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In order to plan a safe maneuver an autonomous vehicle must accurately perceive its environment, and understand the interactions among traffic participants. In this paper, we aim to learn scene-consistent motion forecasts of complex urban traffic dir ectly from sensor data. In particular, we propose to characterize the joint distribution over future trajectories via an implicit latent variable model. We model the scene as an interaction graph and employ powerful graph neural networks to learn a distributed latent representation of the scene. Coupled with a deterministic decoder, we obtain trajectory samples that are consistent across traffic participants, achieving state-of-the-art results in motion forecasting and interaction understanding. Last but not least, we demonstrate that our motion forecasts result in safer and more comfortable motion planning.
Roads have well defined geometries, topologies, and traffic rules. While this has been widely exploited in motion planning methods to produce maneuvers that obey the law, little work has been devoted to utilize these priors in perception and motion f orecasting methods. In this paper we propose to incorporate these structured priors as a loss function. In contrast to imposing hard constraints, this approach allows the model to handle non-compliant maneuvers when those happen in the real world. Safe motion planning is the end goal, and thus a probabilistic characterization of the possible future developments of the scene is key to choose the plan with the lowest expected cost. Towards this goal, we design a framework that leverages REINFORCE to incorporate non-differentiable priors over sample trajectories from a probabilistic model, thus optimizing the whole distribution. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach on real-world self-driving datasets containing complex road topologies and multi-agent interactions. Our motion forecasts not only exhibit better precision and map understanding, but most importantly result in safer motion plans taken by our self-driving vehicle. We emphasize that despite the importance of this evaluation, it has been often overlooked by previous perception and motion forecasting works.
In this paper, we tackle the problem of relational behavior forecasting from sensor data. Towards this goal, we propose a novel spatially-aware graph neural network (SpAGNN) that models the interactions between agents in the scene. Specifically, we e xploit a convolutional neural network to detect the actors and compute their initial states. A graph neural network then iteratively updates the actor states via a message passing process. Inspired by Gaussian belief propagation, we design the messages to be spatially-transformed parameters of the output distributions from neighboring agents. Our model is fully differentiable, thus enabling end-to-end training. Importantly, our probabilistic predictions can model uncertainty at the trajectory level. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach by achieving significant improvements over the state-of-the-art on two real-world self-driving datasets: ATG4D and nuScenes.

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