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Learning sensorimotor control policies from high-dimensional images crucially relies on the quality of the underlying visual representations. Prior works show that structured latent space such as visual keypoints often outperforms unstructured repres entations for robotic control. However, most of these representations, whether structured or unstructured are learned in a 2D space even though the control tasks are usually performed in a 3D environment. In this work, we propose a framework to learn such a 3D geometric structure directly from images in an end-to-end unsupervised manner. The input images are embedded into latent 3D keypoints via a differentiable encoder which is trained to optimize both a multi-view consistency loss and downstream task objective. These discovered 3D keypoints tend to meaningfully capture robot joints as well as object movements in a consistent manner across both time and 3D space. The proposed approach outperforms prior state-of-art methods across a variety of reinforcement learning benchmarks. Code and videos at https://buoyancy99.github.io/unsup-3d-keypoints/
Ability to generate intelligent and generalizable facial expressions is essential for building human-like social robots. At present, progress in this field is hindered by the fact that each facial expression needs to be programmed by humans. In order to adapt robot behavior in real time to different situations that arise when interacting with human subjects, robots need to be able to train themselves without requiring human labels, as well as make fast action decisions and generalize the acquired knowledge to diverse and new contexts. We addressed this challenge by designing a physical animatronic robotic face with soft skin and by developing a vision-based self-supervised learning framework for facial mimicry. Our algorithm does not require any knowledge of the robots kinematic model, camera calibration or predefined expression set. By decomposing the learning process into a generative model and an inverse model, our framework can be trained using a single motor babbling dataset. Comprehensive evaluations show that our method enables accurate and diverse face mimicry across diverse human subjects. The project website is at http://www.cs.columbia.edu/~bchen/aiface/
We introduce The Boombox, a container that uses acoustic vibrations to reconstruct an image of its inside contents. When an object interacts with the container, they produce small acoustic vibrations. The exact vibration characteristics depend on the physical properties of the box and the object. We demonstrate how to use this incidental signal in order to predict visual structure. After learning, our approach remains effective even when a camera cannot view inside the box. Although we use low-cost and low-power contact microphones to detect the vibrations, our results show that learning from multi-modal data enables us to transform cheap acoustic sensors into rich visual sensors. Due to the ubiquity of containers, we believe integrating perception capabilities into them will enable new applications in human-computer interaction and robotics. Our project website is at: boombox.cs.columbia.edu
In order to engage in complex social interaction, humans learn at a young age to infer what others see and cannot see from a different point-of-view, and learn to predict others plans and behaviors. These abilities have been mostly lacking in robots, sometimes making them appear awkward and socially inept. Here we propose an end-to-end long-term visual prediction framework for robots to begin to acquire both these critical cognitive skills, known as Visual Perspective Taking (VPT) and Theory of Behavior (TOB). We demonstrate our approach in the context of visual hide-and-seek - a game that represents a cognitive milestone in human development. Unlike traditional visual predictive model that generates new frames from immediate past frames, our agent can directly predict to multiple future timestamps (25s), extrapolating by 175% beyond the training horizon. We suggest that visual behavior modeling and perspective taking skills will play a critical role in the ability of physical robots to fully integrate into real-world multi-agent activities. Our website is at http://www.cs.columbia.edu/~bchen/vpttob/.
We find that the way we choose to represent data labels can have a profound effect on the quality of trained models. For example, training an image classifier to regress audio labels rather than traditional categorical probabilities produces a more r eliable classification. This result is surprising, considering that audio labels are more complex than simpler numerical probabilities or text. We hypothesize that high dimensional, high entropy label representations are generally more useful because they provide a stronger error signal. We support this hypothesis with evidence from various label representations including constant matrices, spectrograms, shuffled spectrograms, Gaussian mixtures, and uniform random matrices of various dimensionalities. Our experiments reveal that high dimensional, high entropy labels achieve comparable accuracy to text (categorical) labels on the standard image classification task, but features learned through our label representations exhibit more robustness under various adversarial attacks and better effectiveness with a limited amount of training data. These results suggest that label representation may play a more important role than previously thought. The project website is at url{https://www.creativemachineslab.com/label-representation.html}.
