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We report our recent studies on the finite density QCD obtained from lattice QCD simulation with clover-improved Wilson fermions of two flavor and RG-improved gauge action. We approach the subject from two paths, i.e., the imaginary and real chemical potentials.
We study the phase structure of imaginary chemical potential. We calculate the Polyakov loop using clover-improved Wilson action and renormalization improved gauge action. We obtain a two-state signals indicating the first order phase transition fo r $beta = 1.9, mu_I = 0.2618, kappa=0.1388$ on $8^3times 4$ lattice volume We also present a result of the matrix reduction formula for the Wilson fermion.

هل ترغب بارسال اشعارات عن اخر التحديثات في شمرا-اكاديميا