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We give a pedagogical review of how concepts from quantum information theory build up the gravitational side of the AdS/CFT correspondence. The review is self-contained in that it only presupposes knowledge of quantum mechanics and general relativity ; other tools--including holographic duality itself--are introduced in the text. We have aimed to give researchers interested in entering this field a working knowledge sufficient for initiating original projects. The review begins with the laws of black hole thermodynamics, which form the basis of this subject, then introduces the Ryu-Takayanagi proposal, the JLMS relation, and subregion duality. We discuss tensor networks as a visualization tool and analyze various network architectures in detail. Next, several modern concepts and techniques are discussed: Renyi entropies and the replica trick, differential entropy and kinematic space, modular Berry phases, modular minimal entropy, entanglement wedge cross sections, bit threads, and others. We discuss the extent to which bulk geometries are fixed by boundary entanglement entropies, and analyze the relations such as the monogamy of mutual information, which boundary entanglement entropies must obey if a state has a semiclassical bulk dual. We close with a discussion of black holes, including holographic complexity, firewalls and the black hole information paradox, islands, and replica wormholes.
Modern approaches typically formulate semantic segmentation as a per-pixel classification task, while instance-level segmentation is handled with an alternative mask classification. Our key insight: mask classification is sufficiently general to solv e both semantic- and instance-level segmentation tasks in a unified manner using the exact same model, loss, and training procedure. Following this observation, we propose MaskFormer, a simple mask classification model which predicts a set of binary masks, each associated with a single global class label prediction. Overall, the proposed mask classification-based method simplifies the landscape of effective approaches to semantic and panoptic segmentation tasks and shows excellent empirical results. In particular, we observe that MaskFormer outperforms per-pixel classification baselines when the number of classes is large. Our mask classification-based method outperforms both current state-of-the-art semantic (55.6 mIoU on ADE20K) and panoptic segmentation (52.7 PQ on COCO) models.
The paper proposes a multi-modal sensor fusion algorithm that fuses WiFi, IMU, and floorplan information to infer an accurate and dense location history in indoor environments. The algorithm uses 1) an inertial navigation algorithm to estimate a rela tive motion trajectory from IMU sensor data; 2) a WiFi-based localization API in industry to obtain positional constraints and geo-localize the trajectory; and 3) a convolutional neural network to refine the location history to be consistent with the floorplan. We have developed a data acquisition app to build a new dataset with WiFi, IMU, and floorplan data with ground-truth positions at 4 university buildings and 3 shopping malls. Our qualitative and quantitative evaluations demonstrate that the proposed system is able to produce twice as accurate and a few orders of magnitude denser location history than the current standard, while requiring minimal additional energy consumption. We will publicly share our code, data and models.
Current anchor-free object detectors are quite simple and effective yet lack accurate label assignment methods, which limits their potential in competing with classic anchor-based models that are supported by well-designed assignment methods based on the Intersection-over-Union~(IoU) metric. In this paper, we present textbf{Pseudo-Intersection-over-Union~(Pseudo-IoU)}: a simple metric that brings more standardized and accurate assignment rule into anchor-free object detection frameworks without any additional computational cost or extra parameters for training and testing, making it possible to further improve anchor-free object detection by utilizing training samples of good quality under effective assignment rules that have been previously applied in anchor-based methods. By incorporating Pseudo-IoU metric into an end-to-end single-stage anchor-free object detection framework, we observe consistent improvements in their performance on general object detection benchmarks such as PASCAL VOC and MSCOCO. Our method (single-model and single-scale) also achieves comparable performance to other recent state-of-the-art anchor-free methods without bells and whistles. Our code is based on mmdetection toolbox and will be made publicly available at https://github.com/SHI-Labs/Pseudo-IoU-for-Anchor-Free-Object-Detection.
We propose point-based instance-level annotation, a new form of weak supervision for instance segmentation. It combines the standard bounding box annotation with labeled points that are uniformly sampled inside each bounding box. We show that the exi sting instance segmentation models developed for full mask supervision, like Mask R-CNN, can be seamlessly trained with the point-based annotation without any major modifications. In our experiments, Mask R-CNN models trained on COCO, PASCAL VOC, Cityscapes, and LVIS with only 10 annotated points per object achieve 94%--98% of their fully-supervised performance. The new point-based annotation is approximately 5 times faster to collect than object masks, making high-quality instance segmentation more accessible for new data. Inspired by the new annotation form, we propose a modification to PointRend instance segmentation module. For each object, the new architecture, called Implicit PointRend, generates parameters for a function that makes the final point-level mask prediction. Implicit PointRend is more straightforward and uses a single point-level mask loss. Our experiments show that the new module is more suitable for the proposed point-based supervision.