We propose a simple, general and effective technique, Reward Randomization for discovering diverse strategic policies in complex multi-agent games. Combining reward randomization and policy gradient, we derive a new algorithm, Reward-Randomized Polic y Gradient (RPG). RPG is able to discover multiple distinctive human-interpretable strategies in challenging temporal trust dilemmas, including grid-world games and a real-world game Agar.io, where multiple equilibria exist but standard multi-agent policy gradient algorithms always converge to a fixed one with a sub-optimal payoff for every player even using state-of-the-art exploration techniques. Furthermore, with the set of diverse strategies from RPG, we can (1) achieve higher payoffs by fine-tuning the best policy from the set; and (2) obtain an adaptive agent by using this set of strategies as its training opponents. The source code and example videos can be found in our website: https://sites.google.com/view/staghuntrpg.
This paper focuses on visual semantic navigation, the task of producing actions for an active agent to navigate to a specified target object category in an unknown environment. To complete this task, the algorithm should simultaneously locate and nav igate to an instance of the category. In comparison to the traditional point goal navigation, this task requires the agent to have a stronger contextual prior to indoor environments. We introduce SSCNav, an algorithm that explicitly models scene priors using a confidence-aware semantic scene completion module to complete the scene and guide the agents navigation planning. Given a partial observation of the environment, SSCNav first infers a complete scene representation with semantic labels for the unobserved scene together with a confidence map associated with its own prediction. Then, a policy network infers the action from the scene completion result and confidence map. Our experiments demonstrate that the proposed scene completion module improves the efficiency of the downstream navigation policies. Video, code, and data: https://sscnav.cs.columbia.edu/
From just a short glance at a video, we can often tell whether a persons action is intentional or not. Can we train a model to recognize this? We introduce a dataset of in-the-wild videos of unintentional action, as well as a suite of tasks for recog nizing, localizing, and anticipating its onset. We train a supervised neural network as a baseline and analyze its performance compared to human consistency on the tasks. We also investigate self-supervised representations that leverage natural signals in our dataset, and show the effectiveness of an approach that uses the intrinsic speed of video to perform competitively with highly-supervised pretraining. However, a significant gap between machine and human performance remains. The project website is available at https://oops.cs.columbia.edu
It is a long-standing challenge to enable an intelligent agent to learn in one environment and generalize to an unseen environment without further data collection and finetuning. In this paper, we consider a zero shot generalization problem setup tha t complies with biological intelligent agents learning and generalization processes. The agent is first presented with previous experiences in the training environment, along with task description in the form of trajectory-level sparse rewards. Later when it is placed in the new testing environment, it is asked to perform the task without any interaction with the testing environment. We find this setting natural for biological creatures and at the same time, challenging for previous methods. Behavior cloning, state-of-art RL along with other zero-shot learning methods perform poorly on this benchmark. Given a set of experiences in the training environment, our method learns a neural function that decomposes the sparse reward into particular regions in a contingency-aware observation as a per step reward. Based on such decomposed rewards, we further learn a dynamics model and use Model Predictive Control (MPC) to obtain a policy. Since the rewards are decomposed to finer-granularity observations, they are naturally generalizable to new environments that are composed of similar basic elements. We demonstrate our method on a wide range of environments, including a classic video game -- Super Mario Bros, as well as a robotic continuous control task. Please refer to the project page for more visualized results.
We train embodied agents to play Visual Hide and Seek where a prey must navigate in a simulated environment in order to avoid capture from a predator. We place a variety of obstacles in the environment for the prey to hide behind, and we only give th e agents partial observations of their environment using an egocentric perspective. Although we train the model to play this game from scratch, experiments and visualizations suggest that the agent learns to predict its own visibility in the environment. Furthermore, we quantitatively analyze how agent weaknesses, such as slower speed, effect the learned policy. Our results suggest that, although agent weaknesses make the learning problem more challenging, they also cause more useful features to be learned. Our project website is available at: http://www.cs.columbia.edu/ ~bchen/visualhideseek/.

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