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Hyperdimensional Computing (HDC) is an emerging computational framework that mimics important brain functions by operating over high-dimensional vectors, called hypervectors (HVs). In-memory computing implementations of HDC are desirable since they c an significantly reduce data transfer overheads. All existing in-memory HDC platforms consider binary HVs where each dimension is represented with a single bit. However, utilizing multi-bit HVs allows HDC to achieve acceptable accuracies in lower dimensions which in turn leads to higher energy efficiencies. Thus, we propose a highly accurate and efficient multi-bit in-memory HDC inference platform called MIMHD. MIMHD supports multi-bit operations using ferroelectric field-effect transistor (FeFET) crossbar arrays for multiply-and-add and FeFET multi-bit content-addressable memories for associative search. We also introduce a novel hardware-aware retraining framework (HWART) that trains the HDC model to learn to work with MIMHD. For six popular datasets and 4000 dimension HVs, MIMHD using 3-bit (2-bit) precision HVs achieves (i) average accuracies of 92.6% (88.9%) which is 8.5% (4.8%) higher than binary implementations; (ii) 84.1x (78.6x) energy improvement over a GPU, and (iii) 38.4x (34.3x) speedup over a GPU, respectively. The 3-bit $times$ is 4.3x and 13x faster and more energy-efficient than binary HDC accelerators while achieving similar accuracies.
Nearest neighbor (NN) search is an essential operation in many applications, such as one/few-shot learning and image classification. As such, fast and low-energy hardware support for accurate NN search is highly desirable. Ternary content-addressable memories (TCAMs) have been proposed to accelerate NN search for few-shot learning tasks by implementing $L_infty$ and Hamming distance metrics, but they cannot achieve software-comparable accuracies. This paper proposes a novel distance function that can be natively evaluated with multi-bit content-addressable memories (MCAMs) based on ferroelectric FETs (FeFETs) to perform a single-step, in-memory NN search. Moreover, this approach achieves accuracies comparable to floating-point precision implementations in software for NN classification and one/few-shot learning tasks. As an example, the proposed method achieves a 98.34% accuracy for a 5-way, 5-shot classification task for the Omniglot dataset (only 0.8% lower than software-based implementations) with a 3-bit MCAM. This represents a 13% accuracy improvement over state-of-the-art TCAM-based implementations at iso-energy and iso-delay. The presented distance function is resilient to the effects of FeFET device-to-device variations. Furthermore, this work experimentally demonstrates a 2-bit implementation of FeFET MCAM using AND arrays from GLOBALFOUNDRIES to further validate proof of concept.
We propose a technology-independent method, referred to as adjacent connection matrix (ACM), to efficiently map signed weight matrices to non-negative crossbar arrays. When compared to same-hardware-overhead mapping methods, using ACM leads to improv ements of up to 20% in training accuracy for ResNet-20 with the CIFAR-10 dataset when training with 5-bit precision crossbar arrays or lower. When compared with strategies that use two elements to represent a weight, ACM achieves comparable training accuracies, while also offering area and read energy reductions of 2.3x and 7x, respectively. ACM also has a mild regularization effect that improves inference accuracy in crossbar arrays without any retraining or costly device/variation-aware training.
An analog synapse circuit based on ferroelectric-metal field-effect transistors is proposed, that offers 6-bit weight precision. The circuit is comprised of volatile least significant bits (LSBs) used solely during training, and non-volatile most sig nificant bits (MSBs) used for both training and inference. The design works at a 1.8V logic-compatible voltage, provides 10^10 endurance cycles, and requires only 250ps update pulses. A variant of LeNet trained with the proposed synapse achieves 98.2% accuracy on MNIST, which is only 0.4% lower than an ideal implementation of the same network with the same bit precision. Furthermore, the proposed synapse offers improvements of up to 26% in area, 44.8% in leakage power, 16.7% in LSB update pulse duration, and two orders of magnitude in endurance cycles, when compared to state-of-the-art hybrid synaptic circuits. Our proposed synapse can be extended to an 8-bit design, enabling a VGG-like network to achieve 88.8% accuracy on CIFAR-10 (only 0.8% lower than an ideal implementation of the same network).

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