3D object detection in point clouds is a challenging vision task that benefits various applications for understanding the 3D visual world. Lots of recent research focuses on how to exploit end-to-end trainable Hough voting for generating object propo sals. However, the current voting strategy can only receive partial votes from the surfaces of potential objects together with severe outlier votes from the cluttered backgrounds, which hampers full utilization of the information from the input point clouds. Inspired by the back-tracing strategy in the conventional Hough voting methods, in this work, we introduce a new 3D object detection method, named as Back-tracing Representative Points Network (BRNet), which generatively back-traces the representative points from the vote centers and also revisits complementary seed points around these generated points, so as to better capture the fine local structural features surrounding the potential objects from the raw point clouds. Therefore, this bottom-up and then top-down strategy in our BRNet enforces mutual consistency between the predicted vote centers and the raw surface points and thus achieves more reliable and flexible object localization and class prediction results. Our BRNet is simple but effective, which significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art methods on two large-scale point cloud datasets, ScanNet V2 (+7.5% in terms of [email protected]) and SUN RGB-D (+4.7% in terms of [email protected]), while it is still lightweight and efficient. Code will be available at https://github.com/cheng052/BRNet.
We present Boundary IoU (Intersection-over-Union), a new segmentation evaluation measure focused on boundary quality. We perform an extensive analysis across different error types and object sizes and show that Boundary IoU is significantly more sens itive than the standard Mask IoU measure to boundary errors for large objects and does not over-penalize errors on smaller objects. The new quality measure displays several desirable characteristics like symmetry w.r.t. prediction/ground truth pairs and balanced responsiveness across scales, which makes it more suitable for segmentation evaluation than other boundary-focused measures like Trimap IoU and F-measure. Based on Boundary IoU, we update the standard evaluation protocols for instance and panoptic segmentation tasks by proposing the Boundary AP (Average Precision) and Boundary PQ (Panoptic Quality) metrics, respectively. Our experiments show that the new evaluation metrics track boundary quality improvements that are generally overlooked by current Mask IoU-based evaluation metrics. We hope that the adoption of the new boundary-sensitive evaluation metrics will lead to rapid progress in segmentation methods that improve boundary quality.
118 - Bowen Chen , Hanyi Luo , Hao Sun 2021
In this paper, we calculate the dimension of root spaces $mathfrak{g}_{lambda}$ of a special type rank $3$ Kac-Moody algebras $mathfrak{g}$. We first introduce a special type of elements in $mathfrak{g}$, which we call elements in standard form. Then , we prove that any root space is spanned by these elements. By calculating the number of linearly independent elements in standard form, we obtain a formula for the dimension of root spaces $mathfrak{g}_{lambda}$, which depends on the root $lambda$.
106 - Bowen Chen , Wanzhong Gong 2020
In this paper the necessary and sufficient conditions were given for Orlicz-Lorentz function space endowed with the Orlicz norm having non-squareness and local uniform non-squareness.
Manually labeling video datasets for segmentation tasks is extremely time consuming. In this paper, we introduce ScribbleBox, a novel interactive framework for annotating object instances with masks in videos. In particular, we split annotation into two steps: annotating objects with tracked boxes, and labeling masks inside these tracks. We introduce automation and interaction in both steps. Box tracks are annotated efficiently by approximating the trajectory using a parametric curve with a small number of control points which the annotator can interactively correct. Our approach tolerates a modest amount of noise in the box placements, thus typically only a few clicks are needed to annotate tracked boxes to a sufficient accuracy. Segmentation masks are corrected via scribbles which are efficiently propagated through time. We show significant performance gains in annotation efficiency over past work. We show that our ScribbleBox approach reaches 88.92% J&F on DAVIS2017 with 9.14 clicks per box track, and 4 frames of scribble annotation.

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