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151 - Quanyu Liao , Xin Wang , Bin Kong 2021
Deep neural networks have been demonstrated to be vulnerable to adversarial attacks: subtle perturbation can completely change prediction result. The vulnerability has led to a surge of research in this direction, including adversarial attacks on obj ect detection networks. However, previous studies are dedicated to attacking anchor-based object detectors. In this paper, we present the first adversarial attack on anchor-free object detectors. It conducts category-wise, instead of previously instance-wise, attacks on object detectors, and leverages high-level semantic information to efficiently generate transferable adversarial examples, which can also be transferred to attack other object detectors, even anchor-based detectors such as Faster R-CNN. Experimental results on two benchmark datasets demonstrate that our proposed method achieves state-of-the-art performance and transferability.
117 - Quanyu Liao , Xin Wang , Bin Kong 2020
The deep neural network is vulnerable to adversarial examples. Adding imperceptible adversarial perturbations to images is enough to make them fail. Most existing research focuses on attacking image classifiers or anchor-based object detectors, but t hey generate globally perturbation on the whole image, which is unnecessary. In our work, we leverage higher-level semantic information to generate high aggressive local perturbations for anchor-free object detectors. As a result, it is less computationally intensive and achieves a higher black-box attack as well as transferring attack performance. The adversarial examples generated by our method are not only capable of attacking anchor-free object detectors, but also able to be transferred to attack anchor-based object detector.
With the development of remote sensing technology, the acquisition of remote sensing images is easier and easier, which provides sufficient data resources for the task of detecting remote sensing objects. However, how to detect objects quickly and ac curately from many complex optical remote sensing images is a challenging hot issue. In this paper, we propose an efficient anchor free object detector, CenterFPANet. To pursue speed, we use a lightweight backbone and introduce the asymmetric revolution block. To improve the accuracy, we designed the FPA module, which links the feature maps of different levels, and introduces the attention mechanism to dynamically adjust the weights of each level of feature maps, which solves the problem of detection difficulty caused by large size range of remote sensing objects. This strategy can improve the accuracy of remote sensing image object detection without reducing the detection speed. On the DOTA dataset, CenterFPANet mAP is 64.00%, and FPS is 22.2, which is close to the accuracy of the anchor-based methods currently used and much faster than them. Compared with Faster RCNN, mAP is 6.76% lower but 60.87% faster. All in all, CenterFPANet achieves a balance between speed and accuracy in large-scale optical remote sensing object detection.
124 - Quanyu Liao , Xin Wang , Bin Kong 2020
Deep neural networks have been demonstrated to be vulnerable to adversarial attacks: subtle perturbations can completely change the classification results. Their vulnerability has led to a surge of research in this direction. However, most works dedi cated to attacking anchor-based object detection models. In this work, we aim to present an effective and efficient algorithm to generate adversarial examples to attack anchor-free object models based on two approaches. First, we conduct category-wise instead of instance-wise attacks on the object detectors. Second, we leverage the high-level semantic information to generate the adversarial examples. Surprisingly, the generated adversarial examples it not only able to effectively attack the targeted anchor-free object detector but also to be transferred to attack other object detectors, even anchor-based detectors such as Faster R-CNN.
137 - Xian Zhang , Xin Wang , Bin Kong 2020
Prior knowledge of face shape and structure plays an important role in face inpainting. However, traditional face inpainting methods mainly focus on the generated image resolution of the missing portion without consideration of the special particular ities of the human face explicitly and generally produce discordant facial parts. To solve this problem, we present a domain embedded multi-model generative adversarial model for inpainting of face images with large cropped regions. We firstly represent only face regions using the latent variable as the domain knowledge and combine it with the non-face parts textures to generate high-quality face images with plausible contents. Two adversarial discriminators are finally used to judge whether the generated distribution is close to the real distribution or not. It can not only synthesize novel image structures but also explicitly utilize the embedded face domain knowledge to generate better predictions with consistency on structures and appearance. Experiments on both CelebA and CelebA-HQ face datasets demonstrate that our proposed approach achieved state-of-the-art performance and generates higher quality inpainting results than existing ones.
98 - Peng Liu , Bin Kong , Zhongyu Li 2019
Recently, deep neural networks have demonstrated comparable and even better performance with board-certified ophthalmologists in well-annotated datasets. However, the diversity of retinal imaging devices poses a significant challenge: domain shift, w hich leads to performance degradation when applying the deep learning models to new testing domains. In this paper, we propose a novel unsupervised domain adaptation framework, called Collaborative Feature Ensembling Adaptation (CFEA), to effectively overcome this challenge. Our proposed CFEA is an interactive paradigm which presents an exquisite of collaborative adaptation through both adversarial learning and ensembling weights. In particular, we simultaneously achieve domain-invariance and maintain an exponential moving average of the historical predictions, which achieves a better prediction for the unlabeled data, via ensembling weights during training. Without annotating any sample from the target domain, multiple adversarial losses in encoder and decoder layers guide the extraction of domain-invariant features to confuse the domain classifier and meanwhile benefit the ensembling of smoothing weights. Comprehensive experimental results demonstrate that our CFEA model can overcome performance degradation and outperform the state-of-the-art methods in segmenting retinal optic disc and cup from fundus images. textit{Code is available at url{https://github.com/cswin/AWC}}.
454 - Bin Kong , Xin Wang , Junjie Bai 2019
Modeling the sequential information of image sequences has been a vital step of various vision tasks and convolutional long short-term memory (ConvLSTM) has demonstrated its superb performance in such spatiotemporal problems. Nevertheless, the hierar chical data structures in a significant amount of tasks (e.g., human body parts and vessel/airway tree in biomedical images) cannot be properly modeled by sequential models. Thus, ConvLSTM is not suitable for tree-structured image data analysis. In order to address these limitations, we present tree-structured ConvLSTM models for tree-structured image analysis tasks which can be trained end-to-end. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed tree-structured ConvLSTM model, we present a tree-structured segmentation framework which consists of a tree-structured ConvLSTM and an attention fully convolutional network (FCN) model. The proposed framework is extensively validated on four large-scale coronary artery datasets. The results demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed method.
108 - Eric Wu , Bin Kong , Xin Wang 2018
Computerized automatic methods have been employed to boost the productivity as well as objectiveness of hand bone age assessment. These approaches make predictions according to the whole X-ray images, which include other objects that may introduce di stractions. Instead, our framework is inspired by the clinical workflow (Tanner-Whitehouse) of hand bone age assessment, which focuses on the key components of the hand. The proposed framework is composed of two components: a Mask R-CNN subnet of pixelwise hand segmentation and a residual attention network for hand bone age assessment. The Mask R-CNN subnet segments the hands from X-ray images to avoid the distractions of other objects (e.g., X-ray tags). The hierarchical attention components of the residual attention subnet force our network to focus on the key components of the X-ray images and generate the final predictions as well as the associated visual supports, which is similar to the assessment procedure of clinicians. We evaluate the performance of the proposed pipeline on the RSNA pediatric bone age dataset and the results demonstrate its superiority over the previous methods.
Hundreds of thousands of hashtags are generated every day on Twitter. Only a few become bursting topics. Among the few, only some can be predicted in real-time. In this paper, we take the initiative to conduct a systematic study of a series of challe nging real-time prediction problems of bursting hashtags. Which hashtags will become bursting? If they do, when will the burst happen? How long will they remain active? And how soon will they fade away? Based on empirical analysis of real data from Twitter, we provide insightful statistics to answer these questions, which span over the entire lifecycles of hashtags.

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