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Reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms have shown impressive success in exploring high-dimensional environments to learn complex, long-horizon tasks, but can often exhibit unsafe behaviors and require extensive environment interaction when exploratio n is unconstrained. A promising strategy for safe learning in dynamically uncertain environments is requiring that the agent can robustly return to states where task success (and therefore safety) can be guaranteed. While this approach has been successful in low-dimensions, enforcing this constraint in environments with high-dimensional state spaces, such as images, is challenging. We present Latent Space Safe Sets (LS3), which extends this strategy to iterative, long-horizon tasks with image observations by using suboptimal demonstrations and a learned dynamics model to restrict exploration to the neighborhood of a learned Safe Set where task completion is likely. We evaluate LS3 on 4 domains, including a challenging sequential pushing task in simulation and a physical cable routing task. We find that LS3 can use prior task successes to restrict exploration and learn more efficiently than prior algorithms while satisfying constraints. See https://tinyurl.com/latent-ss for code and supplementary material.
Robot manipulation for untangling 1D deformable structures such as ropes, cables, and wires is challenging due to their infinite dimensional configuration space, complex dynamics, and tendency to self-occlude. Analytical controllers often fail in the presence of dense configurations, due to the difficulty of grasping between adjacent cable segments. We present two algorithms that enhance robust cable untangling, LOKI and SPiDERMan, which operate alongside HULK, a high-level planner from prior work. LOKI uses a learned model of manipulation features to refine a coarse grasp keypoint prediction to a precise, optimized location and orientation, while SPiDERMan uses a learned model to sense task progress and apply recovery actions. We evaluate these algorithms in physical cable untangling experiments with 336 knots and over 1500 actions on real cables using the da Vinci surgical robot. We find that the combination of HULK, LOKI, and SPiDERMan is able to untangle dense overhand, figure-eight, double-overhand, square, bowline, granny, stevedore, and triple-overhand knots. The composition of these methods successfully untangles a cable from a dense initial configuration in 68.3% of 60 physical experiments and achieves 50% higher success rates than baselines from prior work. Supplementary material, code, and videos can be found at https://tinyurl.com/rssuntangling.
We study $(epsilon, delta)$-PAC best arm identification, where a decision-maker must identify an $epsilon$-optimal arm with probability at least $1 - delta$, while minimizing the number of arm pulls (samples). Most of the work on this topic is in the sequential setting, where there is no constraint on the time taken to identify such an arm; this allows the decision-maker to pull one arm at a time. In this work, the decision-maker is given a deadline of $T$ rounds, where, on each round, it can adaptively choose which arms to pull and how many times to pull them; this distinguishes the number of decisions made (i.e., time or number of rounds) from the number of samples acquired (cost). Such situations occur in clinical trials, where one may need to identify a promising treatment under a deadline while minimizing the number of test subjects, or in simulation-based studies run on the cloud, where we can elastically scale up or down the number of virtual machines to conduct as many experiments as we wish, but need to pay for the resource-time used. As the decision-maker can only make $T$ decisions, she may need to pull some arms excessively relative to a sequential algorithm in order to perform well on all possible problems. We formalize this added difficulty with two hardness results that indicate that unlike sequential settings, the ability to adapt to the problem difficulty is constrained by the finite deadline. We propose Elastic Batch Racing (EBR), a novel algorithm for this setting and bound its sample complexity, showing that EBR is optimal with respect to both hardness results. We present simulations evaluating EBR in this setting, where it outperforms baselines by several orders of magnitude.
We consider the automation of the well-known peg-transfer task from the Fundamentals of Laparoscopic Surgery (FLS). While human surgeons teleoperate robots to perform this task with great dexterity, it remains challenging to automate. We present an a pproach that leverages emerging innovations in depth sensing, deep learning, and Peipers method for computing inverse kinematics with time-minimized joint motion. We use the da Vinci Research Kit (dVRK) surgical robot with a Zivid depth sensor, and automate three variants of the peg-transfer task: unilateral, bilateral without handovers, and bilateral with handovers. We use 3D-printed fiducial markers with depth sensing and a deep recurrent neural network to improve the precision of the dVRK to less than 1 mm. We report experimental results for 1800 block transfer trials. Results suggest that the fully automated system can outperform an experienced human surgical resident, who performs far better than untrained humans, in terms of both speed and success rate. For the most difficult variant of peg transfer (with handovers) we compare the performance of the surgical resident with performance of the automated system over 120 trials for each. The experienced surgical resident achieves success rate 93.2 % with mean transfer time of 8.6 seconds. The automated system achieves success rate 94.1 % with mean transfer time of 8.1 seconds. To our knowledge this is the first fully automated system to achieve superhuman performance in both speed and success on peg transfer. Supplementary material is available at https://sites.google.com/view/surgicalpegtransfer.
