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We report on the study of the non-trivial Berry phase in superconducting multiterminal quantum dots biased at commensurate voltages. Starting with the time-periodic Bogoliubov-de Gennes equations, we obtain a tight binding model in the Floquet space, and we solve these equations in the semiclassical limit. We observe that the parameter space defined by the contact transparencies and quartet phase splits into two components with a non-trivial Berry phase. We use the Bohr-Sommerfeld quantization to calculate the Berry phase. We find that if the quantum dot level sits at zero energy, then the Berry phase takes the values $varphi_B=0$ or $varphi_B=pi$. We demonstrate that this non-trivial Berry phase can be observed by tunneling spectroscopy in the Floquet spectra. Consequently, the Floquet-Wannier-Stark ladder spectra of superconducting multiterminal quantum dots are shifted by half-a-period if $varphi_B=pi$. Our numerical calculations based on Keldysh Greens functions show that this Berry phase spectral shift can be observed from the quantum dot tunneling density of states.
Semi-holographic models of non-Fermi liquids have been shown to have generically stable generalised quasi-particles on the Fermi surface. Although these excitations are broad and exhibit particle-hole asymmetry, they were argued to be stable from int eractions at the Fermi surface. In this work, we use this observation to compute the density response and collective behaviour in these systems. Compared to the Fermi liquid case, we find that the boundaries of the particle-hole continuum are blurred by incoherent contributions. However, there is a region inside this continuum, that we call inner core, within which salient features of the Fermi liquid case are preserved. A particularly striking prediction of our work is that these systems support a plasmonic collective excitation which is well-defined at large momenta, has an approximately linear dispersion relation and is located in the low-energy tail of the particle-hole continuum. Furthermore, the dynamic screening potential shows deep attractive regions as a function of the distance at higher frequencies which might lead to long-lived pair formation depending on the behaviour of the pair susceptibility. We also find that Friedel oscillations are present in these systems but are highly suppressed.
377 - Olivier Babelon 2013
We study the symplectic geometry of the Jaynes-Cummings-Gaudin model with $n=2m-1$ spins. We show that there are focus-focus singularities of maximal Williamson type $(0,0,m)$. We construct the linearized normal flows in the vicinity of such a point and show that soliton type solutions extend them globally on the critical torus. This allows us to compute the leading term in the Taylor expansion of the symplectic invariants and the monodromy associated to this singularity.
65 - Thomas Coudreau 2011
We show that it is possible to initialize and manipulate in a deterministic manner protected qubits using time varying Hamiltonians. Taking advantage of the symmetries of the system, we predict the effect of the noise during the initialization and ma nipulation. These predictions are in good agreement with numerical simulations. Our study shows that the topological protection remains efficient under realistic experimental conditions.
In three spatial dimensions, particles are limited to either bosonic or fermionic statistics. Two-dimensional systems, on the other hand, can support anyonic quasiparticles exhibiting richer statistical behaviours. An exciting proposal for quantum co mputation is to employ anyonic statistics to manipulate information. Since such statistical evolutions depend only on topological characteristics, the resulting computation is intrinsically resilient to errors. So-called non-Abelian anyons are most promising for quantum computation, but their physical realization may prove to be complex. Abelian anyons, however, are easier to understand theoretically and realize experimentally. Here we show that complex topological memories inspired by non-Abelian anyons can be engineered in Abelian models. We explicitly demonstrate the control procedures for the encoding and manipulation of quantum information in specific lattice models that can be implemented in the laboratory. This bridges the gap between requirements for anyonic quantum computation and the potential of state-of-the-art technology.
We have calculated the finite-frequency current noise of a superconductor-ferromagnet quantum point contact (SF QPC). This signal is qualitatively affected by the spin-dependence of interfacial phase shifts (SDIPS) acquired by electrons upon reflecti on on the QPC. For a weakly transparent QPC, noise steps appear at frequencies or voltages determined directly by the SDIPS. These steps can occur at experimentally accessible temperatures and frequencies. Finite frequency noise is thus a promising tool to characterize the scattering properties of a SF QPC.
We compute the current voltage characteristic of a chain of identical Josephson circuits characterized by a large ratio of Josephson to charging energy that are envisioned as the implementation of topologically protected qubits. We show that in the l imit of small coupling to the environment it exhibits a non-monotonous behavior with a maximum voltage followed by a parametrically large region where $Vpropto 1/I$. We argue that its experimental measurement provides a direct probe of the amplitude of the quantum transitions in constituting Josephson circuits and thus allows their full characterization.
We calculate the distribution of current fluctuations in two simple exclusion models. Although these models are classical, we recover even for small systems such as a simple or a double barrier, the same distibution of current as given by traditionna l formalisms for quantum mesoscopic conductors. Due to their simplicity, the full counting statistics in exclusion models can be reduced to the calculation of the largest eigenvalue of a matrix, the size of which is the number of internal configurations of the system. As examples, we derive the shot noise power and higher order statistics of current fluctuations (skewness, full counting statistics, ....) of various conductors, including multiple barriers, diffusive islands between tunnel barriers and diffusive media. A special attention is dedicated to the third cumulant, which experimental measurability has been demonstrated lately.
35 - Ted Hsu , Benoit Doucot 1993
A simple approximation which captures some non-perturbative aspects of the one electron Green function of strongly interacting Fermion systems is developed. It provides a way to go one step beyond the usual dilute limit since particle-particle as wel l as particle-hole scattering are treated on the same footing. Intermediate states are constrained to contain only one particle-hole excitation besides the incoming particle. The Faddeev equations resulting from an exact treatment of this three-body problem are investigated. In one dimension the method is able to show spin and charge decoupling, but does not reproduce the exact nature of power-law singularities. Hey dudes, check out the analytical solution in section III!

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