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In this work, we propose a camera self-calibration algorithm for generic cameras with arbitrary non-linear distortions. We jointly learn the geometry of the scene and the accurate camera parameters without any calibration objects. Our camera model co nsists of a pinhole model, a fourth order radial distortion, and a generic noise model that can learn arbitrary non-linear camera distortions. While traditional self-calibration algorithms mostly rely on geometric constraints, we additionally incorporate photometric consistency. This requires learning the geometry of the scene, and we use Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF). We also propose a new geometric loss function, viz., projected ray distance loss, to incorporate geometric consistency for complex non-linear camera models. We validate our approach on standard real image datasets and demonstrate that our model can learn the camera intrinsics and extrinsics (pose) from scratch without COLMAP initialization. Also, we show that learning accurate camera models in a differentiable manner allows us to improve PSNR over baselines. Our module is an easy-to-use plugin that can be applied to NeRF variants to improve performance. The code and data are currently available at https://github.com/POSTECH-CVLab/SCNeRF.
We introduce DiscoBox, a novel framework that jointly learns instance segmentation and semantic correspondence using bounding box supervision. Specifically, we propose a self-ensembling framework where instance segmentation and semantic correspondenc e are jointly guided by a structured teacher in addition to the bounding box supervision. The teacher is a structured energy model incorporating a pairwise potential and a cross-image potential to model the pairwise pixel relationships both within and across the boxes. Minimizing the teacher energy simultaneously yields refined object masks and dense correspondences between intra-class objects, which are taken as pseudo-labels to supervise the task network and provide positive/negative correspondence pairs for dense constrastive learning. We show a symbiotic relationship where the two tasks mutually benefit from each other. Our best model achieves 37.9% AP on COCO instance segmentation, surpassing prior weakly supervised methods and is competitive to supervised methods. We also obtain state of the art weakly supervised results on PASCAL VOC12 and PF-PASCAL with real-time inference.
Many problems in science and engineering can be formulated in terms of geometric patterns in high-dimensional spaces. We present high-dimensional convolutional networks (ConvNets) for pattern recognition problems that arise in the context of geometri c registration. We first study the effectiveness of convolutional networks in detecting linear subspaces in high-dimensional spaces with up to 32 dimensions: much higher dimensionality than prior applications of ConvNets. We then apply high-dimensional ConvNets to 3D registration under rigid motions and image correspondence estimation. Experiments indicate that our high-dimensional ConvNets outperform prior approaches that relied on deep networks based on global pooling operators.
We present a novel approach to reconstructing lightweight, CAD-based representations of scanned 3D environments from commodity RGB-D sensors. Our key idea is to jointly optimize for both CAD model alignments as well as layout estimations of the scann ed scene, explicitly modeling inter-relationships between objects-to-objects and objects-to-layout. Since object arrangement and scene layout are intrinsically coupled, we show that treating the problem jointly significantly helps to produce globally-consistent representations of a scene. Object CAD models are aligned to the scene by establishing dense correspondences between geometry, and we introduce a hierarchical layout prediction approach to estimate layout planes from corners and edges of the scene.To this end, we propose a message-passing graph neural network to model the inter-relationships between objects and layout, guiding generation of a globally object alignment in a scene. By considering the global scene layout, we achieve significantly improved CAD alignments compared to state-of-the-art methods, improving from 41.83% to 58.41% alignment accuracy on SUNCG and from 50.05% to 61.24% on ScanNet, respectively. The resulting CAD-based representations makes our method well-suited for applications in content creation such as augmented- or virtual reality.

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