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The coldest and densest structures of gas and dust in the Universe have unique spectral signatures across the (sub-)millimetre bands ($ u approx 30-950$~GHz). The current generation of single dish facilities has given a glimpse of the potential for d iscovery, while sub-mm interferometers have presented a high resolution view into the finer details of known targets or in small-area deep fields. However, significant advances in our understanding of such cold and dense structures are now hampered by the limited sensitivity and angular resolution of our sub-mm view of the Universe at larger scales. In this context, we present the case for a new transformational astronomical facility in the 2030s, the Atacama Large Aperture Submillimetre Telescope (AtLAST). AtLAST is a concept for a 50-m-class single dish telescope, with a high throughput provided by a 2~deg - diameter Field of View, located on a high, dry site in the Atacama with good atmospheric transmission up to $ usim 1$~THz, and fully powered by renewable energy. We envision AtLAST as a facility operated by an international partnership with a suite of instruments to deliver the transformative science that cannot be achieved with current or in-construction observatories. As an 50m-diameter telescope with a full complement of advanced instrumentation, including highly multiplexed high-resolution spectrometers, continuum cameras and integral field units, AtLAST will have mapping speeds hundreds of times greater than current or planned large aperture ($>$ 12m) facilities. By reaching confusion limits below L$_*$ in the distant Universe, resolving low-mass protostellar cores at the distance of the Galactic Centre, and directly mapping both the cold and the hot (the Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect) circumgalactic medium of galaxies, AtLAST will enable a fundamentally new understanding of the sub-mm Universe.
We present interferometric observations of the CN(1-0) line emission in Mrk231 and combine them with previous observations of CO and other H$_2$ gas tracers to study the physical properties of the massive molecular outflow. We find a strong boost of the CN/CO(1-0) line luminosity ratio in the outflow, which is unprecedented compared to any other known Galactic or extragalactic source. For the dense gas phase in the outflow traced by the HCN and CN emissions, we infer $rm X_{rm CN}equiv [CN]/[H_2] > X_{rm HCN}$ by at least a factor of three, with H$_2$ gas densities of $n_{rm H_2}sim10^{5-6}$ cm$^{-3}$. In addition, for the first time, we resolve narrow spectral features in the HCN(1-0) and HCO$^+$(1-0) high-velocity line wings tracing the dense phase of the outflow. The velocity dispersions of these spectral features, $sigma_vsim7-20$ km s$^{-1}$, are consistent with those of massive extragalactic giant molecular clouds detected in nearby starburst nuclei. The H$_2$ gas masses inferred from the HCN data are quite high, $M_{mol}sim0.3-5times10^8$ $M_{odot}$. Our results suggest that massive, denser molecular gas complexes survive embedded into the more diffuse H$_2$ phase of the outflow, and that the chemistry of such outflowing dense clouds is affected by enhanced UV radiation.
We report the first Atacama large millimeter/submillimeter array observations of MCG-03-58-007, a local ($z=0.03236pm0.00002$, this work) AGN ($L_{AGN}sim10^{45}~rm erg~s^{-1}$), hosting a powerful X-ray ultra-fast ($v=0.1c$) outflow (UFO). The CO(1- 0) line emission is observed across $sim18,$kpc scales with a resolution of $sim 1,rm kpc$. About 78% of the CO(1-0) luminosity traces a galaxy-size rotating disk. However, after subtracting the emission due to such rotating disk, we detect with a S/N=20 a residual emission in the central $sim 4,$kpc. Such residuals may trace a low velocity ($v_{LOS}=170,rm km,s^{-1}$) outflow. We compare the momentum rate and kinetic power of such putative molecular outflow with that of the X-ray UFO and find $dot{P}_{out}/dot{P}_{UFO}=0.3pm0.2$ and $dot{E}_{mol}/dot{E}_{UFO}sim4cdot10^{-3}$. This result is at odds with the energy-conserving scenario suggested by the large momentum boosts measured in some other molecular outflows. An alternative interpretation of the residual CO emission would be a compact rotating structure, distinct from the main disk, which would be a factor of $sim10-100$ more extended and massive than typical circumnuclear disks revealed in Seyferts. However, in both scenarios, our results rule out the hypothesis of a momentum-boosted molecular outflow in this AGN, despite the presence of a powerful X-ray UFO. [Abridged]
The cycling of baryons in and out of galaxies is what ultimately drives galaxy formation and evolution. The circumgalactic medium (CGM) represents the interface between the interstellar medium and the cosmic web, hence its properties are directly sha ped by the baryon cycle. Although traditionally the CGM is thought to consist of warm and hot gas, recent breakthroughs are presenting a new scenario according to which an important fraction of its mass may reside in the cold atomic and molecular phase. This would represent fuel that is readily available for star formation, with crucial implications for feeding and feedback processes in galaxies. However, such cold CGM, especially in local galaxies where its projected size on sky is expected to be of several arcminutes, cannot be imaged by ALMA due to interferometric spatial scale filtering of large-scale structures. We show that the only way to probe the multiphase CGM including its coldest component is through a large (e.g. 50-m) single dish (sub-)mm telescope.

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