally obtained by localisation, is re-expressed as a two-dimensional lattice sum that is manifestly invaria nt under $SL(2,mathbb{Z})$ S-duality. This expression is shown to satisfy a novel Laplace equation in the complex coupling constant $tau$ that relates the $SU(N)$ integrated correlator to those of the $SU(N+1)$ and $SU(N-1)$ theories. The lattice sum is shown to precisely reproduce known perturbative and non-perturbative properties of $mathcal{N}=4$ SYM for any finite $N$, as well as extending previously conjectured properties of the large-$N$ expansion.
This paper concerns a special class of $n$-point correlation functions of operators in the stress tensor supermultiplet of $mathcal{N}=4$ supersymmetric $SU(N)$ Yang-Mills theory. These are maximal $U(1)_Y$-violating correlators that violate the bonu s $U(1)_Y$ charge by a maximum of $2(n-4)$ units. We will demonstrate that such correlators satisfy $SL(2,mathbb{Z})$-covariant recursion relations that relate $n$-point correlators to $(n-1)$-point correlators in a manner analogous to the soft dilaton relations that relate the corresponding amplitudes in flat-space type IIB superstring theory. These recursion relations are used to determine terms in the large-$N$ expansion of $n$-point maximal $U(1)_Y$-violating correlators in the chiral sector, including correlators with four superconformal stress tensor primaries and $(n-4)$ chiral Lagrangian operators, starting from known properties of the $n=4$ case. We concentrate on the first three orders in $1/N$ beyond the supergravity limit. The Mellin representations of the correlators are polynomials in Mellin variables, which correspond to higher derivative contact terms in the low-energy expansion of type IIB superstring theory in $AdS_5 times S^5$ at the same orders as $R^4, d^4R^4$ and $d^6R^4$. The coupling constant dependence of these terms is found to be described by non-holomorphic modular forms with holomorphic and anti-holomorphic weights $(n-4,4-n)$ that are $SL(2, mathbb{Z})$-covariant derivatives of Eisenstein series and certain generalisations. This determines a number of non-leading contributions to $U(1)_Y$-violating $n$-particle interactions ($n>4$) in the low-energy expansion of type IIB superstring amplitudes in $AdS_5times S^5$.
We study loop corrections to scattering amplitudes in the world-volume theory of a probe D3-brane, which is described by the supersymmetric Dirac-Born-Infeld theory. We show that the D3-brane loop superamplitudes can be obtained from the tree-level s uperamplitudes in the world-volume theory of a probe M5-brane (or D5-brane). The M5-brane theory describes self-interactions of an abelian tensor supermultiplet with $(2,0)$ supersymmetry, and the tree-level superamplitudes are given by a twistor formula. We apply the construction to the maximally-helicity-violating (MHV) amplitudes in the D3-brane theory at one-loop order, which are purely rational terms (except for the four-point amplitude). The results are further confirmed by generalised unitarity methods. Through a supersymmetry reduction on the M5-brane tree-level superamplitudes, we also construct one-loop corrections to the non-supersymmetric D3-brane amplitudes, which agree with the known results in the literature.

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