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155 - Chang-Yan Wang , Yan He 2021
The method of geometrization arises as an important tool in understanding the entanglement of quantum fields and the behavior of the many-body system. The symplectic structure of the boson operators provide a natural way to geometrize the quantum dyn amics of the bosonic systems of quadratic Hamiltonians, by recognizing that the time evolution operator corresponds to a real symplectic matrix in $Sp(4,R)$ group. We apply this geometrization scheme to study the quantum dynamics of the spinor Bose-Einstein condensate systems, demonstrating that the quantum dynamics of this system can be represented by trajectories in a six dimensional manifold. It is found that the trajectory is quasi-periodic for coupled bosons. The expectation value of the observables can also be naturally calculated through this approach.
In addition to novel surface states, topological insulators can also exhibit robust gapless states at crystalline defects. Step edges constitute a class of common defects on the surface of crystals. In this work we establish the topological nature of one-dimensional (1D) bound states localized at step edges of the [001] surface of a topological crystalline insulator (TCI) Pb$_{0.7}$Sn$_{0.3}$Se, both theoretically and experimentally. We show that the topological stability of the step edge states arises from an emergent particle-hole symmetry of the surface low-energy physics, and demonstrate the experimental signatures of the particle-hole symmetry breaking. We also reveal the effects of an external magnetic field on the 1D bound states. Our work suggests the possibility of similar topological step edge modes in other topological materials with a rocks-salt structure.
Recent experimental evidence for a field-induced quantum spin liquid (QSL) in $alpha$-RuCl$_3$ calls for an understanding for the ground state of honeycomb Kitaev model under a magnetic field. In this work we address the nature of an enigmatic gaples s paramagnetic phase in the antiferromagnetic Kitave model, under an intermediate magnetic field perpendicular to the plane. Combining theoretical and numerical efforts, we identify this gapless phase as a $U(1)$ QSL with spinon Fermi surfaces. We also reveal the nature of continuous quantum phase transitions involving this $U(1)$ QSL, and obtain a phase diagram of the Kitaev model as a function of bond anisotropy and perpendicular magnetic field.

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