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Self-driving cars and trucks, autonomous vehicles (AVs), should not be accepted by regulatory bodies and the public until they have much higher confidence in their safety and reliability -- which can most practically and convincingly be achieved by t esting. But existing testing methods are inadequate for checking the end-to-end behaviors of AV controllers against complex, real-world corner cases involving interactions with multiple independent agents such as pedestrians and human-driven vehicles. While test-driving AVs on streets and highways fails to capture many rare events, existing simulation-based testing methods mainly focus on simple scenarios and do not scale well for complex driving situations that require sophisticated awareness of the surroundings. To address these limitations, we propose a new fuzz testing technique, called AutoFuzz, which can leverage widely-used AV simulators API grammars. to generate semantically and temporally valid complex driving scenarios (sequences of scenes). AutoFuzz is guided by a constrained Neural Network (NN) evolutionary search over the API grammar to generate scenarios seeking to find unique traffic violations. Evaluation of our prototype on one state-of-the-art learning-based controller and two rule-based controllers shows that AutoFuzz efficiently finds hundreds of realistic traffic violations resembling real-world crashes. Further, fine-tuning the learning-based controller with the traffic violations found by AutoFuzz successfully reduced the traffic violations found in the new version of the AV controller software.
In recent years, Neural Machine Translator (NMT) has shown promise in automatically editing source code. Typical NMT based code editor only considers the code that needs to be changed as input and suggests developers with a ranked list of patched cod e to choose from - where the correct one may not always be at the top of the list. While NMT based code editing systems generate a broad spectrum of plausible patches, the correct one depends on the developers requirement and often on the context where the patch is applied. Thus, if developers provide some hints, using natural language, or providing patch context, NMT models can benefit from them. As a proof of concept, in this research, we leverage three modalities of information: edit location, edit code context, commit messages (as a proxy of developers hint in natural language) to automatically generate edits with NMT models. To that end, we build MODIT, a multi-modal NMT based code editing engine. With in-depth investigation and analysis, we show that developers hint as an input modality can narrow the search space for patches and outperform state-of-the-art models to generate correctly patched code in top-1 position.
Code summarization and generation empower conversion between programming language (PL) and natural language (NL), while code translation avails the migration of legacy code from one PL to another. This paper introduces PLBART, a sequence-to-sequence model capable of performing a broad spectrum of program and language understanding and generation tasks. PLBART is pre-trained on an extensive collection of Java and Python functions and associated NL text via denoising autoencoding. Experiments on code summarization in the English language, code generation, and code translation in seven programming languages show that PLBART outperforms or rivals state-of-the-art models. Moreover, experiments on discriminative tasks, e.g., program repair, clone detection, and vulnerable code detection, demonstrate PLBARTs effectiveness in program understanding. Furthermore, analysis reveals that PLBART learns program syntax, style (e.g., identifier naming convention), logical flow (e.g., if block inside an else block is equivalent to else if block) that are crucial to program semantics and thus excels even with limited annotations.
Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) are being deployed in a wide range of settings today, from safety-critical applications like autonomous driving to commercial applications involving image classifications. However, recent research has shown that DNNs can b e brittle to even slight variations of the input data. Therefore, rigorous testing of DNNs has gained widespread attention. While DNN robustness under norm-bound perturbation got significant attention over the past few years, our knowledge is still limited when natural variants of the input images come. These natural variants, e.g. a rotated or a rainy version of the original input, are especially concerning as they can occur naturally in the field without any active adversary and may lead to undesirable consequences. Thus, it is important to identify the inputs whose small variations may lead to erroneous DNN behaviors. The very few studies that looked at DNNs robustness under natural variants, however, focus on estimating the overall robustness of DNNs across all the test data rather than localizing such error-producing points. This work aims to bridge this gap. To this end, we study the local per-input robustness properties of the DNNs and leverage those properties to build a white-box (DeepRobust-W) and a black-box (DeepRobust-B) tool to automatically identify the non-robust points. Our evaluation of these methods on three DNN models spanning three widely used image classification datasets shows that they are effective in flagging points of poor robustness. In particular, DeepRobust-W and DeepRobust-B are able to achieve an F1 score of up to 91.4% and 99.1%, respectively. We further show that DeepRobust-W can be applied to a regression problem in another domain. Our evaluation on three self-driving car models demonstrates that DeepRobust-W is effective in identifying points of poor robustness with F1 score up to 78.9%.
Machine Learning models from other fields, like Computational Linguistics, have been transplanted to Software Engineering tasks, often quite successfully. Yet a transplanted models initial success at a given task does not necessarily mean it is well- suited for the task. In this work, we examine a common example of this phenomenon: the conceit that software patching is like language translation. We demonstrate empirically that there are subtle, but critical distinctions between sequence-to-sequence models and translation model: while program repair benefits greatly from the former, general modeling architecture, it actually suffers from design decisions built into the latter, both in terms of translation accuracy and diversity. Given these findings, we demonstrate how a more principled approach to model design, based on our empirical findings and general knowledge of software development, can lead to better solutions. Our findings also lend strong support to the recent trend towards synthesizing edits of code conditional on the buggy context, to repair bugs. We implement such models ourselves as proof-of-concept tools and empirically confirm that they behave in a fundamentally different, more effective way than the studied translation-based architectures. Overall, our results demonstrate the merit of studying the intricacies of machine learned models in software engineering: not only can this help elucidate potential issues that may be overshadowed by increases in accuracy; it can also help innovate on these models to raise the state-of-the-art further. We will publicly release our replication data and materials at https://github.com/ARiSE-Lab/Patch-as-translation.

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