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We study the entanglement entropy of free fermions in 2d in the presence of a partially transmitting interface that splits Minkowski space into two half-spaces. We focus on the case of a single interval that straddles the defect, and compute its enta nglement entropy in three limits: Perturbing away from the fully transmitting and fully reflecting cases, and perturbing in the amount of asymmetry of the interval about the defect. Using these results within the setup of the Poincare patch of AdS$_2$ statically coupled to a zero temperature flat space bath, we calculate the effect of a partially transmitting AdS$_2$ boundary on the location of the entanglement island region. The partially transmitting boundary is a toy model for black hole graybody factors. Our results indicate that the entanglement island region behaves in a monotonic fashion as a function of the transmission/reflection coefficient at the interface.
Fundamental quantum electrodynamical (QED) processes such as spontaneous emission and electron-photon scattering encompass a wealth of phenomena that form one of the cornerstones of modern science and technology. Conventionally, calculations in QED a nd in other field theories assume that incoming particles are single-momentum states. The possibility that coherent superposition states, i.e. shaped wavepackets, will alter the result of fundamental scattering processes is thereby neglected, and is instead assumed to sum to an incoherent (statistical) distribution in the incoming momentum. Here, we show that free-electron wave-shaping can be used to engineer quantum interferences that alter the results of scattering processes in QED. Specifically, the interference of two or more pathways in a QED process (such as photon emission) enables precise control over the rate of that process. As an example, we apply our concept to Bremsstrahlung, a ubiquitous phenomenon that occurs, for instance, in X-ray sources for state-of-the-art medical imaging, security scanning, materials analysis, and astrophysics. We show that free electron wave-shaping can be used to tailor both the spatial and the spectral distribution of emitted photons, enhancing their directionality and monochromaticity, and adding more degrees of freedom that make emission processes like Bremsstrahlung more versatile. The ability to tailor the spatiotemporal attributes of photon emission via quantum interference provides a new degree of freedom in shaping radiation across the entire electromagnetic spectrum. More broadly, the ability to tailor general QED processes through the shaping of free electrons opens up new avenues of control in processes ranging from optical excitation processes (e.g., plasmon and phonon emission) in electron microscopy to free electron lasing in the quantum regime.
Motivated by the understanding of holography as realized in tensor networks, we develop a bulk procedure that can be interpreted as generating a sequence of coarse-grained holographic states. The coarse-graining procedure involves identifying degrees of freedom entangled at short distances and disentangling them. This is manifested in the bulk by a flow equation that generates a codimension-1 object, which we refer to as the holographic slice. We generalize the earlier classical construction to include bulk quantum corrections, which naturally involves the generalized entropy as a measure of the number of relevant boundary degrees of freedom. The semiclassical coarse-graining results in a flow that approaches quantum extremal surfaces such as entanglement islands that have appeared in discussions of the black hole information paradox. We also discuss the relation of the present picture to the view that the holographic dictionary works as quantum error correction.

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