Automation of surgical tasks using cable-driven robots is challenging due to backlash, hysteresis, and cable tension, and these issues are exacerbated as surgical instruments must often be changed during an operation. In this work, we propose a frame work for automation of high-precision surgical tasks by learning sample efficient, accurate, closed-loop policies that operate directly on visual feedback instead of robot encoder estimates. This framework, which we call intermittent visual servoing (IVS), intermittently switches to a learned visual servo policy for high-precision segments of repetitive surgical tasks while relying on a coarse open-loop policy for the segments where precision is not necessary. To compensate for cable-related effects, we apply imitation learning to rapidly train a policy that maps images of the workspace and instrument from a top-down RGB camera to small corrective motions. We train the policy using only 180 human demonstrations that are roughly 2 seconds each. Results on a da Vinci Research Kit suggest that combining the coarse policy with half a second of corrections from the learned policy during each high-precision segment improves the success rate on the Fundamentals of Laparoscopic Surgery peg transfer task from 72.9% to 99.2%, 31.3% to 99.2%, and 47.2% to 100.0% for 3 instruments with differing cable-related effects. In the contexts we studied, IVS attains the highest published success rates for automated surgical peg transfer and is significantly more reliable than previous techniques when instruments are changed. Supplementary material is available at https://tinyurl.com/ivs-icra.
Untangling ropes, wires, and cables is a challenging task for robots due to the high-dimensional configuration space, visual homogeneity, self-occlusions, and complex dynamics. We consider dense (tight) knots that lack space between self-intersection s and present an iterative approach that uses learned geometric structure in configurations. We instantiate this into an algorithm, HULK: Hierarchical Untangling from Learned Keypoints, which combines learning-based perception with a geometric planner into a policy that guides a bilateral robot to untangle knots. To evaluate the policy, we perform experiments both in a novel simulation environment modelling cables with varied knot types and textures and in a physical system using the da Vinci surgical robot. We find that HULK is able to untangle cables with dense figure-eight and overhand knots and generalize to varied textures and appearances. We compare two variants of HULK to three baselines and observe that HULK achieves 43.3% higher success rates on a physical system compared to the next best baseline. HULK successfully untangles a cable from a dense initial configuration containing up to two overhand and figure-eight knots in 97.9% of 378 simulation experiments with an average of 12.1 actions per trial. In physical experiments, HULK achieves 61.7% untangling success, averaging 8.48 actions per trial. Supplementary material, code, and videos can be found at https://tinyurl.com/y3a88ycu.
Safety remains a central obstacle preventing widespread use of RL in the real world: learning new tasks in uncertain environments requires extensive exploration, but safety requires limiting exploration. We propose Recovery RL, an algorithm which nav igates this tradeoff by (1) leveraging offline data to learn about constraint violating zones before policy learning and (2) separating the goals of improving task performance and constraint satisfaction across two policies: a task policy that only optimizes the task reward and a recovery policy that guides the agent to safety when constraint violation is likely. We evaluate Recovery RL on 6 simulation domains, including two contact-rich manipulation tasks and an image-based navigation task, and an image-based obstacle avoidance task on a physical robot. We compare Recovery RL to 5 prior safe RL methods which jointly optimize for task performance and safety via constrained optimization or reward shaping and find that Recovery RL outperforms the next best prior method across all domains. Results suggest that Recovery RL trades off constraint violations and task successes 2 - 20 times more efficiently in simulation domains and 3 times more efficiently in physical experiments. See https://tinyurl.com/rl-recovery for videos and supplementary material.
Generalizing manipulation skills to new situations requires extracting invariant patterns from demonstrations. For example, the robot needs to understand the demonstrations at a higher level while being invariant to the appearance of the objects, geo metric aspects of objects such as its position, size, orientation and viewpoint of the observer in the demonstrations. In this paper, we propose an algorithm that learns a joint probability density function of the demonstrations with invariant formulations of hidden semi-Markov models to extract invariant segments (also termed as sub-goals or options), and smoothly follow the generated sequence of states with a linear quadratic tracking controller. The algorithm takes as input the demonstrations with respect to different coordinate systems describing virtual landmarks or objects of interest with a task-parameterized formulation, and adapt the segments according to the environmental changes in a systematic manner. We present variants of this algorithm in latent space with low-rank covariance decompositions, semi-tied covariances, and non-parametric online estimation of model parameters under small variance asymptotics; yielding considerably low sample and model complexity for acquiring new manipulation skills. The algorithm allows a Baxter robot to learn a pick-and-place task while avoiding a movable obstacle based on only 4 kinesthetic demonstrations.

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