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322 - Yongming Rao , Benlin Liu , Yi Wei 2021
3D point cloud understanding has made great progress in recent years. However, one major bottleneck is the scarcity of annotated real datasets, especially compared to 2D object detection tasks, since a large amount of labor is involved in annotating the real scans of a scene. A promising solution to this problem is to make better use of the synthetic dataset, which consists of CAD object models, to boost the learning on real datasets. This can be achieved by the pre-training and fine-tuning procedure. However, recent work on 3D pre-training exhibits failure when transfer features learned on synthetic objects to other real-world applications. In this work, we put forward a new method called RandomRooms to accomplish this objective. In particular, we propose to generate random layouts of a scene by making use of the objects in the synthetic CAD dataset and learn the 3D scene representation by applying object-level contrastive learning on two random scenes generated from the same set of synthetic objects. The model pre-trained in this way can serve as a better initialization when later fine-tuning on the 3D object detection task. Empirically, we show consistent improvement in downstream 3D detection tasks on several base models, especially when less training data are used, which strongly demonstrates the effectiveness and generalization of our method. Benefiting from the rich semantic knowledge and diverse objects from synthetic data, our method establishes the new state-of-the-art on widely-used 3D detection benchmarks ScanNetV2 and SUN RGB-D. We expect our attempt to provide a new perspective for bridging object and scene-level 3D understanding.
Attention is sparse in vision transformers. We observe the final prediction in vision transformers is only based on a subset of most informative tokens, which is sufficient for accurate image recognition. Based on this observation, we propose a dynam ic token sparsification framework to prune redundant tokens progressively and dynamically based on the input. Specifically, we devise a lightweight prediction module to estimate the importance score of each token given the current features. The module is added to different layers to prune redundant tokens hierarchically. To optimize the prediction module in an end-to-end manner, we propose an attention masking strategy to differentiably prune a token by blocking its interactions with other tokens. Benefiting from the nature of self-attention, the unstructured sparse tokens are still hardware friendly, which makes our framework easy to achieve actual speed-up. By hierarchically pruning 66% of the input tokens, our method greatly reduces 31%~37% FLOPs and improves the throughput by over 40% while the drop of accuracy is within 0.5% for various vision transformers. Equipped with the dynamic token sparsification framework, DynamicViT models can achieve very competitive complexity/accuracy trade-offs compared to state-of-the-art CNNs and vision transformers on ImageNet. Code is available at https://github.com/raoyongming/DynamicViT
Building reliable object detectors that are robust to domain shifts, such as various changes in context, viewpoint, and object appearances, is critical for real-world applications. In this work, we study the effectiveness of auxiliary self-supervised tasks to improve the out-of-distribution generalization of object detectors. Inspired by the principle of maximum entropy, we introduce a novel self-supervised task, instance-level temporal cycle confusion (CycConf), which operates on the region features of the object detectors. For each object, the task is to find the most different object proposals in the adjacent frame in a video and then cycle back to itself for self-supervision. CycConf encourages the object detector to explore invariant structures across instances under various motions, which leads to improved model robustness in unseen domains at test time. We observe consistent out-of-domain performance improvements when training object detectors in tandem with self-supervised tasks on large-scale video datasets (BDD100K and Waymo open data). The joint training framework also establishes a new state-of-the-art on standard unsupervised domain adaptative detection benchmarks (Cityscapes, Foggy Cityscapes, and Sim10K). The code and models are available at https://github.com/xinw1012/cycle-confusion.
Knowledge Distillation (KD) has been one of the most popu-lar methods to learn a compact model. However, it still suffers from highdemand in time and computational resources caused by sequential train-ing pipeline. Furthermore, the soft targets from deeper models do notoften serve as good cues for the shallower models due to the gap of com-patibility. In this work, we consider these two problems at the same time.Specifically, we propose that better soft targets with higher compatibil-ity can be generated by using a label generator to fuse the feature mapsfrom deeper stages in a top-down manner, and we can employ the meta-learning technique to optimize this label generator. Utilizing the softtargets learned from the intermediate feature maps of the model, we canachieve better self-boosting of the network in comparison with the state-of-the-art. The experiments are conducted on two standard classificationbenchmarks, namely CIFAR-100 and ILSVRC2012. We test various net-work architectures to show the generalizability of our MetaDistiller. Theexperiments results on two datasets strongly demonstrate the effective-ness of our method.

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